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Found 15 results

  1. Arcana: Seal of Rimsala

    Version 3.0


    Seal of Rimsala is a labor of love, and designed as the definitive version of Arcana. Also known as Card Master, Arcana is Hal Labs’ forgotten JRPG, a first-person dungeon crawler with a card theme and killer music. (Hal is now famous for Kirby and the Smash Bros. series.) Please enjoy this modernized take on an underrated title! Features A brand new English translation from Japanese! The story is clearer and more descriptive. An improved map with symbols for doors, treasure chests and more. Faster gameplay with anti-frustration features galore. New status screen with icons and damage bonuses. Easter eggs and bug fixes! ROM / ISO Information Arcana (USA) Super Nintendo Entertainment System File/ROM SHA-1: 35D04611F815672D02104E174624F9610994B0B5 File/ROM CRC32: C891B297 Contributors André Mena Calavia, Graphics, Assisted with drawing the stat icons, and edited the credits. rainponcho, Hacking, Multi Level-up patch, the original FastROM patch, and the decreased encounter rate. stratoform, Hacking, Title Register Reset bugfix abw, Hacking, Assisted fixing my ASM status screen code Raeven0, Hacking, Valuable input on a prevalent ASM function Nobunaga, Translation, Translation and feedback from the Japanese version kandowontu, Hacking, Wrote the new FastROM patch. torha, Hacking, Title Register Reset patch, making the maps editable, bugfixes sluffy, Graphics, For reducing the RAM transfer size from buggy levels, which fixed a very annoying underscore.
  2. Version 1.1.5


    I am delighted to present "Enhansa Edition," a comprehensive gameplay mod designed for the classic SNES game, "Chrono Trigger." My goal was to create an experience that preserves the essence of the original while incorporating modern RPG sensibilities. Unleash the power of time as you discover the redesigned combat mechanics, featuring an array of new status ailments and player Techs. Experience the perfect synergy of the original's nostalgic charm and innovative enhancements, allowing you to rewrite history in a truly unforgettable way. Improving on Chrono Trigger is a daunting task. The original game gets so many things right. I have strived to maintain its fast-paced combat while introducing challenges that will test your skills and perseverance. Thank you for playing, and I hope you enjoy! -inuksuk, June 2023
  3. Super Metroid Alter Arsenal

    Download v1b Instead of our protagonist Metroid being half Samus, half fish*, she is now part energizer bunny... and still can't crawl. Jokes aside, this mod does basically 2 things: 1. revamp the health system 2. add a few additional items Just as a heads up, the overworld is mostly intact minus a few item relocations. So finding all 105 items should be not too hard. And I doubt humanity wants to know what a kaizo version would be like. *seriously girl, how long can you breath underwater or in acid?
  4. I've no idea where the ideas came from this time but... 1) Each spell can be used once per battle but cost no AP (exception: dragon skills cost a fixed 3) With some form of scaling damage/healing power this should make more spells relevant than the newest 2-3 out of a potential 32 spell slots you have per character. Implementation is easy since one unique enemy skill can seal spells until end of battle, so the same mechanic can just be used. 2) LP replaces AP; this is kind of a secondary HP bar. If taken HP damage exceeds 50% of remaining HP you additionally take some LP damage relative to the HP damage. Fatal HP damage deals more LP damage; if at least 1 LP remains the death is avoided and some HP is recovered (this replaces the chance to survive fatal damage via guts stat). Overall this should lower the risk of getting randomly one shot just from AI roulette choosing the right/wrong action while putting a limit to how long you can get by with just taking 90% damage hits and spamming full heals while ignoring (de)buffs. 3) The condition stat (tired/fine/great, measured on a 0-255 scale) gets a bit more involvement. By default it only seems to go up (neither many battles, day/night changes nor death did decrease it in my tests) and it is mainly responsible for a massive crit rate (both weapon and spells) at the end. Resting would now increase condition to 160 if it was below. Taking damage would decrease it by 1, more if LP damage is taken. Having a bad condition would reduce the received healing, at most -30%. Not sure if any other events should influence condition tbh. 4) The whole shaman fusions feel a bit underdeveloped; half of them come only near the end of the game and besides stats and maybe changing the character's unique skill not much happens. So once you unlock fusions at all you can already use all 6 shamans for fusion but until you find the real shaman the relevant stat bonus is halved, e.g. without earth shaman you'd only get +10% defense if the real bonus was +20%. Additionally you receive a small bonus to damage dealt with attacks of the same type as a fused shaman (fire shaman boosts fire weapons and spells, dark shaman would apply that to non-elemental) and resist attacks of the element (non-elemental only -25%, other shaman -50%) but take 25% more damage from the weakness (fire shaman gives weakness to water/ice). 5) Stat growth is half fixed by character and half determined by the equipped weapon type. To that end most weapons would be equippable by all and instead of sword/bow/etc. we'd work with weapon enhancement crystals or something. E.g. a wind type weapon would give higher AGL growth but less defense and earth type would give more HP but lower AGL. 6) Bleu gets actual stat gains instead of reading from the random encounter table. 7) Permanently stat boosting items get axed; will probably replace them with some tomes that can teach spells. As written above, these are ideas. I've done some work on this already but not enough to be presentable in any way. Feel free to comment on this madness.
  5. Version 1.658


