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Posts posted by Valenhil

  1. There is DrBretto's WOTL offshoot of 1.3, which he recently updated and made a thread on ID before it went poof. It apparently didn't make the Archive uploaded here, So I'll ask Drbretto about it. If you want the translation and extra content, it's in that one. I played through chapters 1 and 2 and it's great.

    But if you want to play 1.3 in its most "final" state (There has been plenty of discussion, specially around changes to chapter 4) it's, and with the Content ease of play specifically, it'll have to be

  2. @praetarius5018The latest video shown confirmed that the project is a direct translation of the original game: Same mechanics, same rules, same feel, same game. And, as we know, it is being developed for PC.

    As a similar project for SD3 is now within the realm of possibility and following this same trend of keeping the game so close to the original, a transition of Sin of Mana to the PC version would most likely be a lot of work, but it's a rather opportune way of fixing what I consider to be the biggest problem the mod faces right now: the limitations imposed on it by the game itself - general lag and lack of ingame info about the changes.

    At the very least, it's safe to assume that if it is made, the SD3 remake will be similar enough to the Secret remake that any modding tools developed for the latter might also see use for the former.

  3. I recently had the opportunity to replay this mod alongside two friends, and although we couldn't make it very far with the time we had (We stopped halfway to Fire Spirit), I can certainly confirm that this game is several times more enjoyable with 3 players. No more stupid AI, someone else can still open their own item wheel if player 1 is casting, much easier to distribute roles across all 3 characters, and the toned down resource management makes this an easy pick to simply start, play, and have a grand time with one of the now rare RPGs that's more concerned with being fun than being a pretentious experience.

    If you got a couple friends for a fun activity, I highly recommend this one.