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About inuksuk

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  1. That's right, I didn't want to use every Soda Tab so that players aren't forced to collect every single one to get their character upgrades.
  2. spoiler, chests

    That's right. The Red/Blue/White/Black Vests were removed. The stronger Mails remain. It's no longer possible to double up on Sealed Chest items by opening them in both eras. This is also true of the Hero's Grave Sealed Chests. This was done because doubling up on elemental absorption was too strong, and also to cut out the tedium of collecting them.
  3. Hi deno46, if you see this dialogue box, then you know you're playing Enhansa Edition. The vanilla textbox tells you how to choose your name. On my next update that textbox will just say welcome to Enhansa Edition to help reassure people who boot the game.
  4. You'll start to get some new weapons with the Jailbreak/Future portion of the game. There are some minor changes you might notice before then. The End of Time has the new NPC and character advancement. I don't think the starting sword had its crit rate changed. You're just running hot!
  5. That was my intention! I'm a huge fan of Brave New World. It doesn't have the insane polish that BNW has of course. Give it a try and let me know what you think
  6. Yes, there's been close attention paid to the damage dealt by single and combo Techs. There are some multipliers for combo Techs in vanilla, but they're not applied consistently and as you point out sometimes there's no benefit above using the individual Techs. The changes I made are documented in the Readme that comes with the download.
  7. Hello friends! After an intensive beta phase I am happy to launch Version 1.0 of my mod, Enhansa Edition! Enhansa Edition is a mod of Chrono Trigger that aims to improve the battle system by giving the player more choices about how to grow and gear your character. The inspiration for the mod was, "What if Hypno Wave was actually useful?" and from there it spiraled out of control to rewriting enemy AI, redesigning items and equipment, redesigning Techs, and more. There is a much greater emphasis on status effects in battle, with full functionality restored to unused statuses and many new ways to apply them. Many thanks to everyone who took a chance on my mod and gave me feedback throughout this process. You've all made the mod much better than I could have done on my own. You can download the mod directly through the NGPlus website by going here!
  8. Version 1.1.2


    I am delighted to present "Enhansa Edition," a comprehensive gameplay mod designed for the classic SNES game, "Chrono Trigger." My goal was to create an experience that preserves the essence of the original while incorporating modern RPG sensibilities. Unleash the power of time as you discover the redesigned combat mechanics, featuring an array of new status ailments and player Techs. Experience the perfect synergy of the original's nostalgic charm and innovative enhancements, allowing you to rewrite history in a truly unforgettable way. Improving on Chrono Trigger is a daunting task. The original game gets so many things right. I have strived to maintain its fast-paced combat while introducing challenges that will test your skills and perseverance. Thank you for playing, and I hope you enjoy! -inuksuk, June 2023
  9. I've posted a major update to bring us to a v1.0 Beta version! This update is (among many other changes) a major overhaul of status effects, making Poison, Haste, Slow, HP Down, and Blind much more relevant. It's still in the NG+ Discord server in the #Enhansa-Edition channel.
  10. It's live! I've uploaded the mod in the New Game Plus discord in its #Enhansa-Edition channel. I'll get it uploaded in others places soon.
  11. I'm taking some more time to polish it before I release. Soon!
  12. FAQ: 1) Where do I download the mod? It's available here through the website! Click here to go to the download page. 2) Isn't the city in Zeal called "Enhasa"? Yes. The title of my mod, "Enhansa Edition", is a bad pun. Sorry.
  13. Hello and welcome! Enhansa Edition is a mod of Chrono Trigger that aims to improve the battle system to make combat more fun. The inspiration for the mod was, "What if Hypno Wave was actually useful?" and from there it spiraled out of control to rewriting enemy AI, redesigning items and equipment, modifying Techs, and more. My goal was to give the player more choices about how to grow and gear your characters and to have those choices be felt in battle. Perhaps the biggest change is the removal of Power, Magic, and Speed Tabs; instead, an NPC at the End of Time will improve the characters' stats several times throughout the game in exchange for the Tabs you collect. This is not a "difficulty hack". That is to say, the game has not been made frustratingly difficult on purpose. Let me be clear that the mod is more difficult than vanilla Chrono Trigger; it was a game made for children, after all. In redesigning the battle mechanics, my interest is in increasing the options that the player has to consider. One major way this is achieved is through status effects in battle. Full functionality has been restored to many status effects that go largely ignored in vanilla Chrono Trigger. Weapons, Armor, and Accessories have been lovingly redesigned to support the different ways you can build your characters. Over 80 enemy AI scripts have been rewritten to make battle more engaging. Most of the new scripts are minor tweaks to existing AI to either fix bugs, remove dead time in combat from enemies wandering for several turns in a row, or align enemies to act more similarly to their palette-swapped cousins. In some cases, boss AI was reworked extensively to bring some aspect of the fight into sharper focus. Some encounters that I find tedious, like the Lavos boss rush or single Acid fights in the Factory Ruins have been removed entirely. A small number of bosses that had no redeeming features in vanilla, like the Mega/Giga/Terra Mutant fights in the Black Omen, were redesigned entirely. Improving on Chrono Trigger is a daunting task. The original game gets so many things right. I have endeavoured to keep the quick pace of combat from the original while still presenting challenges for the player to overcome. Thank you for playing and I hope you enjoy! -inuksuk, October 2021