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Everything posted by Mana-Masamune

  1. My mistake. I notice that he tends to leave for extended periods of time. I'm sure he'll be back. Black Garb Nightbladeの最強装備,闇をそのまま織りあげたかのような、深い夜色をしたマント。暗殺者の身を、その存在ごと消し去るがのごとく包み込んでしもという。事実、これを最後にもとつた者は、その後目撃されるとはなく、ともにその所は不明となつれいる。 The ultimate armor of the Nightblade. An assassin's cloak woven with a deep and complex dark fabric, it is if the color perfectly captures the darkness of the night itself. When worn, it is if the entire existence of the wearer fades into nothing. The last owner was said to have disappeared along with this armor. The ultimate armor of the Nightblade class. Made to capture the spectrum of the hues of the night, this full body suit is a uniform for the most deadly and determined of assassins. As the fabric allows its user to blend with the darkness itself, legends of the underworld wearily tell however of those who have sought this armor, who seemed to have vanished into the night and were never heard from again. Appearing before its seeker, one must decide for themselves if the dark path to power will be theirs to walk should they wear it. Wind Spirit Hat Jinnの庇護を受けている、風の精の羽根が飾られている帽子。青青として草原や光輝く太陽imageして作られた帽子で、これを持つ者は、大いなる自然の力を身につけるは、とができるといわれている。 The ultimate headgear of the Wanderer. A hat decorated with a feather granted from Jinn, the Mana Spirit of the Wind. With a color design evocative of a green meadow under a blue sunny sky, this coloration is believed to allow one the protective powers of nature at their side. The ultimate headgear of the Wanderer class. A seemingly ordinary chapeau a bec cap, this hat is in fact a gift bestowed as blessing from Jinn, the Mana Spirit of the Wind. Made to capture and evoke the imagery of a windswept meadow under a bright and sunny sky, the ethereal blue feather and the golden wings crest are said to be powerful charms to help complete its colorization as a spell to make the hat a protective talisman, granting its wearer the blessings of not only Jinn, but the entirety of nature and the earth itself to protect them. Seiryuu Uniform 説の霊獣、青竜のウロコを綴つて作られたといわれる道着。紺碧の道着をまとつた闘士の逸話もあるが、青竜自体が伝説上の生物なため、この道着との関は定かてはない。 The ultimate armor of the Death Hand. A martial arts uniform, said to be made from the scales of the theoretical spirit beast Seiryuu. An anecdote of a warrior who wore such a uniform is well known, but though the Seiryuu has many well known legends about it, it is uncertain of how these legends correlate with one another. The ultimate armor of the Death Hand class. This martial arts uniform is said to be made with the scales of the legendary spirit dragon Seiryuu, who is said to command powers over the skies and is a benevolent god like entity. But while the anecdotes of the warriors who wear Blue Uniforms throughout Fa'Diel are well known as a popular tale, Seiryuu itself is ultimately theoretical in its existence, and as lack of evidence entails, it is ultimately unknown how this uniform plays into the dragon's legend. Sapphire Band 青竜の道着と対をなす、青白く輝く宝石を額にはめ込ん額帯。Phoenixの羽根飾りが付いてあり、死への誘いを防ぐともいわれている。ただし、伝説にも記録にも、この防具について触れたものはない。 The ultimate headgear of the Death Hand. A blue headband, with a forehead decoration of a dim and pale gem at its center, that is paired with the Seiryuu Uniform. Outfitted further to its design are the feathers of the Phoenix, which is said to act as a charm to ward off the threat of death. Legends nor records do not tell of this armor. The ultimate headgear of the Death Hand class. A silk blue headband, that is able to wrap around its wearer's head like a cap and bears a skull motif at its forehead that bears a dim sapphire underneath. Appraisal tells that the plume of feathers that decorate it at its side are in fact those of the legendary Phoenix, which upon its blazing reincarnation are rarely shed intact and are treasured as powerful charms to be used to ward off the threat of death. Murky and loose rumors tell that this headband play into the legends of the Blue Uniform fighters, but this is considered pure speculation. Death Hand (class) 誰にも負けない、けた外れの力を得るために、心を邪悪に染めて格闘家。Godhand とは対極に位置する、Kevin 最強typeひとつである。 Fighters who dye their hearts wickedly with evil to attain extraordinary power that is second to none. Mirroring the Godhand class, this is another one of Kevin's strongest classes. Brief Summary Fan Version: Martial artists who have undertaken forbidden ways of throwing themselves into hatred and anger to grant them terrifying strength. Gains the strongest equipment and highest builds to annihilate all with their fists. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: Considered the infernal counterpart to the Divine Fist's loftiness, the Fatal Fist treads ways both feared and forsaken by the world of martial arts, to complete their quest for power at any cost necessary, no matter how far the path to power leads. Taught and encouraged to throw oneself into their own extremes of negativity and wickedness, Fatal Fists twist their heart and mind in this method to empower themselves, drawing upon anything that comprises their faults and worst traits, be it anger, resentment, hatred, vice, elitism, egotism, and the acceptance of the capability to do great wrong and evil, to realize great strength at the cost of their soul. Transformed into demons at the wake of battle and conflict, the class then instantaneously throws themselves into rage and abandon, commanding such wrathful power that shows no mercy no matter how paced the warrior fights, with each blow infused with the willingness to cause pain and suffering, and the intent of the complete merciless destruction of opposition. Though legends tell of such warriors of wicked strength to be the strongest in respect of their unmatched might, the reality remains that such brutality is considered so excessive and cruel to where the martial arts world forbids their ways to ever be tread upon, and to keep word and knowledge of the class's existence stricken silent away as verboten and taboo secrets none should ever come across. Juggernaut (BITCH) (also insufficient lore for fan lore, will come back to this to update it) あらゆものをひき潰しながら進み続けるという。巨人な車輪を型どつて作なれた狂気のflail. The ultimate weapon of the Evil Shaman. Those who wield this weapon will continue to destroy all in their paths, crushing all obstacles and foes. A crazy flail made from modifying an enormous wheel. The ultimate weapon of the Evil Shaman class. A flail made to be wielded in bouts of insanity as a weapon of pure chaos, the giant wheel allows it to crush anything it collides into, while the spikes are used to dig into any ordinance or obstacle it touches, allowing the user to haul its contents around to their liking. Ninja (class) 音もなく敵を倒す術を心得な忍びの者。自然を操り、地水火風の力による忍術攻撃を行うことができる。また、を投げる攻撃も覚えることがてきる。 Without a sound or trace, silent warriors who cut down all opposition they encounter. Able to manipulate the power of nature and commands the powers of earth, water, fire, and wind, and learns how to throw weapons. Brief Summary Fan Version: One who studies the art of stealth and deception in the face of battle. Learns the ways of Ninjutsu, allowing them to hinder all opposition tactfully. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: Taking the thief's underhandedness and trickery into martial application, the ways of the Ninja are those of fighters with battle conduct taken from warriors of another land, renowned for their skills of stealth, deception, and sabotage, allowing them to knock down opposition and defeat enemies without a trace. Further driving their aptitude in fighting and skill is that of their repertoire of secretive and elusive arts known as Ninjutsu that make up their styles and methods, allowing them their proficiency and ferocity in the heat of conflict and tension. Such arts are said to not just comprise of training in the physical and technical, but also that of the mystical; rumored are that Ninja delve into intense spiritual refinement, and come to gain their own ways of magic from this training, from being able to mold and manifest objects purely from their own spiritual energy, to harmonizing and manipulating the natural energy of their surroundings to attack their enemies. Brawler (class) 戦いのためだけに乙の肉体を鍛え上げる格闘家。鋭を切り裂く攻撃を、佝とりも好む。Monkを上回る攻撃能力を持ち合わせている。 A fighter who trains his body solely for battle. Enjoys using sharp hitting attacks. Exceeds in strength over the Monk class. Brief Summary Fan Version: Martial artists who aim to train their bodies to attain great strength and study how to draw out the weaknesses of their foes. Focuses more on "external" ways of fighting, emphasizing stat builds and gaining more powerful equipment. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: Yearning for power and its influence, the Brawler comes to focus on the external aspects of strength, including the secrets of the flesh and body. Though the Brawler comes to derive strength from bulking their muscles and sinew, and to temper their bodies to endure the rigors of combat, the class also comes to learn of the more brutal secrets of the flesh as well, from learning the weak points of the body and knowing the exact amount of purposed force to apply to defeat their enemies with sharp and unrelenting blows. Because of this focus of study, they are greater in brute strength, drawing out their bodily potential to reach limits greater than others, and to dominate all foes that come their way, but this aim of purpose limits them in skillfulness at the cost of such power, and such is the fact that the decision of where to take this power and the path that awaits lies solely upon the responsibility of the practitioner. Bloody Mask 觧血が染み込んだかのような、凶凶しい赤をしている。仮面の表は穏やかだが、それがかえつて見る者を恐怖れるという。また、仮面を付けた者の、内に必殺秘めた殺気を最大限に引き出すことができる The ultimate headgear of the Nightblade. Bearing a fearsome red color, it is if the mask has been soaked with blood. The surface of the mask appears calm, but its visage overall is considered terrifying. Wearing it is said to stimulate its wearer's killing instinct. The ultimate headgear of the Nightblade class. An eerily calm still faced mask, the piece itself bears a vivid crimson, as if it was drenched in blood. Effective in unnerving and scaring the opponent, wearing it is further believed to stimulate the killing instinct of its wearers, making them murderers of the utmost proficiency. Ruby Band 朱雀の道着と対をなしており、大きな紅玉の装飾が施されている額帯。伝説の霊鳥、朱雀の羽根1本1本丁寧に紡ぎ、その糸て織つた布が使われているという。古い記録にある闘士の姿絵には、この額帯もはつきちと描かれている。 