    Chrono Cross meets Bravely Default in this re-imagination of Final Fantasy 5 with additional jobs and mechanics. The main ideas were to make the battles more dynamic and give each character more, well, character. As a result of that every character has now access to an individualized job list of 21 out of total 31 jobs (freelancer is NOT available) while each job level now has a permanent impact on a character's stats. For example klutz Bartz can not be a chemist and Lenna hasn't in her to go Berserker. More dynamic battles are achieved via !Brave, !Def and field elements. Move a future turn to now with !Brave or take two turns at a later point with !Def while modifying the field elements to your liking with each skill or ability used. Changed field elements affect damage, healing and status effect chance. major features: all party members can be renamed at any time difficulty can be adjusted via in-game menu elements play a larger role extending to every item, ability, status effect and monster rebalance of equipment, spells, abilities and enemies several additional jobs and reworks of existing jobs instead of helm, armor and relic you can now equip 3 relics relics add a mix of resistances, weaknesses and power bonuses to same-element attacks spells scale with weapon power keeping them relevant until the end spell lists have been altered, e.g. Fire1/2/3 was reduced to just Fire and there are now new spells replacing the missing spells items are not consumed but introduce a cooldown on !Item, !Mix, !Drink and !Throw auto-heal some HP after battle victory (trade-off for disabled potions) ATB does not proceed until the currently active actor is finished with their turn, but then moves instantly to the next event most importantly - a New Game Plus mode!
  6. Version 1.1


    A hardtype hack that drastically increases the difficulty of the original game, as well as altering various aspects for the sake of balance, customization, and/or fun. A key part of the rebalance in this hack is making most Dual Techs and Triple Techs significantly stronger than in the original game, compared to Single Techs
  7. Major features: added around 70 new spells, including some physical-like techs that even Guy can learn learning new spells gives slight increases to stats modified base stats and growth of characters stat potions can no longer drop from enemies; those drop now fruits for capsule mosnter (CM) evolving added a true final boss fight with "Guard Daos" after Daos major overhaul of AI for final Sinistral fights Retry and Gift Mode are now always available Retry Mode is now Hard Mode, 2x exp/gold gain and enemies are stronger (less grind, more action) rings and rocks are now the same equip type and can occupy either of their two slots, e.g. you can wear 2 rings, 2 rocks or 1 each modified defense influence; starts with 1:1 until def = 50% raw damage then degenerates CM level is now tied to Maxim's exp/level modified CM attacks and AI slightly, e.g. Darbi can now even flee in class 5 and class 4 Flash is more likely to heal when injured class 4 and 5 CM are much less likely to use regular attacks CM can freely switch between all 5(!) classes once unlocked instead of being locked to class 1-4 OR 5 (S) Witch Ring now increases MP as advertised 25% of ATP bonuses from equipment get also added to INT 25% of DFP bonuses from equipment get also added to MGR note: NOT compatible with vanilla savegames!
  8. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    Version v10


