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Posts posted by smileless

  1. I think for a physical focused team antimagic should be essential if I am not wrong (correct me here) so death hand may be out of window in that regard, and NM/Vanadis/Duelist works better in that regard, no energy ball for Ninja Master tho.

    Ninja Master, Star Lancer and Sage look good too even tho it lacks antimagic but I may only buy some specters eye for certain bosses that need it anyway, they have more variety so I will just spam her magic I guess not too much elemental variety but it has leaf saber and has rainbow dust most of the time you still need to use antimagic for rainbow dust but I doubt at the same time that spell will be used a whole lot, looking back at the previous play with archmage.

    Ninja Master, Vanadis, Grand Divina/Rune Master


    Hmm dilemma dilemma, might as well just pick one of them at random haha.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Nesouk said:
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    OH Jesus really that was it ? Goddamn no wonder I had this much trouble, I was just throwing a Shadow Zero'Eye at him right at the beginning xD, think I'm gonna try him again I still have my old save files with Duelist, Vanadis and Arch Mage see how it goes.



    Hahaha, no wonder I was getting my ass kicked so hard before - my reaction atm. xD


  3. 1 hour ago, Nesouk said:
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    If his spell don't do stat down that means you're already debuffed at -1 and can't go lower ^^, I still honnestly think Dragon Emperor is the hardest boss in this mod, a huge amount of HP, constant full debuff, very powerfull attacks, this is really a huge war of attrition and very long one at that, you definitly need a strong healer and to keep your buff (especially Mind Up) up to keep up, as for damage I would suggest relying on an element he doesn't use like Dark and Earth (if possible make sure to be on Gnome day, and of course avoid being on the day that ehance one of his attacks (so avoid Salamando, Undine, Jinn and Luna days) so use Magic of these, using Leaf saber to keep your MP up is also a good idea as well as physical damage depending of your team.



    I am not debuffed, I didn't cast any buffs or debuffs since the beginning of the fight, nothing was mentioned about any stat downs. Try casting def down or def up and his spells will do that. Lower two of his stats he will lower two of your stats then with his spells everytime you raise them. Lower his maximum hp or increase yours, he will lower yours. He can do multiple of those stat downs depending of how many stats of his you lowered by the time he casts his next spell.


    Just try it for fun and test it. Don't cast any stat ups or downs, you will see his spells will just damage your party but wont lower your stats, even his ultimate spells.


  4. So regarding Dragon Emperor



    It seems like as long as you don't cast any buffs or debuffs, none of his spells will ever do a stat down effect. And the stat down effect depends on the buff/debuff you casted. Hmm not sure how you get beyond that one, I guess you will depend on the set up you have equipment wise, use things like energy ball, aura wave, a strong healer, and spam offensive magic?


  5. It's been long since I played this game, first time I played I used Duran/Angela/Kevin party, went with lord/archmage and god hand.

    Wanted to get back to try several more plays with different teams


    One with Lise+Hawk in a party for their quest, and with Kevin+Carlie too. I am undecided for the third character and classes, but for  Kevin+Carlie mains I feel Carlie should definitely be Bishop. What are some recommended teams for that?


    After I finish those then I will do three more plays for fun with one character per storyline with a Duran main, Lise main, and Kevin or Carlie main (undecided on this) rule being not having two characters from the same storyline. What teams would you recommend for that?

  6. Spoiler

    Black Rabite sure did wear me down a lot lol


    And the Dragon Emperor sure kicked my ass first time around, he has a lot of attacks that lower your stats sometimes makes it hard to keep up what got even lowered.

    I think I should save my sahagins scales for Angela while Kevin uses counter magic on himself and Duran and other buffs.

    As far as I can see Dragon Emperor doesn't have any weakness and unlike in original game he absorbs even the moon saber which he didn't originally,  but it makes sense for him to do that consider he has that phase. Good to know now.


  7. Defeated Zable fahr and Darkshine Knight - the later was quite troublesome tho I figured lv1 tech was the way to go there.


    Anyway I defeated Tzenker too but I forgot to equip one of my characters with anti petrification equipment and and the Zombie Dragons done me in one hit lol, lost all my progress salt is real, I was glad I saved after Darkshine knight this isn't too bad, served me as a reminder tho I got salty a bit haha

  8. Lightgazer wasn't that difficult, tho to be fair I checked before on how to prepare for this one, apparently his wekaness being earth so I had an idea what awaited me, I understand the reasoning behind his weakness:

    " Lightgazer: shadow is just absence of light, so adding <nothing> to light changes nothing; you're better off blocking the light out by say dropping a mountain on the source "

    But based on that shouldn't moon also be a weakness to lightgazer more or less?

    Or if dark element has anything to do with blackholes, even light cannot escape once they enter, just food for thought tbh that got me thinking about Lightgazer weakness or even zable fahr ( if light remained it's weakness, haven't tried that one yet).

    So far this mod is a pretty fun experience, only complaing I have is going back and forth the sheet and the game at times it got tedious but that besides I had still fun.