The ultimate headgear of the Dervish. A headband made to fit in fashion with the Suzaku Uniform, bearing a large red ruby on its forehead crest. It is said that the feathers of the legendary firebird Suzaku are carefully threaded and woven to make its cloth. This headband is also recorded in legend of the bearer of the Suzaku Uniform. The ultimate headgear of the Dervish class. A vivid vermilion headband bearing a large red ruby on its forehead crest, this headband was made by the careful process of turning into thread the feathers of the legendary spiritual firebird Suzaku, creating an ever warm and soft light cloth that no other material can compare. Legends of a triumphant blood drenched warrior tells how he wore this upon his victory in battle. Suzaku Uniform Dervish の 最強装備で,霊鳥、朱雀の羽根を織り込ん作あれた道着。燃え盛る炎のよな朱に輝くといわれ、熱と光で敵の攻撃を防ぐという。血のように朱い衣をまとつた闘士の絵姿が、遥か古い記録に残されている。 The ultimate armor of the Dervish. A martial arts uniform created by the threading the feathers of the spiritual firebird Suzaku. Shining vermilion, this uniform exudes an aura of flame around its user, with its heat and light discouraging enemy attacks. Legends recorded of the visage of a warrior drenched in blood describes a similar uniform. The ultimate armor of the Dervish class. A vermilion martial arts dogi, this uniform is said to have been created by threading together the feathers of the spiritual firebird Suzaku, who flies freely with propriety ablaze, dancing in the skies. With such magical materials, this uniform is able to generate an aura of flame by its wearer, and such heat and light generated is powerful enough to dissuade foes from attacking carelessly. Legends of a triumphant blood drenched warrior tell of how the warrior wore a similar uniform, and whose visage is artistically recorded from eyewitness to retell the world over. Full Moon Helm 冷たい月の光を宿した兜。角のような尖月のcrestを持ち、強力な魔力のこもつた光を発するという。 The ultimate armor of the Swordmaster. A helmet that magically glows similarly to cold moonlight. It has a horn like crest of the moon on its forehead, and emanates light brightly. The ultimate armor of the Swordmaster class. A helmet whose construction is identified as one not of Fa'Diel, made from a far away foreign land. Flowing and open and durable as it is lightweight, the crescent moon like crest on its forehead is considered the main eyepiece of its design. With a magic that is entirely unidentifiable, the helmet itself is said to coldly glow like the moon, and within battle, the crest is able to shine brightly as according to its user's willpower and fighting spirit. Master's Armor 零下の微光を放つplatemail.着用の意志の強さたよつて、その硬度が増すといわれる幻の鎧だ。 The ultimate armor of the Swordmaster. A set of platemail that emanates light so barely that it is almost unnoticeable. It is in fact a phantom armor whose hardiness and protection increases as according to the user's willpower and fighting spirit. The ultimate armor of the Swordmaster class. A set of platemail, though while its construction is said to be of another land's, the strange faint glow it emanates believes it to be a phantom armor from the spiritual world. When worn, its protection and hardiness somehow magically increases in accordance to its bearer's willpower and fighting spirit. Master's Armband 身につけた者の力を増強し、装備している武器を敵の急所に導く魔力を秘めているといわれる。所有する者に無敗を約束するともいわれ、騎士の羨望の的とな強力な腕輪として知られる。 The ultimate accessory of the Swordmaster and the Duelist. This armband is said to be a magical artifact that along with boosting its wearer's strength, allows them to accurately target vital and weak points of foes without difficulty. Said to be the envy of knights, the armband is also believed to grant endless victory to its owner. The ultimate accessory of the Swordmaster and the Duelist. An armor braced armband said to be the envy of knights and the orders that comprise them, it is alleged that those who come across this legendary artifact are promised eternal victory once it is in their ownership. It is said to be endowed with magical powers as well; not only bestowing and granting great strength, but also gives one the ability to target and accurately land attacks to vital points without difficulty. Skeleton Mail 魔物なさの骨を削り取つて作られたという、凶凶しい伝説の鎧。装備する者の肉体に喰い入り、邪悪な力を注ぎ込むといわれている。殺戮に己のすべてを投じて者の前にのむ、その恐るしい姿を現すという。 The ultimate armor of the Duelist. An infamous armor created by stripping down the bones of demons, wearing it is said to bite into its wearer's flesh and injects evil power into them, making them crazed with bloodlust and brings out the worst of its user. The ultimate armor of the Duelist class. An infamous set of armor known by its grisly method of creation, being to strip down and flay demons alive, clean of their flesh to attain their bones to craft. Feared accursed as it is sensed that the bones still possess a life of their own, wearing it is the most dreaded aspect of this armor, as it is believed that the bones themselves will bite and dig deep into its wearer's flesh, tainting them with evil mana, and turns them into crazed killers and reveals their darker sides of themselves for the world to bear.