    Major features: added around 70 new spells, including some physical-like techs that even Guy can learn learning new spells gives slight increases to stats modified base stats and growth of characters stat potions can no longer drop from enemies; those drop now fruits for capsule mosnter (CM) evolving added a true final boss fight with "Guard Daos" after Daos major overhaul of AI for final Sinistral fights Retry and Gift Mode are now always available Retry Mode is now Hard Mode, 2x exp/gold gain and enemies are stronger (less grind, more action) rings and rocks are now the same equip type and can occupy either of their two slots, e.g. you can wear 2 rings, 2 rocks or 1 each modified defense influence; starts with 1:1 until def = 50% raw damage then degenerates CM level is now tied to Maxim's exp/level modified CM attacks and AI slightly, e.g. Darbi can now even flee in class 5 and class 4 Flash is more likely to heal when injured class 4 and 5 CM are much less likely to use regular attacks CM can freely switch between all 5(!) classes once unlocked instead of being locked to class 1-4 OR 5 (S) Witch Ring now increases MP as advertised 25% of ATP bonuses from equipment get also added to INT 25% of DFP bonuses from equipment get also added to MGR note: NOT compatible with vanilla savegames!
  9. Edit: download in new main topic So I got the feeling that the increasingly misnamed Final Fantasy series is wholly underrepresented on this site at only 5 out of 13 uploaded mods. Jokes aside, I wanna brainstorm some ideas what could be done with this game. 1) MP/action economy Battle starts with 0 MP, except for certain class bonus (below) and some equipment. ELEMENT1 spells would cost 0 MP, stronger and more specific spells > 0. Magic damage would have to be reworked so that even the lowest spells remain relevant. Guarding would grant 100 MP, next to the usual recovery options like Ethers and Osmose. If MP is at least 100 at the end of a turn, that character skips wait and immediatly gets to act again. If you're seeing parallels to Bravely Default, it was kinda the inspiration. To make that relevant, a form of nATB is required. And yes, that makes the Quick spell useless. Replace it and be happy over some freed RAM. 2) classes We have 4 characters and all have access to the same 22 classes, including Freelancer and Mime. No more! Noone gets to keep the Hobo class, they learned a profession after all Aside from that, I'd block 6 classes per character, so each one has 15 classes to choose from. E.g. Bartz can never be a Chemist while Lenna just doesn't have it in her to go Berserker. Less breakage, more character diversity. Each class gets to teach 7 abilities, some duplicates across classes for the basics, but the heavy stuff like !X-Fight and !X-Magic should stay unique and as a 7th ability. Additionally stupid stuff like White1-6 goes and only teaches White once. You don't have to learn 6 times how to wield a sword either, neither has !Blue that problem. Changing into a class no longer changes stats, instead levelling a class grants permanent stat bonuses, 3 out of HP, MP (starting bonus and max), STR, AGL, MAG, VIT. Duplicates possible. E.g. each level of Monk gives +2x VIT and +1x HP (30 HP before VIT %bonus) ABP required should not be based on which ability you learn next but purely on how many class levels you already have. 3) items Consumables aren't used up, instead you get a cooldown during which you can't use !Item. Higher item stacks increase effect or lower cooldown. E.g. 1x Potion heals 30 HP, 99x Potion 2000 HP. Would probably require to prohibit out of battle healing coupled with a free mini heal after victory. 4) equipment Equipment is changed from Helm, Armor and Relic to 3x Relic. Non-shields would have to get renamed. 5) elements Everything could get one of the eight elements this game has instead of 90% neutral. Weapons could belong to one element per type, i.e. swords would be fire except for special cases. Armors for defensive obviously, each element would give 2 resistances and 2 weaknesses, mix gear badly and you're suddenly weak to 6 elements. The only thing I'd allow to be neutral would be the final boss. Everything else, enemy or otherwise, should have elemental affinity (i.e. weaknesses). Warning: utter drawing incompetence ahead (8x8px per icon times negative talent) to the left how it could look ingame, to the right just all 8 element icons: fire, ice, lightning, water, wind, earth, poison, holy
  10. FF6 Beyond Chaos Randomizer

