
What's good, gamer nerds? Metalheads? Femmes and Fashionistas?

3 posts in this topic

We're a team of six femme gamer chicks. We hail from all over the place, though for reasons many, we share not exactly where.

We're all about gaming, and good music. We're gamers, and we're musicians. Metal musicians, with a serious RPG character fandom that integrates music with various RPG characters.

Of course, this is mentioned all in better detail in our 'About Us', so go and give that a look.

Until next time!

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Hello there!

Why don't you get individual accounts? We currently have no rules against "group-accounts", but it would be better if you just created one per person. You can keep the group account for now, of course.

Anywat: welcome, fellow musicians. :D

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