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Posts posted by zedorfed66

  1. 16 hours ago, yano17 said:

    Excellent job! Before playing this modified version, I'm thinking of playing the normal version again to remember everything. I love this game, but I don't really like controlling Johnny ... will you be able to make a modification whether you want to control another character in the stages instead of Johnny? I really wanted to be able to play with Shania, but she is only controllable in Garvoy Vallery.


    I'm not that good I could mod something like that. I would prefer playing as her as well tbh. Hope you like the mod when you're gonna give it a try. I would recommend reading a faq while playing so you don't miss any items since they're hidden pretty much anywhere in this game.

  2. On 17.3.2021 at 7:26 AM, Luminar said:

    don't know why i can't log in to the original website to make a thread on insane difficullty but i wanted to know if anyone has played this? i beat Garai recently but it was really annoying and i had to get abit lucky. but when i saw a video of the fight on youtube i noticed this guy had 3-4 mag negates.... i only have one i got from starky himself, where do you find more? what drops them?

    Apparently it's sold by the price of 2880G in Guldove (Home World) and it's common drop from MegaStarky in Sky Dragon Isle (Home World). I got this info from Chrono Wiki. I hope this helps.

  3. Hi folks, it's been a while. I've been secretly working on version of this mod where significantly less grinding would be required. It would kinda replace the versions before v5.0 as a more cohesive lower level version. It's still kinda underway and I take a risk announcing it at this point. But I decide to do this for people interested in this mod to be aware that v5.0 is not the last version. As long as nothing too unforseen happens I'll be releasing this at some point. If everything goes well I'll be thinking of doing the same for SH1 and SH3. But this is a long term modding goal. I hope everyone has been well lately btw. It can be hard but as long as we think positively and look into the future we can make things work out in the end. See ya!

  4. On 23.2.2021 at 5:12 PM, Soundman said:

    Hello, thanks for the good and sacred work on patching difficulty!

    I patched Xenogears vith hardtype 4.2 using PPR-o-Matic and the NTSC-US version cue/bin file, but can't launch it on Retroarch or Epsxe. Retrolaunch says Bad Sector. 

    What did i do wrong?


    You may have patched the .cue file instead of the main image file. The other thing, you might've accidentally patched the images with wrong disc patches.

  5. 9 hours ago, elltacko said:

    Hello once again, and it appears I have another wall of text! I've completed this mod again on 5.0. Again, thanks for all of the hard work. Shadow Hearts: Covenant has some great gameplay and options, but the base game being pretty easy means that you don't have to use any of it.

    As compared to 3.0, the last version I played, this version is a lot less janky and more consistent without Spikes. The random encounters are a lot more interesting, having to match elements and differing enemy types, but they also take a lot more time now, and random encounters can get kind of repetitive. Still, as compared to other JRPGs of the era, they are some of the most interesting I've played, even if repetitive.

    Since there was talk about a low level version, I went ahead and tried completing 5.0 under leveled, making sure to record my levels (and gameplay) as I played. If you use all the mechanics the game has to offer, including Technical Ring, Seals, Replacement Men, Element Matching, and, of course, Lucia. Before St. Marguerite, I was about 1 level under leveled, if that, and afterwards, about 10% to 20% under the recommended level, depending on how long the dungeon was beforehand.

    With this playstyle, not much extra grinding was done for bosses. I would explore the level normally, and by the time I reached the boss, if I could get a level by doing 2 fights, I would, otherwise, I'd go for the boss. For endgame, instead of grinding for levels, I grinded for speed seals and Ashura's Earrings for HP, both of which you get from the same pit fight. I think grinding for speed seals might be faster than levels, and I personally found doing its boss fight more interesting than doing more random encounters.

    By the way, being 10% to 20% underleveled can be super rough at times, but it's doable. At this amount of underleveled, it feels like a decent amount of things that are supposed to be a 3 shot turn into a 2 shot, and things that can be a 2 shot can turn into a 1 shot, along with an even more massive turn advantage bosses and enemies will have. I think it's intended for bosses to start with 2 turns before you go? When underleveled, bosses will get 3 turns before you go, which can be quite rough: one of the boss fights I managed to turn around and win started with a full team wipe, lol.

    The main thing you could do to make it "proper" for low levels is make the first fight with Kurando a bit easier, since that was a hard wall I couldn't pass without grinding. Reducing damage/agility/or amount of the enemies would all be fine, if it's possible, but I understand if you don't want to also adjust their stats because they're also used in the first dungeon of Disk 2 or because it's more work.

