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Everything posted by 454Casull

  1. Missable WoB rages

    I can't find the peninsula that has the IMF encounters... any help here would be awesome. EDIT: Never mind, in 2.0 it's the Triangle Island that has the IMF encounters.
  2. In the rich guy's house at the north of Jidoor, there's a painting of (I think) flowers. When you "talk" to it, it says it gives you "piece (sic) of mind". Is the misspelling intentional?
  3. Unable to find auction house (2.0)

    Is this after a certain point in the story? I found (the) Butler in the house but all he's talked about is Maria so far.
  4. Will there be a gambit for "Foe: has something to steal"? One annoying thing from the original was that you couldn't have a proper gambit to attempt a steal from only enemies that had stuff to steal.