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Posts posted by madsiur

  1. We did a screenshot contest at We wanted to make it as open as possible so you could only edit dialogues. But a variance requiring some modding skills could be "WTF Screenshot Contest" with no limitation and no specific game, meaning you mod a specific scene, event, battle, w/e or use existing elements and twist them. More than one submission per user is possible, community or admin team could vote for winner.

  2. On 7/24/2017 at 4:34 PM, Gi Nattak said:

    Ah thanks for the heads up, we recently did a server clean-up and these must've been moved. I'll get them working again asap.

    Yes I noticed you like the week before and another time right after I made the file moves. I'm the one who also updated your links on just now.

    • Upvote 1

  3. RotDS Monster Gallery


    You can now view a RotDS Monster Gallery on the ff6hacking wiki. The page is also linked on the RotDS main wiki page. If you want to download all monster, an archive is available here.

    I've extracted the monsters with and utility I've coded (except GhostTrain) that work with any FF3us ROM but I'm not yet ready to release it. Note that monsters 376 and 379 are nothing as well as 415.

    • Upvote 1

  4. On 7/15/2017 at 5:08 PM, Xontract said:

    Much of that is due to the fact that I've changed a lot of numbers to the point to where I have to individually edit and test each enemy and encounter to make sure it feels right. If I put my mind to it I could probably have WoB fully playable within 2-3 weeks but I tend to underestimate the time it will take or my motivation. 

    Yeah adequate or good balance can take some time, in the case of FF6. It's often not a 1.0 thing. The perfect balance is one of those endless quests so don't even bother reaching the concept. I think a good balance would be satisfactory in any way, especially if you have a definition of "good" in a perfectionist way.

    This made me thought about the damage calculator, there is at least 1 inaccuracy and I've never use it so I'm not sure if it really help for a complete mod. It may test some scenarios faster than triggering in-game or at least find a balance faster than 10 same changes in FF3usME and emulator ROM loading:

  5. On 7/13/2017 at 2:21 PM, Xontract said:

    The main problem with asking people to test is that people want a finished product before they play. This is understandable but I'm going to ask everyone anyway if they would be interested in doing some beta testing. If you aren't interested, what would make you interested? I'm confident that I can have the game fully playable up to the end of the 3 scenarios by next weekend. This isn't a lot of the game to test but it is enough to start to paint the picture of what i'm trying to do.

    Unless you are doing changes to the battle engine, other moderate or heavy ASM changes or complex new event work, the thing left to test is balance. Anything else except things previously mentioned can be tested in a single occurrence or trigger. My two cents are for a beta test to be enjoyable you need: not a broken game and on your side things to improve.

    I don't have the free time to test mods but I can give inputs if needed. A playable 3 scenarios is a good first demo / beta IMO. Just try finding people that will give constructive inputs and know FF6 a bit before playing your mod demo.

  6. Thanks to everyone from NG+ who gave something. We'll accept donation for dn even after Sunday but in this case please specify somehow it is for dn because the official donation period on our forum is until Sunday and after this I won't be able to separate really if not specified donations to our site from donations to dn. You can see the total given by both communities here:

    • Upvote 2

  7. On 5/25/2017 at 8:11 PM, Xontract said:

    Although I would really want to monster AI, maps, and events, I voted for everything that was marked easy because I feel like at the very least that is a great core to work around.  You can do a lot to the game just editing those things, so if the new version has at least those, it is enough while the more difficult things are being worked on.

    Yeah you are right! Dialogue editor and Font were not so easy but since the game font is used in the editor for comboboxes or lists, I had to get the backend of it done so I've done the editor part too. Same for game string, I was aiming to do monster names edit in monster data editor but since we are into strings, while not doing the 3 game tables as well as all the string and its editor since game text is a single mega block of 25 000 entries (for 5 languages).

    Now there will be less and less stuff like this slowing me down since I have more and more done and most design problems were resolved (until new ones arise :o) so hopefully if I'm not committing to other projects I should have a solid beta in 2017. I just feel stupid being the guy that is saying for the last 2+ years that a new version is coming but I get easily distracted by working on the FF6 wiki, forum or on small hacking projects and contributions.


  8. Nice list but for FFVI we have moved our editor pages:

    FF6 (SNES):

    FF6 (GBA):



    Lockirby list is also a bit outdated since some editors are no longer there and there are some new ones.. I will make a new list with editor name - short description for each one and send it to you in a few days max by pm so you can update the thread.