    A nice quality of life thing for low level runs would be to increase, perhaps greatly, the EXP gained from bosses. I haven't actually checked all bosses to verify this, but it seems like a boss fight is worth around 3 to 5 random encounters? Considering the length and difficultly of a boss compared to a random encounter, it could probably be increased without causing players to become overleveled. My gut feeling would be to go with 2x, if that's something you want to bother with.

    While I'm talking about EXP, I think The Vessel could give more EXP? It seemed like they give similar EXP to the other final areas, but The Vessel's random encounters take a lot more time since the enemy will always go first, their higher HP, and they actually apply status effects.

    If I were to play this again, I think I'd do it without Yuri and keys. Yuri's damage output with keys and buff stacking gets silly, and Yuri's final fusion makes healing, buffing, and random encounters really easy. Even before endgame, Yuri makes random encounters really easy since you can still get Libertis before Astaroth, and if you dump all of the speed seals on Yuri, he can go before the enemies. I think without Yuri and keys, Spikes and Mind's Eye might also might be fine (on characters other than Joachim)? That seems fun to try. I would do it on New Game Plus, mostly for better access of AOE buffs because you don't get duplicates other than Yuri until endgame.

    Lucia's Strike Oil is pretty balanced on low level if she goes 3rd or 4th. You need buffs on to live at all, but you also need the buffs off when you cast Strike Oil'ed buffs because the game doesn't let you reapply buffs, so you have to wait for an opportunity to actually cast super buffs. Additionally, sometimes the extra protection of the super buffs doesn't actually change the amount of hits before you die, anyways. A 1 shot might turn into a 2 shot with technical ring buffs, and it still might be a 2 shot with super buffs. And the Strike Oil uses Lucia's turn, and sometimes, you need buffs or healing immediately. It also doesn't do anything if she immediately dies afterwards, and she's fairly squishy too. Reapplying super buffs is also a big pain if someone dies, since you need to wait for Lucia's turn + someone else's again, especially if it was Lucia that died. The damage dealt is also pretty unnecessary, doing 20k to 30k with a Mind's Eyed Third Key, when bosses have 10k in endgame. At the same time, if you're able to apply a super Arc Gale and survive, that's like a victory condition on its own, which is a lot easier to do if she goes first.

    I recorded my entire playthrough, so if there's anything you want to see or know, I can pull it up, like a more detailed description of my levels when completing bosses. This was a blast to go through again, and I think Shadow Hearts: Covenant has my favorite combat system of a JRPG when played with your hard mode. I have yet to play From the New World, but I think I'll take a break from the Shadow Hearts series and hard modes for a while. I want something easier with a more developed story next, lol.

    Hey elltacko,

    The mod can be beaten on lower levels for sure if you keep farming for the Seal items. The recommended levels are for those that don't use Seals. I didn't design this mod to be beaten on low levels but I'm glad if you managed in doing so and enjoyed it. I felt upping the exp gained from bosses hit the grinding experience and in cases would make the player be higher level than intended so I decided not doing so. Final dungeon exp is 2x of the og which is the same as the other late dungeons which is ok in my opinion. I hit level 100 pretty quickly when i entered it a bit over 90 levelled. It may be harsher experience low leveled but once again I didn't design this mod with low level challenge in mind. If I changed something that's already there it would also affect the mod when playing without Seals.

    I'm sure playing through this mod can be tiring and I hope you find something relaxing and nice in change :)

  6. 15 hours ago, ronlyn said:


