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About zedorfed66

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  1. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    I've been playing through Tiffauges Castle and 2x exp is too little. v8.40 turns the optional dungeon exp and cash back to what they were before the change. Final dungeon exp and cash amounts get a raise as well to reflect the other dungeons. More fine tuning might be coming with new updates.
  2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    With Karin's upped abilities Joachim's Deaththrone Hammer needed to be strengthened to compete with Karin's Geuschbenst. v8.35 doubles that ability's power with it now being a bit more powerful than Geuschbenst but with Artem Buster being a bit less powerful than lvl 3 Heurvelk and Bullenfogel.
  3. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hello again! I've always thought of Karin as insignificant character gameplay wise so here is a patch for her. v8.30 doubles her personal skills' power making her important character instead of some middleroad redhead adventurer. Those skills cost slightly more mp now too cause of the power raise. I continue my way through optionals but I may need to do more than 1 run and change stuff if the soul power amounts don't align with my plans.
  4. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    I'm sorry for making so many of these small patches. I wasn't completely happy with the changes to the final dungeon enemies. v8.20 ups squishy and semi tank enemies health to make them good in my vision for the final dungeon. The patch also ups those enemies exp & cash rewards accordingly. Full tank enemies remain untouched.
  5. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hello! v8.15 plays around the final dungeon enemies a bit. Since I lowered the exp of optional dungeons the final dungeon enemies need a bit adjusting. All final dungeon enemies gain more strength and magic. 1 shottable enemies gain a bit health and their agility is lowered. Tanks and semi tanks remain pretty much the same save for the upped offense.
  6. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    v8.05 is mini patch that lowers the lvl 3 Wind fusion battle's strength and magic so it can be done at the end of Queen's Garden before the baby boss.
  7. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Looks like the lvl 3 Wind element Fusion battle is very hard/impossible before the boss of Queen's Garden. The stats themselves align correctly which is why I don't want to change them. It's just the fact it uses Gale and Agility Down physical make it highly rng deal at lvl 59. I suggest trying that fusion fight at the end of next dungeon (Tiffauges Castle) instead if you're having hard time.
  8. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hello again. Here I release another patch for this mod. v8.00 has few changes that I'm gonna release now which I still need to test out but I think they're pretty much spot on: - Optional dungeon exp & cash down (For some reason Neam Underground dungeon enemies gave more exp than the 1st tier of final dungeon so this also takes care of that). - Amon & Neo Amon levelling requirements doubled. Jutendouji & Dark Seraphim levelling requirement tripled (this has to do with having to level up the final fusions in late game so the abundant soul energy isn't lying in inventory just for show). I'll be back with more updates if needed as I enter the optional content soon.
  9. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    It seems I nerfed Tengu's exp and cash amounts a bit too much in previous patch. With v7.75 they grant a bit more.
  10. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hi again. v7.70 has few small changes: Tengu hp down and agl up a bit. Tengu exp and cash down. Mutant Snail agl up. Titanium Soldier hp down and agl up. I still have things to better in my covenant mod and am working on it as I go on my playthrough. I suspect bosses to be just right though, it's just some other stuff that may need attention. Most importantly I want to make the final dungeon a leveling spot for Dark Seraphim like I did for Tirawa in From the New World.
  11. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    v7.60 is a small update that lowers Towd's hp a bit (the tank enemy in Purgatory). It's one of those few enemies that don't go with same rule as the others.
  12. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hello again! The recommended levels have changed a bit. Here they are: 2 Apoina Tower 4 Domremy 5 Ardennes Forest 8 Paris Subway 10 Wine Cellar 12 Rhondda Mine 14 Manmariana Island 16 S.G. Headquarters 18 Neam Ruins 21 St. Marguerite 24 Winter Palace 25 Mirror Palace 27 Gallery of the Dead 28 Hermitage 32 Idar Flamme 35 Apoina Tower 2 38 Battleship Mikasa 41 Otherworld 43 Nihonbashi 46 Hojo Research Lab 49 Purgatory 53 Immortal Mountain 56 Azabu Kamiyashiki 59 Queen's Garden 65 Tiffauges Castle 68 Doll House 74 Black Forest 79 Dog Shrine 89 Neam Ruins Underground 99 The Vessel Note that optional dungeons now give exponentially more exp with the newer updates. As for Cornelia dresses, the recommended order is Earth, Light, Fire, Water. It's recommended to pick up Earth fusion for Yuri first so he has protection vs the Ardennes boss. In Covenant when attacking enemies with basics only strength matters so Earth element is good with Yuri with it's good strength stat. I also like having Puera early so I can have the Raise Up magic. When facing bosses it's often good strat to pick same elements as the boss to minimize the damage taken. EDIT: forgot to mention the lvl 3 fusion battles are meant to be done in order: Before Idar Flamme bosses: Earth & Light. After Idar Flamme bosses: Dark. Before Mikasa boss: Water. Upon reaching Inugami Village: Fire. Before Queen's Garden boss: Wind.
  13. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hello CeeLewis. Hope you'll have lots of fun with the increased difficulty! The descriptions of these mods can be a bit deceiving as these are actually ongoing mods and I'm updating them if I see something I want to change. I recently made changes to the soul power amounts and am currently on another playthrough to test it fully.
  14. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hello again with another small update. v7.55 drops Terada's strength and ups his agility a bit. This makes him less of a jank and his strength multiplier is now same as most other bosses on disc 2. Andre's (disc 1 boss) agility receives a small drop to reflect the stats of the other bosses to make it more complete.
  15. Shadow Hearts: Covenant NTSC - Godslayer v8.40

    Hellllooooo! I'm back to my Covenant playthrough after the enemy soul power amount changes and am currently at Hojo Lab where I found out the Beetle Walker enemy has too much health for one shots. v7.45 makes it have the og hp amount instead of the 1.2x raise I have on most squishy enemies. With this change that enemy is one shot with Evil Summoning magic or Joachim's Artem Buster ability when hit perfect. I'm sorry I hadn't patched this before. Everything before this point should be fine with the previous patch. I'll continue my playthrough of Covenant. The soul amounts look perfect so far but I still need to play to the end to get final confirmation.