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Found 1 result

  1. Hey there. I've been playing the game on easy legit this time, instead of using the editor for better gameplay. I did notice a few errors. I'm not counting the bug where the red star is still in Barrel Volcano after revisiting the area. I did find 2 other bugs that disturbed me. 1. After Mario saved Princess Peach from Booster, exit the cathedral and then take the exit to the left, a few characters started talking. When Geno starts talking and say Yes, his graphics get garbled up, but only at that moment. 2. It's about the Hyper Mighty Guard. I wen to Marrymore and bought a Life Shroom Shake x3 and fought a Don Tonberry for a Healing Spring. After obtaining those 2 times, I went to Rikku in Seaside Town to mix the 2 items. Naturally, I got nothing. I thought: maybe the life shroom shake x3 from Don Tonberry. So, I fought it a few times and got the item and then fought it again for the healing spring. After obtaining the 2 new items, I went to Seaside Town and talked to Rikku, She still said to me I didn't have enough items. What am I missing there? And can someone tell me the way to make a Chaos Grenade?