      Reveal hidden contents
                              Alice Elliot 
    Spell           Effect                MP    Level Learned
    -----           ------                --    -------------
    Cure            Heals small amount     6    initial spell
                    of HP (one)
    Holy Edge       Adds Light class to    8          7
                    P-atk (one)
    Blessed Light   Light class damage    22         11
    Wish            Cure all statuses     15         21
    Gospel          Raise allies' P-def   40         28
                    and S-def 30% (one)
    Arc             Fully restore HP      80         63
    Resurrection    Revive w/ full HP     65         73
    Advent          Great Light damage    120        86
                                Zhuzhen Liu 
    Spell           Effect                MP    Level Learned
    -----           ------                --    -------------
    Ogre Flamedance Fire Class damage     15    initial spell
    Scirocco Blast  Adds Fire Class to     8          7
                    P-atk (one)
    Nourishing      Restore HP + Cure     35          12
    Potion          paralysis (one)
    Life Sucker     Dark Class attack     30          17
                    + Silence (one)
    Corpse Arm      Earth Class attack    55          23
                    + paralyze (all)
    Fury Serpent    Water Class attack    70          55
    Thunder Roar    Wind Class attack     90          70
    Flames of Fudo  Fire Class attack     120         84
                               Margarete G. Zelle 
    Spell           Effect                MP    Level Learned
    -----           ------                --    -------------
    Grenade         Water Class attack    20    initial spell
    Aqua Edge       Adds Water Class to    8    initial spell
                    P-atk (one)
    Scout           Reveal enemy stats     1         13
    Snipe           Non-class attack      38         19
    Pain Killer     Cure all status       20         22
                    ailments (one)
    On Switch       Non-class S-atk       65         50
    Bazooka         Water Class attack    95         68
    Diving Bomber   Fire Class attack     120        83
                                Keith Valentine 
    Spell           Effect                MP    Level Learned
    -----           ------                --    -------------
    Drain Touch     Dark Class attack +   15    initial spell
                    Drain some HP (one)
    Earth Edge      Adds Earth Class to    8    initial spell
                    P-atk (one)
    Bat Dance       Wind Class attack     33    initial spell
    Blood Sucker    Dark Class attack +   54    initial spell
                    Drain HP (one)
    Hecatoncheire   Earth Class attack    70    initial spell
    Apsaras         Water Class attack    80         66
                    (all) + Cure Status
    Larva           Earth Class attack    96         77
                    + psn/para/silence (one)
    Gift            Dark Class attack     120        88
                                Halley Brancket 
    Spell           Effect                MP    Level Learned
    -----           ------                --    -------------
    Healing         Restore HP (one)      20    initial spell
    Air Edge        Add Wind Class to      8    initial spell
                    P-atk (one)
    Strong Earth    Earth Class attack +  40    initial spell
                    petrify (one)
    Aqua Blade      Water Class attack +  50    initial spell
                    poison (one)
    Air Shot        Wind Class attack +   60    initial spell
                    confusion  (one)
    Black Hole      Dark Class attack +   75          65
                    Death (all)
    Reviver         Revive with full HP   65          75
    Shock Max       Non-Class attack      120         85

    Hey thanks Ronlyn. This is great :)

  7. 17 hours ago, tacticalcraptical said:

    Hello again, I am playing the mod and I am just past the Mental Hospital and on level 56. I have noticed that I do not have some of the skills that it seems like I should have and I have skills that it seems like I shouldn't based in the list you posted on the previous page of this thread.  Did the levels the characters learn skills at change at some point?  Do you have a more up to date list if so?


    What abilities do your characters have? This mod changes the levels the last 3 skills are obtained. The last 3 skills are obtained x 1.8 of their original levels. So for example Alice learns Arc at level 63 instead of 35. If your characters have learned some skills earlier they shouldn't have I'd like to know since I don't think there should be a problem like that.

  8. 4 hours ago, tacticalcraptical said:

    This is great, thank you for the explanation.  I am looking into trying to learn some hexidecimal editing. So is this found in just opening the straight ISO with a hex editor or a specific file within the ISO?

    Hey, no probs. Shadow Hearts is one of those games that are very easy to mod. Just access the image file directly using a hex editor.

  9. 2 hours ago, tacticalcraptical said:

    Mr. Zerdorf,

    Your mod looks interesting! I have looked a couple times over the years for the enemy data for the Shadows Hearts games in the US-NTSC iso and never had much luck making any sense of it (though me Hex-Fu ain't great).  Where did you find/make sense of the enemy stats?

    Hey tacticalcraptical.

    I hope you've kept yourself safe and that you're having a good day.

    I'll try to help you understand how the enemy stats are stored in Shadow Hearts NTSC-U. Let's look at 'Yamaraja: Earth', the final boss of Zhaoyang village.


    The enemy values associated with the boss start at address B38244EA. Here's what comes up:


    2C 01 90 01 11 12 3C 00 1D 00 12 00 12 00 00 00

    2C 01 - HP value which is 300 here.

    90 01 - MP value which is 400.

    11 12 - 11 being the agility value which is 17 and I forgot what 12 was for.

    3C 00 - Strength value which in this case is 60.

    1D 00 - Magic value which is 29 here.

    12 00 - Defense value (18)

    00 00 - Magic def value (0)


    This stuff is often differently stored in other games so you'll need to do some research before you'll be able to figure out how and where the data is stored. You can for example use Cheat Engine to figure out how much health enemies have and possibly find out other stats too. Then search for the values with hex editor. This data is stored as hex values so you'll need to convert them to hexa from decimals. You can use windows calculator to do this. One thing to note is the data is stored "upside down". 256 in decimals is 100 in hexa and it's stored as 00 01 instead of 01 00.