  2. Hi, I'm Mana-Masamune and I would like to present my translations on Seiken Densetsu 3 from the official guide book that I have been working on in my free time. Despite all current events, I've been hard at work with more important things, but here's what I've got down for now. I will also do my best to categorize and establish pronounced differences and kinds of translations. Please enjoy. How translations will go: Name of article being described: Item, Weapon, Class, etc. Transcribed Nihongo: All Japanese original sourced text from the guidebook. Literal Translation: A Japanese to English direct translation of the text given. If there are cultural intricacies, I'll be sure to note them. Poetic/Localization/Fan Attempt Translation: A effort by me to make more elaborate and fantastical the text given, along with collaborating with other information given by other articles relevant to the article at hand. There is a lot underlying themes and implications, as natural as any older Square work. Will try not to ramble on. I will admit, I will translate things rather haphazardly as a hobby on this thread, nothing super dedicated. If there comes a point that I complete anything, I'll do my best to organize them into a table in the future.
  3. Thanks. There's like a bunch of other translation projects I've held on the back burner for a while, but this one I'd like to start up again. I hope Pretarius gets back up on his feet too. Shuriken (unfinished) 自らの闘気を掌に集中させて創り出した手裏剣を、敵に向投げつける攻撃。 An attack that throws a shuriken created by concentrating one's fighting spirit one's palm to strike the enemy. A Ninjutsu spell in which by one concentrating one's fighting spirit, they form a shuriken in the palm of their hand, striking foes from afar. Lucky Card あらゆる運を司るカード。敵の予測の裏をつき、その攻撃を紙ー重で避けることで防御力のアツプが可能といわれている。その中央には、愚者の絵が描かれ、それが持ち主に強運を与えているらしい。 The ultimate accessory of the Wanderer and the Rogue. A card that controls all luck. When donned on its wielder, they are able to calculate the coming of misfortune by the card itself signalling its arrival with magically increasing its weight. A picture of a fool is drawn on the center, which seems to also give good luck to its wearer. The ultimate accessory of the Wanderer and Rogue classes. A seemingly ordinary card, this card is infact an arcane talisman with serendipitous powers over luck and fate, and marked with the image of a traveling fool, that is said to bring great fortune on its bearer. When facing enemies and misfortune, the card portends with almost miraculous means to let its user know when life will strike with ill tidings. Stories tell of how a legendary wanderer was saved when this accessory was in his possession, the most famous retelling by it literally turning into a paper weight and falling out of his reach when Death itself was close with a vicious attack. Stealth Charm/Shinobi no Mamorifuda/Protective Seals of Shinobi 忍術の奥義を注ぎ込んで作られて。この護符を持つ者は、素晴らひい俊敏さを発揮疾風のように舞い、あらゆる敵の攻撃を避けることが可能となる。 The ultimate accessory of the Nightblade and the Ninja Master. Made with the most secretive and well kept techniques of Ninjutsu. Those who bear this amulet will be able to show great agility and dance about like a gale, avoiding attacks of the enemy. The ultimate accessory of the Nightblade and Ninja Master classes. A series of mysterious paper amulets, these charms are rumored to be created with such arcane and secretive Ninjutsu that not even common Ninja know about. Created after a kind of magical seal used in a far away land to protect and ward off evil, bearing these charms are said to have the same effect, allowing its bearer to blend into the shadows without flaw, to sneak stealthily about with ease, dance about their foes with unmatched agility, and outrun danger without difficulty. Ninja Master (class) 忍びの者たちの間で、最高の称号とそれ、敬われる最強の忍者。手義剣の乱れ打ちや影潜り、より強力で、広範囲に影響を及ぼす忍術を使いこなすにとが可能。 Out of all Ninja, the highest title, and for its bearer, the strongest of ninja to be respected. Mastered Ninjutsu to where their attacks come across like storms of blows and are able to slip into the shadows without flaw, and where Ninjutsu spells are now able to be cast on all foes on the field. Brief Summary Fan Version: Those who are rightfully recognized as the strongest and masterful of Ninja. Attains mastery over the arts of Ninjutsu, and commands the ability to end combat as quickly as it starts. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: Version 1:“Amongst of all ninja, there are only followers, and then there are masters. The Ninja Master instead follows the path of the ninja with virtue and devotion, turning to focusing on mastering the basics and reinforcing the foundations to their ultimate limit. Because of this intense adherence to training, the Ninja Master is able to utilize even the most basic ninjutsu in the most devastating ways, wields blades with such proficiency that makes their attacks seem like a storm of blows, and has mastered the art of stealth to where it is if the darkness is an extension of their abode. Though the art of the ninja is that of deception and subterfuge, only Ninja Masters are honored as the strongest of ninja and follow their own path of rectitude that is forged by their own fists.” Version 2: "Amongst of all ninja, there are only followers, and then there are masters. The Ninja Master follows the path of the ninja with virtue and devotion, finding sincere meaning and solace within the arts of ninjutsu, and leading the way for the next generation of ninja to follow. Dedicated to the end and