    Updated Lockirby list:


    FF3us and FF6j Utilities
    FF3usME - This is the main FF6 editor that everyone and their mom who has an FF6 mod uses. It's pretty comprehensive. For the SNES version only.
    FF6Tools - OS X multi-editor for FF3us, FF6j and FF6A(U).
    FF6MDE - Chest, spell animations, and enemy ability animations editor for FF3us (SNES) and FF6A.
    FF6 Expanded Esper Editor - Expands esper data to have a sixth magic slot. More information is available at the link above. FF3us only.
    Final Fantasy III US Shop Editor - Exactly what it sounds like. FF3us and FF6j only.
    FF6ExpED - Can expand and edit monster drops and stolen items and odds.
    FFVIExplore - The only editor / unpacker for the Steam version.  
    FF3SE - Monster sprite, character sprite, and portrait editor. FF3us only.
    FF3SE-M    - Modified FF3SE version allowing monster GFX expansion.
    FF3usSpriteEd - Character sprite editor. Integrated in FF3usME but has some slight differences.
    FF6LE Rogue - Map and NPC editor. Requires .NET Framework!. FF3us only.
    Zone Doctor - Level and (broken) event editor. FF3us only.
    Zone Doctor+ and FF6LE Rogue+ - Versions of the two above tools edited by Madsiur to be able to handle more NPCs, event triggers, and such.
    Final Fantasy 3 Map Editor - What do you think it is?
    FF6MMGEN - Can generate WOB & WOR mini-maps like FF3Edit.
    tinymm - converta midi file into a MML file.
    MidiToMML - Automate the RS3exTools2 MML conversion process.
    RS3exTools2 - A RS3 utility that can convert a MML file into FF6 / RS3 music data.
    FF5toFF6 Music exporter - Export FF5 songs into FF6.
    FF6 RAM Editor - Save editor (.srm). FF3us only.
    Savestate Editor - FF3us Zsnes savestate editor.
    Savestate Editor - FF3us Zsnes and SNES9X savestate editor.

    Peer Sprite Viewer - Can compress / decompress FF6 and CT graphics.

    Protip: Stay away from FF3Edit as it is broken and will corrupt your ROM.

    FF6A Utilities
    FF6Tools - OS X multi-editor for FF3us, FF6j and FF6A(U).
    FF6MDE - Chest, spell animations, and enemy ability animations editor for FF3us (SNES) and FF6A.
    FF6AE - This is FF3usME but for FF6A(U), pretty much. It's less comprehensive than its SNES counterpart, and no longer developed.
    FF6A SRAM Editor - Complete FF6A SRAM editor.

    General Utilities
    YY-CHR (.NET) - General tile editor. The .NET build is more recent than the C++ one.
    YY-CHR (C++) - General tile editor. Has more feature than the .NET build.
    WindHex32 - Hex editor with table support.
    HxD - Hex editor with copy/pasta features and overwrite/insert mode. This is the hex editor I use, if you're curious.
    bass - cross-assembler and spiritual succesor of xkas.
    Patch Conflict Finder - Find conflicts between two or more patches.

    General Utilities (SNES)
    DUDE - 65816 ASM disassembler and editor.
    bsnes-plus - Fork of bsnes-classic with new debugging features and improvements.
    Geiger's Snes9x Debugger - SNES emulator with tracing and disassembly capabilities.
    xkas - Very simple and flexible SNES cross assembler.
    Asar - GUI SNES assembler based on xkas.
    SNES Palette Editor - Palette editor for SNES roms.

    General Utilities (GBA)
    NLZ-GBA Advance - A program to edit regular and LZ77 compressed graphics.
    Advance Palette Editor - A program to edit regular and LZ77 compressed palettes.
    Sappy 2006 - Can import / export songs and SFX.


    • Upvote 1

  9. I've been working on a FF6 Advance editor since 2013 and a first version was released in 2014. A new WPF version is slowly being developed and I got the font editor, monster and item data editor and dialogue editor near completion (overall 90%+ finished). I'm making a poll to see what you would like seeing first. Elements have the easy (E), medium (M) or hard (H) mention regarding knowledge on them and time to code. Nothing music related is include because music editing can already be done with another tool.

    • Upvote 5

  10. Hello all! I was on ID (not that much though) and now I'm on NG+. I have been named "the ff6 guy" two or three time on ID or on the ID Discord not in the way that I'm more a reference than anybody else but in the way I basically only work on FF6 and on a FF6 forum. I'd like to mention many "FF6 guys" exist, notably Synchysi, BTB, dn, Gi Nattak, Auraplatonic, BirdyLuck, Tenkarider, etc. (the list could go on).

    Great site btw, I was able to put my wonderful philosophical quote about being a piece of paper as my profile banner!


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