  10. I've done some more testing and I've realized the bosses can actually be beaten with halved Str & Mag Junctions (even though it can be really hard). Even the timed event bosses can be barely done. This was an important realization for me. So v4.6 goes back to the previous harder setup while retaining enemy Str & Mag at +2 / level and more. Basically bosses take longer to kill while normal encounters are defeated pretty much as fast as previously due to them having og HP instead of doubled. Final bosses and Omega are harder cause of lowered healing. Auras are back so it doesn't take ages to beat them.

    Here's everything that was changed from v4.5 to v4.6:

    - Str & Mag Junction power halved. Str+% & Mag+% halved.

    - Magic Draw Resistance halved (since Mag stat is lowered this helps to prevent situations where casting enemy's Protect for example whiffs cause of low Magic stat).

    - High level Potions heal for 4000. Auras and Aura Stones are back to original.

    v4.6 has correct descriptions except the Refine amounts which can be incorrect.

  11. v4.4 lessens the effectiveness of some Refines granting less spells in the outcome. However, since I haven't changed the item descriptions some items say they grant 20 spells as the outcome and may for example grant only 5. To make sure you know the amount you're gonna get try Refining the magic without actually finalizing it. I may update the descriptions at some point but it's not the time for it yet.

  12. In my previous update I was trying to cater to the final boss, making her as ultimate as I could possibly do. However, doing so actually nerfs some other stuff which I don't like. I'm moving closer to the truth with v4.3 which gives enemies and the player more power. This is what I've done before but I've done other changes too so it's still a step forward. The final boss is still good with these changes from what I can see.

    So the changes with v4.3:


    -Str & Mag Junctions are now original (like before).

    -High level Potions again heal for 5000 health. 

    -Auras and Aura Stones again grant Protect & Shell instead of Aura.

    -Enemy str & mag power is back to +2 / level.

    -Enemy hp is again doubled. There are exceptions where it's original hp instead of x 2.


    This is what I like to continue moving forward with.

  13. I'm sorry about all these frequent updates but I feel like I'm living uncertain times right now. I've now learned the hard way not to mess with the enemy med/high level. This game puts me in my place everytime I change them, so: v4.2 changes enemy lvl2 & lvl3 skill levels back to the original. Boss levels remain at x 1.5. Now Str and Mag junction power is halved just like the other 3 stats. With the nerf to healing high level Potions heal 4k health again instead of 5k. Aura and Aura Stones get back their Aura effect. Enemy Str & Mag +1 / level. I'm running a playthrough of this mod again with this new setup and i'll change things if I see something that doesn't feel right.

  14. v4.1 changes the effect of Auras and Aura Stones. Now they grant Protect & Shell on 1 party member instead of the effect of Aura.

    With this change now the final bosses are locked to level 90 again and the final dungeon bosses' levels go with x 1.5 formula, as the rest of the bosses. Omega Weapon is an exception. He is still locked to lvl 100.

    Final bosses and all soldiers now go with doubled health (same as all the other monsters).

  15. I feel like I made a mistake in my previous update by having double the EXP and AP from battles. I've been doing lots of testing and I've come to the conclusion I have to revert them. v4.0 reverts EXP and AP gained back to the og with boss levels and enemy lvl2 & 3 multiplied by 1.5. There are some exceptions: Ifrit is now locked to lvl 12, Fake President & Gerogero lvl 21 and Brothers lv 25. and after that everything goes by x 1.5 (Iguion, Seifer 1, Biggs & Wedge 2 still scale). The final dungeon bosses remain the same as before.

    Another change is Card Mod is now learnable by Alexander GF instead of Tonberry. It replaces Alexander's Elem Atk Junction. I feel like forcing players to tackle Tonberry early wasn't a good idea. Tonberry has now Move-HP Up learnable again.

    I'm sorry for jumping all over the place with this mod. I'm trying to make this as perfect in my eyes as possible and I won't stop until I succeed or end up in early grave ^^.

  16. v3.5's changes botched the difficulty a bit. In v3.7 I'm returning some stuff to their previous states and adding some new. Changes:

    -Enemy strength and magic stat + 2 / level.

    -Strength and Magic Junctions are no longer halved which is why also the high level Potions heal for 5000 instead of the 4000 of the previous update.

    -Enemy level is now doubled starting from the Fake President. This is what I wanted to do so there are more reasons to level up. The Sorceress gatekeepers before the final dungeon are now locked to level 90 and all the bosses in final dungeon are locked to level 100 with the exception of the very first boss and Catoblepas.

    -Almost all of the storyline bosses have double the hp now. I will be playing through the game more and possibly upping some of them to x3 in the future if I see need for it.