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Posts posted by BTB

  1. What typically happens with the FC is that the randoms are overwhelming when you first get there, but a combination of a few levels and figuring out how to shut them down quickly makes them very manageable by the time you get through it.

    Running being more difficult is an unintended side effect of nATB. It has been brought up on numerous occasions. Are you running 1.8.5 or 1.8.6?

    Gau more than any other character rewards experimentation. He's fragile, but he's also fast and has access to a lot of attacks that can disable enemies. This goes hand in hand with my above point about dealing with randoms.

    And you have all of the WoB espers, yes.

  2. So, in ye olden days of ID Chat, we just exercised some common sense and labeled any potentially NSFW links when we posted them; something that automatic embedding would undo. Obviously, there is some onus on the incoming user to prevent this since it's a feature that can be disabled on their end (as it is on mine).

    My opinion is biased by the fact that I loathe automatic embedding and honestly can't see why anyone wants it at all.

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