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Posts posted by Nitro

  1. I think Bahamut's psychopath message states the wrong amount of health.

    In the Lazy Shell editor, it says if "insert memory here" = 8, remove self, which translates to 240K health, while the psychopath message says 120K health.

    Same is true for Arceus. Psychopath states 210K, while the battle script says if "insert memory here" = 9, remove self, which translates to 270K health.

    Azelf psychopath states 150K, battle script states if "insert memory here" = 6 (180K) remove self. Same for Uxie, Mesprit is correct value though (memory = 5)

    Trial Mode Belome psychopath message states 30K, battle script states if memory = 2 (60K) remove self.

    Trial Mode Booster psychopath message states 90K, battle script states if memory = 4 (120K) remove self.

    General Guy psychopath message states 90K, battle script states if memory = 4 (120K) remove self.

    Goddess psychopath message states 120K, battle script states if memory = 5 (150K) remove self.

    Lapras psychopath message states 210K, battle script states if memory = 8 (240K) remove self.

    Lunar Bahamut psychopath message states 120K, battle script states if memory = 7 (210K) remove self.

    Magikoopa psychopath message states 30K, battle script never states anything about leaving the battle (no issues with the fight though) but it does state if memory = 2 (60K) do some things then clear the memory.

    Manager HP states 25K, psychopath message states 30K.

    Omega psychopath message states 150K, battle scripts states if memory = 8 (240K) remove self.

    Ozma psychopath message states 150K, battle script states if memory = 4 (120K) remove self. I suggest increasing Ozma's health to 150K, otherwise the battle is too easy. (that's just my opinion though)

    All 4(?) trial mode snifits psychopath message states 30K, battle script states if memory = 3 (90K) remove self. This one is just comfusing in so many different ways.

    Snorlax psychopath message states 240K, battle script states if memory = 9 (270K) remove self.

    Trial Mode Yaridovich psychopath message states 120K, battle script states if memory = 3 (90K) remove self.

    Yiazmat psychopath message states 300K, battle script states if memory = 6 (180K) remove self. Remember when this guy had 600K outside of the FF boss rush?

    I know that psychopath has been removed, but it's technically still wrong. Also, why the hell does Mesprit have less health than Azelf and Uxie?




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