coffee potato

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Posts posted by coffee potato

  1. Awesome! Could be thinking about it all wrong, but in's a sprite that takes space and has attribues to be deleted and picked up, and monsters have that step over thing, and presumably there's just a list of attributes that get checked off.....OK, I'm completely talking out my rear end completely blind on this one, but that idea sounds like it would be incredible! Is there a way to just make the bag drop on the other end of the map or something?

  2. Oh Hell Yes, that would be amazing. Speaking of, were You planning on tweaking Barricade at some point? Seems like Barricades and Pumpkins are the AI's first choice in dungeon redecorating currently (Minus the edible pumpkins, though maybe that could restore more? Seems like it needs something to give it a kick over Meditate).


  3. Is there any way to implement drops being unstealable? Seems....less than likely on many levels. Gotta ask though. 

    Also, another curiosity, but if health goes above 999, does it just reset, or do the thing of just going down when it's under it? Blatantly curious if these 1000+ damage pistol shots could ever visually show up. 

  4. Until it's discovered, would it maybe make sense to replace Poison with Envenom for the water version? That mess seems to hurt a bit. By the way, with the Cursed Weapon patch coming up, will that break anything if I have several created cursed weapons already due to the unique stuff, or should it be fine? Just not sure if I should be selling them off for safety's sake.

  5. So I've noticed a couple other instances of the AI attempting to activate skills, but maybe 5% of they time they fidget and nothing happens, like they changed their mind. In this case it was an archer changing her mind on what I assume was a double shot prep on the dorgalua fight.

    Curious about a random thing. Is there a blond version of Azelstan in there? Just saw his ending for the first time, and it's kind of random that his hair changed colors for one cutscene, got me wondering.

  6. YESSSSSS, Loot pinatas!!!

    Bummer, not sure why they decided to go for such bright colors for the male ones. Oh well. 

    Another quick question, will there be a chance to change the way the recipe book and apocryphas drop past the first shrine encounter? I was just resetting Ifrit's arrow-ridden corpose back up over and over again since yesterday, only to find out that their post-sidequest versions apparently don't drop the Shieldcraft book in this version. Seems weird that they basically locked off what seems to be 1-2 crafting books and 1-2 spells for the second go-around, with a high chance of missing those second things. 

  7. Money costing stuff sounds good, and actually, maybe it would be a cool thing for the Buccaneer, Lord, Princess, or Songstress? Granted, that last would probably be in reverse, but maybe she got a sudden inheritance and uppity attitude or something. The Lord definitely seems like the sort to throw money at a problem, though. 

    So out of curiosity, when You do the whole drop update, would that involve just swapping their drop tables to have only a particular item, or would they just dump out all their good stuff like an amazing loot pinata?

    Do Fusilliers have any unused sprites by chance? Always seemed strange how bright green they are, seemed like they should have drabber colors, but somehow I doubt they made those. Just curious.

  8. That sounds hilarious. Moppy the ghost bringing the pain (From mortal coil)!

    Also, random ideas:

    Curse, can it not suck? I see one use against high level golems, and chipping them down faster exactly once. Maybe 50% health and 80% mp? It's so cool, but does so little.

    Cashromancer. I always wanted to see a money class to actually use Spendthrift. Anyone actually run into that every?

    Ideas: revive for 10k, damage for 5k, find coins on moving, Spendthrift,  more money stuff. Bribe for 100k to instakill anything. Hire rando for 50k with a high success on anything? There's no way this will work, is there?

  9. May the mips be with You!


    But yeah, personally I'd vote for that, but then again, I still have no idea who would ever figure all that out. 

    Do You think You might make a training mode analogue at the point of crazy mastery?

    Would it be possible to let ghosts teleport again? I don't see much benefit to the whole thing of turning them into skeleghosts. Even when sped up, the AI seems good at erasing them.

  10. Sweetness! It's up!!

    Enfeeble on hit sounds good, mostly feels like books allow for an armored caster of sorts. Maybe a defense bonus? Enfeeble is probably better.

    Any new discoveries for potentially renaming monster units? I miss ol BEEF the golem.

    Can't wait for the cursed changes!

    Also, I was curious about an ability from FFTA. I'd assume for Juggernauts, but there was one called Monkey Grip that allowed the heftier lizard guys to use a 2hander with a shield. Probably would be a mess to make and balance, arguably would self balance by virtue of RT, but what do You think?

    I R the same coffee potato that's been spamming ya on multiple sites, haha

  11. I should mention, Raics is currently trying to get his mod on here, so hopefully that'll be showing up soon, but in the meantime, if You have any questions on the mod, I can try to answer them, or they may be found on the Gamefaqs or ModDB pages probably. If You want to see anything tested out, though, let me know! I'm just here to show this thing off.


    UPDATE: It's on here, so go play it. I'm here to test stuff, so feel free to toss questions out on any video and I'll test stuff out! Other than that, go play the dang mod!




  12. Hello! Tactics Ogre is one of those games I grew up with, KoL in particular, so naturally when I saw this PSP remake, with no legitimate means of obtaining the original Snes or PS1 TO at the time, I was extremely excited. Well, despite an amazing story, score, and battles....well, it became clear on my second run that balance was never completed, or just sorely lacking. So, I spent years trying to come up with restrictive challenges and some such, and actually have playthroughs of those posted as well. That's not why I'm here, however. A few months ago, a used by the name of Raics made what began as a fantastic killmove rebalance, one of the aspects that really made the game feel strange at times. Well, over time this grew into a full mod, and for the last 2 months, I have been making a series chronicling the changes, improvements, new features, and other such goodies!

    So, before we go on, here is a link to the mod. I could not possibly recommend it any higher, it's nothing short of miraculous how good this is.

    Also, for those looking to watch a bit more of it, here is a link to my ongoing series. This began in version 0.83, and we are now at 0.87A


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