    Version 46


    FF6 Beyond Chaos Randomizer Version: 62 Date: October 30, 2015 URL: Contact: QUICKSTART Running the randomizer: Windows users may use the executable file, "beyondchaos.exe". Other users, please run "" using Python version 2.7 Source rom file: The randomizer will ask for a rom file. Beyond Chaos does not provide this rom. Put the file in the same directory as Beyond Chaos and simply input the file name. The rom used should be the FF3 US 1.0 rom. Both unheadered and headered roms will work. If you use an incorrect or modified rom, the randomizer will warn you before continuing. To be sure, you can check that your rom is correct by comparing the unheadered checksum/hash: MD5 - e986575b98300f721ce27c180264d890 CRC32 - a27f1c7a Seed value: Next, the randomizer will ask for a seed value. If you don't know which seed you want, just leave this blank and the randomizer will choose one for you. The seed value is an integer number that can be used to share the same randomization with other people. It's like a signature for the game that Beyond Chaos creates. If you want to play the game along with a friend, you can use the same seed. Flags: Finally, the randomizer will ask for a list of flags. If you don't know which flags you want, just leave this blank and the randomizer will give you the standard setting: all flags. If you would like to customize your experience, here is a list of flags and what they do: o Shuffle characters' in-battle commands. w Generate new commands for characters, replacing old commands. z Always have "Sprint Shoes" effect. b Make the game more balanced by removing exploits such as Joker Doom, Vanish/Doom, and the Evade/Mblock bug. m Randomize enemy stats. c Randomize palettes and names of various things. i Randomize the stats of equippable items. q Randomize what equipment each character can wear and character stats. e Randomize esper spells and levelup bonuses. t Randomize treasure, including chests, colosseum, shops, and enemy drops. u Umaro risk. (Random character will be berserk) l Randomize blitz inputs. n Randomize window background colors. f Randomize enemy formations. s Swap character graphics around. p Randomize the palettes of spells and weapon animations. d Randomize final dungeon. a Organize rages alphabetically (default) h Organize rages by highest level first Output rom file: The randomizer generates two files, a patched rom file, and a mini-FAQ. Both files will have the seed value in their name. To play the game, load the patched rom file in your emulator. The mini-FAQ is a text file that mainly includes information about where to get items; colosseum rewards, monster steals and drops, shop info, and monster rages are all included. OVERVIEW Beyond Chaos is a randomizer, a program that remixes game content randomly, for FF6. Every time you run Beyond Chaos, it will generate a completely unique, brand-new mod of FF6 for you to challenge and explore. There are over 10 billion different possible randomizations! Nearly everything is randomized, including treasure, enemies, colors, graphics, character abilities, and more. Beyond Chaos is also customizable. Using the flags in the above section, you can choose to only randomize certain parts of the game. Every flag you select will make the game a little more random, and also a little more difficult. Therefore, even experienced players should be able to find some challenge in the resulting game. As the game progresses, enemies may become more and more difficult, so that it becomes necessary to develop specialized strategies for individual formations. Because of the extent and the severity of the modifications made by Beyond Chaos, it is not recommended for competitive play. It is mainly intended for casual play, though if you would like to play it competitively anyway, go for it. Also note that there is another FF6 randomizer intended for races, made by Dessyreqt and Lenophis, that makes more conservative changes. That one is simply called "FF6 Randomizer", or "FF6 Rando Classic Original Flavor". OBJECTIVES 1. To remix game content so thoroughly that even veteran FF6 fans can feel as though they are playing the game for the first time all over again. 2. To create a challenging and festive result that encourages memorable scenarios, without making the game impossible for a casual player to complete. 