with the art of war as arcane and storied with their experiences in battle, Ninja Masters know well of tactics, strategy, and the science of chaos and trickery, reinforced with a foothold built upon turning to focusing on mastering the basics and reinforcing the foundations to their ultimate limit. Because of this intense adherence to training, the Ninja Master is able to utilize even the most basic ninjutsu in the most devastating ways, wields blades with such proficiency that makes their attacks seem like a storm of blows, and has mastered the art of stealth to where it is if the darkness is an extension of their abode, allowing them to traverse both the rigid precipices of tight tension and the chaotic battlefield, to fight onward tactfully to victory. Though the art of the ninja is that of deception and subterfuge, only Ninja Masters are honored as the strongest of ninja and follow their own path of rectitude that is forged by their own fists." Nightblade (class) 一撃必殺を得意とする暗殺者。毒霧やふきみ針など、相手の虚をつく攻撃を得意とするほか、忍術までも操ることができる。 An assassin who specializes in one hit kills. In addition to specializing targeting foes at their blind spots and vulnerable openings, including using blow needles and poisonous mists, they are able to use ninjutsu. Brief Summary Fan Version: Those who walk the shadows and darkness of night as renegade assassins. Learns many underhanded tricks, from shadowy spells to weaken their targets, to deadly trumps capable of ridding all in an instant. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: “Having sought further power to seek the most expedient methods of death onto their targets, the Nightblade is an assassin who has mastered the art of murder. With the ways of the ninja not being enough to satiate the goal of stealing lives, the Nightblade turns to deft methods of concealed weapons, the use of poisons, studying their prey to know of their openings and vulnerabilities, the purpose of maiming and injury to debilitate and weaken, and even striking the opponent psychologically to turn their fears and imagination against them from afar, before closing in on the kill. Though the Nightblade has turned away from the path of ninja, they keep with them their study of ninjutsu to perform obscured spells that not even ninja know about.” Byakko Uniform/Byakko no Dogi/Uniform of the White Tiger God Hand の 最強装備であり、幻の霊獣、白虎の毛皮作られた道着。古り記録には、この道着をもとつた人闘聖の話が残るおいう。 The ultimate armor of the Godhand. The fur of the illusive Sacred Spirit Beast Byakko is used to make this uniform. Long lasting legends tell of how a martial arts luminary wore this uniform in his quests. The ultimate armor of the Godhand class. Fighting legend throughout the world tells of how a martial arts luminary wore this uniform in his quests. The fur that it is comprised of is not of this world, said to be the fur of the white tigers of the spiritual realm known as Byakko. Rogue (class) 己が正しと信じたことに対して手段を選ばず行動する流れ者。乱暴者とされがさだが闇や邪悪とはまつたく無関係だある。やり強力なtrap攻撃を得意とする。 A drifter who acts by any means by what they believe to be correct. Although they are said to be a rambunctious and violent lot, their motives go beyond proverbial darkness or evil. Excels in powerful trap attacks. Brief Summary Fan Version: Those who live in the narrow straights of survival in both the world of men and nature. Learns to wield traps and secondary off hand weaponry to strike at any given foe in any situation. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: The Rogue is a fighter whose definition is that of a renegade, and comes to travel back and forth between the natural world and the reaches of civilization. A wild and rambunctious lot, the Rogue's actions are not mutual to their beliefs, walking along the lines of "the end justifies the means", and when push comes to shove, to "seize the day" and "the victor is the last one standing". Living life like a day to day struggle to survive, the Rogue employs not just fearsome skills with the knife, but to also utilizing traps and secondhand weaponry with sleight of hand to turn the tables on their enemies, kept in mind to all sorts of foes and to all kinds of situations. Though they live in the straights of "survival of the fittest" and a brutal, nearly merciless disposition, they hold true to what they believe in and have their own definitions of right and wrong. Wanderer/Nomad (class) 世俗を離れ、自然の中にその身をおくことを選んだ孤高狩人。Rangerの技術を、より深く追、求体得し、木、月系の精霊魔法をも武器にして戦闘を行う。 Solitary hunters who have left the world behind and choose to stay in nature. Pursues the techniques and skills of the Ranger further, and gains Wood and Moon spirit magic spells for their arsenal. Brief Summary Fan Version: Those who have left society behind to live wandering the depths of nature. Learns ways of magic only known by the spirits of nature, and allows them to trick and outlast even the most intimidating of foes. