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Posts posted by abyssonym

  1. Quote

    Is the fanatix tower available?

    As far as I know, it's functional.


    The Item Menu patch shows FF6's flags and not BNW's flags.

    This patch was made by Myself086 so it would be nontrivial to edit. I just threw it in because it doesn't make BNW crash. If anyone else has a different patch that's better, I'll throw it in, but otherwise I'm not personally inclined to fix this.


    Vargas can have an instakill ability that will proc on his scripted attack vs Sabin

    gosh I hate tutorial bosses, they are such killjoys for randomizers


    Is there a way to tell what randomization was used from looking at a seed?

    Not in-game, but the game title in the SNES header will include the value rounded to the nearest hundredth (i.e. "BCG-R 50 1234567890" for a randomization value of 0.5). Most emulators will display this title in some way or another. However, if you use a split/custom randomization, it just gets written as "??".


    Is there specific and detailed documentation on what exactly is randomized, or does this require looking at the source code?

    No, and I've already forgotten most of it, and in BCG it varies depending on what even can be randomized in the base rom.


    Is it possible to make BCG compatible with Beyond Chaos' aesthetics, particularly the music?

    Possible, but nontrivial, particularly because BC's music randomization is developed by emberling. I'm not opposed to porting it over, but it would take some effort.


    A flag to have steals follow BNW's logic - namely, only available from humanoid enemies

    It pains me to compromise BCG's purity in this way, but I must admit that adopting BNW's convention here is the right move, when so many entities in the shuffle will make Steal just straight up whiff.


    No Text Option (would an existing BNW patch interfere with BCG?)

    I think odds are good that an existing patch will work, with the possible exception of Fanatix mode.

  2. 2 bugs I can remember atm from developing rando.

    #1 - Auto-equipment events seem to be broken; if there's any slot where the character has nothing to equip, they'll equip all kinds of stuff that they shouldn't be able to. For example, equipping Dried Meat as a helm. This bug isn't in vanilla.

    #2 - Fade-ins from menu, battle, etc. seem to be generally a lot slower compared to vanilla.

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