3. To create a tool that is useful to the FF6 rom hacking community by being both open source and accessible, and by showing off a wide variety of potential mods. FAQ/KNOWN ISSUES Q: How do I play Beyond Chaos Ancient Cave mode? A: There are two codes you can use. "ancientcave" is for the standard Ancient Cave mode with ~200 maps and takes a very long time to complete. "speedcave" is a shorter, faster mode (~100 maps) that is designed to be completed in one sitting. Input the code in the flags. For vanilla Ancient Cave mode, I recommend using "ancientcavez". Q: How do I play Beyond Chaos Bingo? A: The code is "bingoboingo". Use the code in the flags and the randomizer will ask you some more questions when the randomization is complete. Q: I lost my seed number but I still have the rom. Can I find my seed number again? A: The seed is displayed in the auto-generated guide, in the rom's SNES header, and in the opening sequence with the magitek armor. Q: I'm at Vargas but I don't have Blitz. How do I beat him? A: You can defeat him normally without Blitz. His HP was lowered to make him beatable without much (if any) grinding. Q: How do I defeat TunnelArmr without Runic? A: Just kill it. Q: How do I defeat Ultros at the Esper's hideout without Sketch? A: Just kill it. Q: Speaking of Sketch, was the Sketch Glitch patched? A: No. Believe it or not, there are people out there who want to play using the Sketch Glitch, which is why the randomizer is based off of the FF3 US 1.0 rom. In an ideal world you would be able to choose whether or not to patch the glitch, but since there is such small demand for that kind of feature and it would take considerable effort, I haven't implemented it. Q: The Moogle Charm doesn't work. A: It was nerfed. FF6 uses a threat level based random encounter system, and Moogle Charm increases threat level by the lowest possible value without removing encounters altogether. The specifics are a bit complex, but you should think of it as having about a 1/256 encounter rate if you've been wearing it for a while. Also, some later dungeons might randomly ignore Moogle Charm altogether. Q: I'm in a dungeon and the encounter rate is insanely high. A: Some later dungeons have a chance to become high encounter rate dungeons. However, these dungeons are twice as vulnerable to the effects of Charm Bangle and Moogle Charm. Q: The switches in the final dungeon don't seem to be working. A: They work, I assure you... it seems like the game is just a bit buggy when a group it doesn't expect stands on the switch. Usually you can get it to work by cycling through every party while standing on the switch. In the worse case scenario (you rarely need to do this) have all other parties leave the room, then stand on the switch. It also seems like if there are switches on two different parties' maps, the game can get confused, but this has only happened to me once. Q: The Fanatics Tower is really long. What gives? A: I've made some changes to the Tower, with the intent to make it the most frustrating, obnoxious dungeon possible. If you're stuck, here are some hints in ROT13 format. Decode them if you're having trouble. Hint #1: Vg'f zber qvssvphyg tbvat hc guna pbzvat qbja. Hint #2: Qba'g trg qvfgenpgrq. Fgnl sbphfrq ba lbhe tbny, naq riraghnyyl lbh jvyy ernpu vg. Solution: Fbzr gernfher ebbzf ner gencf gung qebc lbh gb n ybjre yriry bs gur gbjre. Nibvq gur gernfher ebbzf naq lbh jba'g trg fghpx. Q: The old man in Narshe won't give me the Ragnarok esper. Is this a bug? A: It's not a bug. Ragnarok (esper) is at a different location. Location: Gur obff ng gur gbc bs Snangvpf Gbjre unf vg. Q: I heard that there's a secret item. How do I get it? A: Va gur svany qhatrba, gurer'f n fznyy vagrevbe ebbz jvgu n qbbe cnfg n pbairlbe oryg gung vf vanpprffvoyr. Gb ernpu gur qbbe, lbh zhfg hfr na rkcybvg gung vf abeznyyl hfrq gb fxvc Cbygetrvfg va inavyyn SS6. Ybbx hc gur Cbygetrvfg fxvc gb svaq bhg ubj gb qb gur gevpx. Q: I heard that there are secret codes. What are they? A: I'll give you the codes, but be aware that these are codes that were used during development for testing the randomizer. I make no guarantees about their playability, and it's recommended that you play through the randomizer without codes at least once before you use them. Here they are, as always, in ROT13: nvefuvc phgfprarf cneglcnegl oenirahqrjbeyq fhcyrkjerpxf fgenatrwbhearl qrnerfgzbyhyh pnaggbhpuguvf rnflzbqb abeat raqyrff9 rdhvcnalguvat pbyyngrenyqnzntr yyt anghenyzntvp anghenyfgngf cynlfvgfrys Q: What level should I be for the final dungeon? A: It really depends on your gear and what builds you have access to. I usually end up going there around level 35-40, but it doesn't hurt to have a few absurdly high level characters to tank hits. Q: Yo this is really