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: Adventuring the roads not often traveled, the Wanderer is the very class that treads this way of life. Having distanced themselves from the heart of society and heeded a call to nature, the Wanderer lives life within the wilderness, learning of the natural world's mysteries and uncovering discoveries that only lie within the depths of its realm. Though they travel in the serenity of the natural world and with an awareness brought about through their solitude, they are also not without knowledge of its many dangers, armed and long wizened with knowing how to survive against such troubles and fight back. Along with expertise in ways of battle, the Wanderrer has also attained the mystical powers of nature on their travels through learning to commune with the spirits of the natural world, allowing them magic that can aid or hinder in times of strife. Godhand (class) その拳ひは、聖なる力が宿ると言われる闘聖。心技体すびてが調和した、究極の格闘家だ回復魔法はじょめとする、いくつかの魔法を修得する。 With fists that bear holy power, a martial artist who has become a fighting saint. Through harmony of the mind and body, they are considered the ultimate fighters. Healing has been downplayed in favor of other useful spells. Brief Summary Fan Version: Martial artists who have undergone great spiritual and martial discipline to attain lofty levels of mastery. Gains the abilities to become even more adaptable on the offense and execute powerful techniques flawlessly. Elaborate Fan Lore Version: “Literally attaining the echelons of fighting divinity, the Godhand has unlocked the secrets of sentient transcendence and inner strength of a heavenly plane within themselves. Through coming to master one's heart and mind to harmonize with their own being and body, they have attained a level of skill that surpasses the mundane, and this level of mastery is also said in legend to be the sign which one has achieved a state of lofty existence to where holy spiritual power exudes from their very being. From this, the Godhand is able to flow with creation itself, able to tread on the borders of life and death free from inner tumult to follow through with their calling, and use their newfound spiritual powers to help unlock such potential in their fellow man and clear worldly obstacles, from healing pain, alleviating inner turmoil, and even knowing who to send back to the other side, to ease others paths to enlightenment.” Gigas Flail 巨人族の強大な力を宿したflail. 叡智を究めた者のみが使え、巨大な鎚には力を封じた宝石が鋳込まれている。 The ultimate weapon of the Sage. A flail that contains the mighty powers of the giants. Only those who have mastered wisdom can use it, and a jewel that seals the power is cast into the large hammer. The ultimate weapon of the Sage class. An enormous flail with a titanic mauling head, made to capture the strength of the terrible giants of lore. Impossibly heavy and unwieldy by mere strength alone, only those who study and apply great wisdom may harmonize with the magical gems embedded into its mauling head that act as seals of trial and security for its use, allowing its rightful user to wield it with utter ease. Judgementes 純白の鎚を黄金で装飾した、神聖なる力を宿した権威のflail. 聖職者の武器ゆえに突起は付いちあに。 The ultimate weapon of the Bishop. A flail of authority with sacred power, decorated in a pure white with gold. Because it is a weapon for priests, the flail only bears protrusions. The ultimate weapon of the Bishop class. A majestic flail signifying the utmost authority of clerical order, with a jeweled motif of the Mana Goddess on its handle. Made in mind of not just holy jurisdiction, but sacred vows, of a smoothed and graceful construction to ensure no bloodshed. Comprised of only the finest white marble and gold, this weapon bears powerful holy presence. Gambanteinn 伝説の力ある巨人が神に贈つたとされる杖。質素な木の杖だが、持ち主の能力を最大限に引き出といる。 The ultimate weapon of the Grand Divina. The staff of a legendary giantess, who offered it to the gods. Although a simple wooden cane, it maximizes its user's abilities. The ultimate weapon of the Grand Divina class. Legends tell that this staff was once the prized possession of a giantess, who then gave it as offering to the Mana Goddess and all of the heavens. Though but a simple branch of wood, this infact is a powerful stave that draws out its wielder's potential to its fullest. Water Jutsu (unfinished) 地中、大気中と身の回りなあるわずかな水分を急速に集め、大量の水を滝のよに敵の頭上から降らせる攻撃。 An attack that collects small amounts of water from atmosphere, ground, and environment around the caster, and causes a large waterfall to fall upon the head of the enemy. A Ninjutsu spell that gathers moisture from the atmosphere, the ground, and the environment around the caster, which then condenses above the foe and drops down as a powerful waterfall on the enemy. Ivory Band 白虎の道着と対をなす、鋭く削つた象牙の装飾を持つ額帯。伝説の闘聖が愛用していたと伝えられている。 The ultimate headgear of the Godhand. A headband with a large ivory set piece on the forehead that is said to pair with the Byakko Uniform. A favorite of a fighting luminary. The ultimate headgear of the Godhand class. A soft silk headband with a large carved ivory setpiece at the forehead area, this headband is known to be paired accordingly in fashion with the Byakko Uniform. The same martial arts luminary of the Byakko Uniform was known to bear this as their favorite keepsake. Phantom Curiass 自然界にある、ありとあらゆる色を蓿すといわれる非常に美しい鎧。盗賦でありながら、自然の力借いて民衆を圧政者の手から救い出して、伝説の英雄が身につけていたといわれいる。彼の死後、その所在を知るもの者は誰もいない。 