I started playing a couple weeks ago, love the hack, amazing work. I've beaten smithy, and I've now beaten all bosses including Terra and optional bosses like Margaret and Elizabeth; I just have Red (that isn't high on my priority list) and Rosalina at this point. I just beat Xion today, but to my dismay, the only reward was 1,000 frog coins and 1,000 galaxy coins...no oathkeeper. I've searched the forums, and in regards to boss order, I've read that you must beat Terra and Xion first to get the Galaxy ring from Rosalina. Is it supposed to be a rare drop? I have the item collector. Am I missing something or did I encounter some kind of bug? I've been recording video, and have this fight if it needs to be uploaded for reference.
If it's helpful, I just noticed that when I talk to Frogfucious, he says I need to go to bowser's castle for the ultimate test of endurance. I'm not crazy, I have the Paladin equipped.