hard. A: Yeah I guess so. I was pretty careful to make sure it was always beatable, though. Obviously the difficulty depends on your specific randomization though, so if you're having trouble, don't feel bad about using savestates or anything. I tried to design the randomizer in such a way that savestates aren't necessary, but I can't account for everything. If you encounter anything that is absolutely absurd in difficulty, please let me know so I can try to adjust the balance for future versions. Also, save often! You never know when you'll randomly encounter a boss on the overworld or in a chest. Q: I encountered <boss> as a random encounter/monster in a box! Is this a bug? A: No. Q: I can't choose my party for the final battle. Is this a bug? A: No. Q: When my character uses X ability, he attacks the enemy and then attacks his own party for low damage! Is this a bug? A: Yes! I don't know how to fix it, but it's a bit interesting in its own right, so I've been ignoring it for now. Q: It says my character can use Blitz/Lore/etc. in their skills menu, but they don't actually know it. A: This is a side effect of replacing the old commands. I'm not sure how to fix it, but it doesn't really affect the game so I haven't really looked into it. Q: I used Control on an enemy and ordered him to use a skill on his own party, but he attacked me instead! A: Some skills are just like that. They're flagged to never be used on your own party. Q: The final boss is impossible! How do I win? A: Gur orfg cerpnhgvba lbh pna gnxr vf univat rabhtu UC gb fheivir Zrgrbe (hfhnyyl nobhg 5000) naq vaihyarenovyvgl gb znal fgnghf rssrpgf, rfcrpvnyyl Fvyrapr. Xrsxn jba'g pbhagre juvyr ur'f pnfgvat Tbare naq gur fperra vf funxvat, fb guvf vf gur orfg gvzr gb fgevxr. Q: The boss of the Fanatics Tower is impossible! How do I win without Life 3? A: Gur pynffvp fgengrtl bs Enfcvat uvz gb qrngu fgvyy jbexf, naq ur vf bsgra ihyarenoyr gb Ofrex. Hfvat Cnyvqbe gb ynaq gur svany uvg pna jbex, ohg or jnel gung ur zvtug fgneg gur onggyr jvgu vaangr Yvsr 3. Nyfb, vs lbh unir n Trz Obk be fvzvyne vgrz, vg zvtug nyybj lbh gb hfr na novyvgl va gur gbjre gung lbh abeznyyl pna'g hfr... Hygvzn pna or Ehavpxrq, sbe rknzcyr. Q: Dude I've got like six cursed shields. A: Fun fact, if you equip cursed shields on multiple party members, you can uncurse one of them 2x or 3x or 4x as quickly. Q: Why can't Gogo select X ability? A: It's probably there. You just have to scroll past the edge of the menu. Unless it's an ability Shadow had and you let him die, in which case, it won't be there. Q: I just got a Game Over, but I didn't get to keep my experience levels. A: This feature was removed because it didn't work properly with one of the new esper boosts. I also wasn't very fond of it to begin with, because I would often get a Game Over and forget to reset so I don't miss out on valuable esper levels. Q: Can you add X to the mini-guide that gets generated? A: Let me know. I'm not sure what kinds of things people want in the mini-FAQ. Q: The guide says a character can learn a spell naturally, but they haven't learned it. A: Yeah, that's a bug I haven't bothered to figure out yet. I think it has to do with characters joining at a higher level than the magic they learn. They'll still learn the rest of their natural magic, though. Q: Can you add X feature? A: Maybe. I'm open to suggestions, but things that require a lot of effort probably won't get made. Q: Can I add X feature? A: Possibly! Even if I don't think it's a good idea for the standard settings, it could be a secret code. Send me a pull request to the project's Github. Q: Does Beyond Chaos work with X mod? A: Maybe, maybe not. I haven't tested Beyond Chaos with anyone else's mods. If it's an elaborate, full-game mod than the answer is no. Some small mods might be compatible, since Beyond Chaos doesn't do rom expansion or anything like that... but it uses up a lot of commonly used free space, so conflicts are likely. Q: Does Beyond Chaos work on a real Super Nintendo? A: Absolutely! Beyond Chaos has been tested on both Super Everdrive and SD2SNES, and it works 100% perfectly. Q: I found a bug! A: Send me a tweet, or a message on Twitch, or post it in one of the Beyond Chaos threads on various forums. I'll check it out. SPECIAL THANKS ffmasterfoobar - Twitch broadcaster who did a lot of playtesting for my entertainment, check out his channel Tenkarider - Romhacker who gave me lots of feedback, and creator of the Ultimate Czar Dragon hack, FF6 Curse of the Gods, and many other challenges
  11. Version 2.060