The ultimate armor of the Wanderer. A very beautiful armor that is said to capture all of the colors of nature. Though said to be stolen, this armor was once used by a legendary hero, who along with his powers of nature, fought to free the people from unruly oppressors. No one knows where the hero had gone or when he died after his quest. The ultimate armor of the Wanderer class. A fabled beautiful sky blue piece of magical armor that shines and shimmers with an unparalleled iridescence and is said to perfectly capture all colors found in nature, stories tell that this armor was once worn by a legendary wanderer, who was a daring and valiant yet chivalrous thief who helped lead the people out of the hands of a greedy tyrant and his empire. Upon bringing about the empire's collapse, the wanderer then bade farewell and departed into the wilderness once more, disappearing into legend. Tosei Armband/Beryl Armlet 着用者の体力を僧強することができるという、緑柱石がはめ込まれている。持ち主を選ぶといわれ、誰もが身につけることができるわけではない。 The ultimate accessory of the Godhand and the Warrior Monk. An armband outfitted with beryl, which can empower its wearer's physical strength. It is said to choose its wearer, and not everyone is able to wear it. The ultimate accessory of the Godhand and Warrior Monk classes. A gold plated metal armband, this armlet is said to belong to a great long succession of monks who have helped influence and shaped the martial arts world. Worn and shaped by countless battles over the centuries, inlaid in it is a mystical emerald, which is said to behold the strength and wisdom of the monks prior who have owned this accessory. But as the spiritual essence of the monks permeate within, these spirits decide who is worthy of bearing their legacy and wielding their powers.
  4. Thanks, I'm glad I could provide this info somewhere. I came across Sins of Mana a few years ago. I think it's really neat that a fan project like this is going on, and I thought it would be a great time to finally join in here. Contribute info, what not. Now I'll be able to help you guys out, help post up translations for Mana fans, and finish up translating everything. Deathbringer 敵にも使用者にも死を運ぷとされる凶つるぎ。刀身は青く滑らかて、血糊に斬れ味が鈍ることもないという。 The ultimate weapon of the Duelist. A vicious sword that is said to bring death to the enemy and its user. The blade is blue and smooth, and is able to cut smoothly no matter what blood that cakes and glues on. The ultimate weapon of the Duelist class. A deadly accursed sword so wrought with doom and mortality, that it is said that it has come to life at its own behest. Yearning for the death of both its user and their enemies, it awakens a lust for death and destruction with its own presence, endlessly beckoning all to meet their gruesome end. Its polished slick slate blade is said to be perfect for feeding the blood it spills into its gory langet as the glue that holds the weapon together, and no matter what cakes on, it is able to slash and cut freely as if unhindered. Fuma Mail/Wind Demon Mail/Stealth Mail Ninja Master の 最強装備。Ninja 集団の中でも、最も高い技能を身につけた者のみが着用を許される、暗殺者のpro鎖鎧。 The ultimate armor of the Ninja Master. Only professional assassins and the highest skilled of the Ninja are allowed to wear this chainmail armor. The ultimate armor of the Ninja Master class. Expertly made, this chainmail armor helps to signify only the best of Ninja, those who are deemed the highest skilled and professional assassins in their shadowy and secret world as the true masters of Ninjutsu. Rumors tell that this armor is named in honor of a legendary Ninja clan that named themselves after demons of the storm who freely reigned terror on men, who wielded such knowledge of chaos and warfare that matched the infamy of their namesake. Karura/Garuda 柄の両端に刃を付けた、異国風の短剣。拳を返さず2方向に攻撃できるが、自在に操るてめには非常に高暈と塾練を要する。 An exotic dagger with blades on both ends of the handle. The blades allow to cover more ground in combat, but they require finesse of the wrist to ensure good circular movement and flexibility to ensure that the arm doesn't bend back normally for leverage and weight. A foreign dagger, crafted to bear two blades on both ends of the handle. Exotic in appearance, the blades allow the user more mobility and area to cover in attack, but also requires great training in flexing the wrist to ensure circular movement and sufficient striking power in acute motions compared to traditional daggers. Rumors say that this blade is named after mythical birds of the esoteric faith Ninja follow, who are powerful enough to devour dragons.
  5. Deathstroke 闇の中、光るにとうがないよう、刃は黒く塗らね光沢もない。細身の刃で、遅滞なく披き刺しができる。 The ultimate weapon of the Nightblade. When placed in the middle of a dark area, the black blade comes to absorb all light. Its slender blade allows it to stab and cut without difficulty. The ultimate weapon of the Nightblade class. A pitch black bladed dagger made of materials that when exposed to darkness, completely absorbs all light, hiding its presence completely. With a slender stiletto like blade, the dagger is able to pierce and cut into its foes without difficulty, making it perfect for assassinations. Kongo Rakan/Terralex Dagger/ ニンジャが扱う短剣の中でも、最高の威力を誇る。無駄のない質実剛健な外見、鈍い金属色の刃を持つ。 The ultimate weapon of the Ninja Master. The strongest of daggers to be wielded by Ninja. It is a lean yet sturdy blade, and has a dull metallic appearance. The ultimate weapon of the Ninja Master class. Out of all of the arsenal of the mysterious and mystical daggers Ninja wield in their ways, this blade is the strongest yet. Lithe yet robust in its stout appearance, and hued a dull gold, its appearance only suggests that like its make, this weapon is bared rightfully by only the strongest of Ninja. The mythology behind this weapon is said to have a more esoteric background, said to gain its name from a demon of the desert who redeemed himself as a guardian of a monk who journeyed west, and further became renowned as a deity with a body and mind "like gold and diamond" upon enlightenment. Orichalcon 伝説でのみ知られる神秘的な金属から鍛えられて短剣。