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Everything posted by vsisgood

  1. Vagrant Story Zenith

    Hi there just started playing the mod again, i had previously played 0.91 and complete is and am now playing 1.00 with the door fix so you could call it 1.01 i suppose. in the previous version i thought that the rozencrantz fight was too difficult as he would constantly heal and you couldnt analyze him but this time around i beat him on my first try and he didnt heal once, i dont know if that is due to him not being able to heal or i just got lucky I would say that the healing of rozencrantz in the last patch was too much but if he cant heal in this one then that is good. whilst it isn't lore friendly i would suggest that you should be able to analyze both rozencrantz and sydney, just to aid gameplay, but i can see an argument for keeping them un-analyzable. Also duane and grissom it said that the hit% on analyze for them was 0% which wasnt true as i could analyse them so that is a bug i suppose. Could i ask if the combination tables have been reverted back to the original ones? i tried to combine a spear and a glaive but i didnt get a scorpion, just a spear. Would you be able to post a change log detailing all the changes you have made to the base game? i understand that you want to leave it as a mystery but it would be nice to know where to find the new stuff, and know how everything has changed, it would be up to the user to not spoil themselves and i wouldn't want to miss any of your changes! also do you have any plans to introduce more dyeing effects to enemies other than killing the legs or wings for 50% movement? thank you so much for your amazing work