    Major features: Equipment offers various bonuses instead of a simple attack and defense progression Rebalanced classes, stats and spells, almost everything is usable now Modified formulas that keep even high level techs useful Expanded inbattle options with running, regular strong attacks and counter techs Passive MP regeneration with high cost spells: be smart with your magic Extensive boss AI changes Accelerated level curve: from class changing at the earliest mana stone to facing the final boss at the level cap Transformed the shield slot into a second accessoire slot for everyone, shields count as regular accessoires Increased inventory capacity to 20 per item type instead of 9 Tons of bugfixes ranging from agility stats not working to Kevin's wolfform stacking attack bonuses 5 difficulties to choose from, covering the spectrum from "easier than vanilla" to "Atlus would be proud"
  12. Version 3.8.2


    Edits all aspects of Super Mario RPG.
  13. Lunar IPS SNES Game Patching Tool

    Version 1.01


    Lunar IPS (LIPS) is intended as an easy to use, lightweight IPS patch utility for windows to replace the SNESTool DOS program. It can both create and apply IPS patches. What's New in Version 1.01 IPS patch creation/application support. full RLE encoding/decoding support. file expanding/truncating support. the IPS encoder creates files that are the same size or smaller than files created with SNESTool. the IPS encoder avoids the rare "0x454F46 (EOF) offset bug" that SNESTool's IPS encoder has. logging feature for applying IPS patches (ROMFileName.log). registers the ".IPS" file type so that you can just double click on an IPS file and choose the file to apply it to for convenience. support for patching files up to 16 MB in size, which is the limit of the IPS format. The files can technically be larger than that, but the IPS format cannot record changes beyond the 16 MB mark due to 24-bit addressing. The IPS file itself can be any size.
  14. Update! See this post. Hello folks! I know nobody asked for this (except me) but me and Nowea did some work this morning and figured we would release it to any interested parties. We made an eye candy patch. Terra casting Rasp on a reflective Relm, and using an Ether on Cyan (and yes, I made these using vanilla saves, hence the insanely high numbers which you would never see in BNW) This patch (re-)redecorates the less-than-aesthetically-pleasing Rflect barrier that results from using Imzogelmo's Color-coded MP Digits patch. The barrier is now a pleasant blue recolor of the green vanilla version. As a byproduct of eliminating the dark grey color from the palette, the MP healing colors (blue) look somewhat brighter and have a nice glow to them. The MP damage numerals (pink) were recolored to match. It has been (very, very briefly) tested with Brave New World 1.8.0 and vanilla FF3us 1.0. Please report any bugs you find to Seibaby on the ID Discord channel or here in this thread. Please be especially on the lookout for anything that is pinkish-maroonish but looks like it should perhaps be a dark grey. Thank you for downloading this patch and please enjoy! -- Seibaby (aka Cakes) Gonna post this up for testing or something? I demand top billing -- Nowea (If you're wondering about the distribution of work here - Nowea did all the creative stuff and Seibaby did all the hacking stuff - yay teamwork!)
  15. Version 2.2.2


    Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Mega Man X: Hard Type Mega Man X: Hard Type is a rebalance and stage redesign project for Megaman X for the SNES. Within its objective is to enhance the difficulty to provide a fresh new experience to veterans of the platform genre. Mega Man X: Soft Type Mega Man X: Soft Type is a patch included in the download, which features all of the changes listed below, except for the level redesigns. It's a must for players who want to check out a rebalanced verison of the original, without having to play the redesign stages! Think of it as a middle ground between the original, and MMX: Hard Type! List of changes: Level changes: Every single level has been redesigned from scratch, including bosses arenas. AI changes: Regular enemies, bosses and minibosses have had their AI enhanced, making them more responsive and faster, among other things. Enemy stat rebalances: Enemies have had their HP rebalanced and they usually deal more damage. Player stat rebalances: Ammo has been reduced, and each of the weapon's costs have been rebalanced. Damage done by weapons have been rebalanced as well (The Hadouken isn't a 1-shot anymore), both against regular enemies and bosses. Some weapons had their speed rebalanced. The body upgrade has been nerfed to 25% damage reduction. Other misc changes: Infinite lives. Dialogue changes. Spec mode modified. Death counter in the pause screen. Each of the bosses can now be rebattled. Each of the Maverick stages can be exited without having beaten it first. Hadouken capsule only requires 1 visit. Doesn't require all stages beaten. Dash acquired after completing the Intro Stage. Custom Title. Other rebalances and small additions. Want to donate? Click here! Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Credits: Xeeynamo, for creating the MMXE 0.7.1 Beta editor. This project wouldn't have even started without this wonderful tool; huge thanks to you. Xeeynamo's website: justin3009 of the Megaman X9 Forums, for his great help in ASM hacking. Red Guy, for improving the MegaED X editor to levels I didn't even believe were possible. Thanks to you, the MMX community will hopefully be encouraged to release more of these projects. Just... Thank you. BTB, Advent/Kyrios and Stann for their help on improving the dialogue. You guys rock. \m/ Every Beta Tester or player who has given feedback for this project so far. (Names in the forum thread) Everyone in Insane Difficulty, giving me support, constructive opinions, suggestions. The crew in New Game +.