柄の装飾は美しく、刀身には蒼穹の輝きが宿るという。 The ultimate weapon of the Wanderer. A dagger made of a metal that was long believed to only exist in myth. Bears a beautifully intricate handle and a blade that is hued a brilliant azure. The ultimate weapon of the Wanderer class. A dagger evident of achieving the impossible, this weapon is made of a mythical metal that was only believed to exist in legend. With a beautifully intricate golden verdant vine patterned handle and a brilliant sky blue azure blade, its saber like blade further suggests its use as an implement to help scale cliffs and trees, allowing its user to run about nature's realm freely. Spiral Claw 水晶の輝きを宿しており、繊細なフオルムを持つ爪るつ後に螺旋状のきらめきの尾を残すという。 The ultimate weapon of the Godhand. A large crystal nail that trails brilliantly with shining sparkles and delicate form. The ultimate weapon of the Godhand class. A large crystal bladed glove with a delicate and unusual appearance, it is a decievably and durably strong weapon while its odd shape is meant to help pierce through the toughest of defenses with twisting motions by its tapered nail like tip punching through anything it touches. Made of naturally durable crystal, it shines brilliantly and sparkles with every motion its user makes. Ragnarok 秩序の破壊といつた意味が込められ、湾曲した刀身には、砥ぎすまされた闘気の鈍い輝きが宿る。 The ultimate weapon of the Swordmaster. A blade meant for the destruction of order, its curved blade glows with the instilled fighting spirit of its users that keeps it constantly sharpened. The ultimate weapon of the Swordmaster class. Born with a spirit of rebellion and revolution, this blade has long passed through countless hands of those who seek to bring about the destruction of stagnant and corrupt order. A curved saber like blade, its sharpness and form is maintained as its wielder's fighting spirit is coursed and infused into the blade itself with every battle they face. Gigas Glove 巨人の計り知れない力を秘め、打撃力もさることがら、旋風を巻き起こして切く威力も高い。 The ultimate weapon of the Dervish. Bearing the immaculate strength of giants, its punches are able to throw out cutting whirlwinds, as well as striking power. The ultimate weapon of the Dervish class. A glove whose ragged appearance belies its true power, this weapon is believed to be made with arcane and hidden means to recapture the terrifying strength of the dreaded giants of lore. One punch from this glove is enough to send out cutting gales and ruthlessly pulverize any foe it strikes, and with enough strength applied, it is able to stir up razor sharp whirlwinds. Skull Dissect/Skullslicer 自ら求めるよに頭蓋を裂き、脳をすするといわれる狂気の爪は、光をも反射ずに吸せ込んでしまう。 The ultimate weapon of the Death Hand. Crazed claws that reflect no light, that demand its user to rip open the skulls of its victims and behold their brains in its grasp. The ultimate weapon of the Death Hand class. Witnessed to motion alone as these claws have a will of their own, this weapon is believed to be accursed with a demonic presence that demands its wielders to temper themselves to its malefic influence, as any lesser are believed to be driven into a crazed and violent frenzy. The pitch black finger claws that not even light dares to reflect off of are believed to be gruesome implements used to pierce and strike into the crown of the skull before wrenching it off to rip and tear at the brains of its victims. Fudo Myoo くないと呼ばれる形状を持つ、柄の幅が狭い異国の短剣。しずく型の刃には、真言という呪文に似た言葉が刻み込もれている。 A narrow handled dagger said to come from a foreign land, in the shape of the knives of the region known as kunai. With a drop shaped blade, engraved are words similar to magical spells called mantras. An unusual and uncommon dagger known to come from a far away foreign land, in the shape of the knives of the region known as a kunai. Made for underhand use and stabbing, its blade is inscribed with a verse known as a mantra, which are believed to be mystical words of an esoteric faith that confer spells and enchantments to those who are well versed in its lore. Rumors say that this dagger is named after a fearsome deity who is predominately worshiped as a patron saint of Ninja, who embodies steadfastness, patience, and the destruction of obstacles and impurities within and outward. Manslaughter 緩く波打つような、優美刃を持つ短剣。knuckleとしても使用できるよう、護拳部分に突起が突いている。 The ultimate weapon of the Rogue. A dagger with a graceful blade that undulates. There is a protrusion on the handle area that allows it to be used as a knuckle. The ultimate weapon of the Rogue class. A dagger whose ruthless namesake further implies its use not just on wild beasts, but one's fellow man. Its undulating blade is believed to be made for the purpose of cutting through flesh with ease, and its rough hand guard also allows its use to double as a knuckle to reinforce punches. Well, I believe a break is in order. If there are any requests, please let me know. If you wish to use these translations, please feel free to do so.