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Everything posted by FoppyOmega

  1. This has probably been covered already but in case it hasn't: When Sabin's Frostgore claws cast Doom on an enemy if the enemy doesn't die then it comes back with full HP. I was stuck in a battle for a looong time since the proc rate was so high. Probably the same case with the Doom spell?
  2. BNW:FAQ+Walkthrough

    Did anyone ever reply to you? If not, are there guides available anywhere for this? I'd love to see yours.
  3. Okay awesome, thanks for the explanation. I saw 50 and assumed most players would hit the cap, but sounds like you guys definitely know what you're doing. I'll play through before asking anything else.
  4. Hey there! I'm loving the mod so far, but am concerned about the low max lvl cap and wanted to hear why you decided on that design choice. I've always been of the mindset that an RPG should never create artificial difficulty through caps - - especially end game it should be left up to the player whether or not to grind heavily and make the game easier. Making something hard simply because you can't progress further is great for forcing use of strategy (and that's probably what you're going for here), but it takes away that grind freedom. Any chance you'd consider adding an option to increase the cap? Thanks again for all your hard work!