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Posts posted by Kjata

  1. 10 minutes ago, Xifanie said:

    When I confronted the mod creator about it, he linked me a video of a sped-up boss battle, which personally took me just as long... his solution? Speedhacking.

    I stand by my point I stated earlier:

    The outcome has always been extremely clear every storyline boss fight after I figured out the boss' attack pattern. There is only one boss I lost against through the game.

    Maybe 10-13 min per boss (at normal speed) isn't too slow for you, but I just don't see the point. I don't see how it adds to the experience. It doesn't make bosses harder. It doesn't even make them more tedious.

    It makes it so "jam summons down the enemies throat" isn't a viable strategy for every single boss. The HP pool makes it so you have to actually figure out the attack pattern, rather than just do huge bursts of damage and kill the boss in a couple turns.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Xifanie said:

    hen there are the optional bosses. 100x harder than the storyline bosses. I don't enjoy difficulty and I thought the storyline bosses were well balanced and never really had anything close to a problem with any of them, but the optional bosses in this mod just reminds me so much of 1.3 where you just end up needing a way too specific setup to be able to win the fight. It just destroys any kind of build creativity since you have to abuse absolutely everything you can to beat those bosses

    While I disagree with most of this, and wish that the story bosses were harder, I do think the jump between the story bosses and the optional bosses is a little extreme. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Xontract said:

    How long have you been smoking menthols?  When I used to smoke I did them for a while but they started to give me coughing fits. When I switched back to regular cigs things improved.  Just curious how they have been for you.

    Like 7 years or so.

  4. Now I normally hate these threads, but between the new site and my shiny new forum role, I guess I should probably introduce myself.

    I am an Aries. I enjoy long walks on a moonlit beach. I enjoy table top gaming more than video games. I'm sorta drunk as of writing this, and I smoke menthols. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Uhhh... Fuck it, that's good enough.

  5. Congratulations! You are about to purchase a one way ticket to the adoration of 12 million nerds, money beyond your wildest dreams, and more groupie sex than you can handle.

    But, just know a few things.

    I'm sure you have a grand artistic vision. I had mine. Realize that vision is about to be shit on. My initial vision looks nothing like what I have, and I'm only a little over halfway done. There are 4 distinct parts of modding.

    The dreaming and planning stage. This is the fun part. This is when you get to imagine all the cool shit you will be making. This part is great. You can feel the creativity oozing out of your pores. But this can't last for long. It leads into

    The "making the shit you have to work with WORK, god dammit" stage. This is where you fuck around, trying to get eveything you want into your mod. Oh, that enemy only has 4 attacks, but you you want him to have five? Well, then Einstein, put on you thinking cap and find out where the fuck that last ability is coming from. This leads into

    The Busywork part. This part sucks. the first two are fun in their own way, but this part just sucks. Editing numbers and text. Whoopty fucking doo.

    The "Holy shit this is so fucking cool i can't believe it" stage, This is when you finish a major goal. Whatever it is, you finish that part, and so so excited. Becuase that part has been giving you hell. And now, it's over. Well, at least until V2...

    These stages are not chronological. Maybe they are, for you, if you are the "everything must be in place" type of person. But for the random person, you will go through these stages often. Everyday I do some modding, I hit the first 3. 

    Modding is a lot of work. Like, Jesus, I could have painted all 4 of my unpainted miniature armies in the amount of time I've spent on my mod. And, it's maybe halfway done. This isn't something you are going to crank out in a week. It's something that will take you months, if not years, to finish.

    And then, in the end, it probably sucks.

    Does that bother you? Why?

    If it bothers you because you want, ahem, "the adoration of 12 million nerds, money beyond your wildest dreams, and more groupie sex than you can handle," then you didn't want to do a mod, you wanted the recognition a great mod brings (btw, the groupie sex was a lie), then you are a fucking idiot. Great works are made from passion. If you want to make something cool, it has to be becasue you want to make something cool, not because you want a bunch of assholes think you are hot shit.

    If it bothers you because you want to make something great for yourself and your internet nerd friends, or just because you had a vision and fuck it, you are gonna do something awesome, then you will be like "how did I fuck up? let me fix that real quick."

    If you are in that last group... when are you releasing your mod? Can i get a beta? You better not hold out on me, you son of a bitch :cheers:

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