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Found 1 result

  1. Version 2.2.2


    Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Mega Man X: Hard Type Mega Man X: Hard Type is a rebalance and stage redesign project for Megaman X for the SNES. Within its objective is to enhance the difficulty to provide a fresh new experience to veterans of the platform genre. Mega Man X: Soft Type Mega Man X: Soft Type is a patch included in the download, which features all of the changes listed below, except for the level redesigns. It's a must for players who want to check out a rebalanced verison of the original, without having to play the redesign stages! Think of it as a middle ground between the original, and MMX: Hard Type! List of changes: Level changes: Every single level has been redesigned from scratch, including bosses arenas. AI changes: Regular enemies, bosses and minibosses have had their AI enhanced, making them more responsive and faster, among other things. Enemy stat rebalances: Enemies have had their HP rebalanced and they usually deal more damage. Player stat rebalances: Ammo has been reduced, and each of the weapon's costs have been rebalanced. Damage done by weapons have been rebalanced as well (The Hadouken isn't a 1-shot anymore), both against regular enemies and bosses. Some weapons had their speed rebalanced. The body upgrade has been nerfed to 25% damage reduction. Other misc changes: Infinite lives. Dialogue changes. Spec mode modified. Death counter in the pause screen. Each of the bosses can now be rebattled. Each of the Maverick stages can be exited without having beaten it first. Hadouken capsule only requires 1 visit. Doesn't require all stages beaten. Dash acquired after completing the Intro Stage. Custom Title. Other rebalances and small additions. Want to donate? Click here! Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Credits: Xeeynamo, for creating the MMXE 0.7.1 Beta editor. This project wouldn't have even started without this wonderful tool; huge thanks to you. Xeeynamo's website: justin3009 of the Megaman X9 Forums, for his great help in ASM hacking. Red Guy, for improving the MegaED X editor to levels I didn't even believe were possible. Thanks to you, the MMX community will hopefully be encouraged to release more of these projects. Just... Thank you. BTB, Advent/Kyrios and Stann for their help on improving the dialogue. You guys rock. \m/ Every Beta Tester or player who has given feedback for this project so far. (Names in the forum thread) Everyone in Insane Difficulty, giving me support, constructive opinions, suggestions. The crew in New Game +.