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About BTB

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  • Birthday 01/16/1985
  1. Brave New World comes with translation patches, so yes.
  2. It's unchanged from vanilla, hence it not being documented in the Readme
  3. Are you referring to Inuksuk's Enhansa Edition mod?
  4. Greetings one and all! Another Heroes 3 Mod, named in loving tribute to AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake), is my personal take on one of the greatest strategy games of all time. When I first started working on this little project several years ago, I couldn't have possibly dreamed how far it would eventually come. Released as version 0.1 at the beginning of this year simply to get what I had out there, I've since managed to accomplish every goal that I set forth on a core design level. Future development will focus exclusively on the addition of more content (i.e. maps)... or at least that's the plan. Many of you have never heard of or played Heroes of Might & Magic 3, but have played Brave New World and are taking me at my word that it's a game worth playing. Others are familiar with H3's pedigree and are interested in seeing what I have done to improve it. The very short answer for anyone familiar with my previous work is that I gave it the "Brave New World" treatment in that I aimed simply to make the game a better version of what it already was by accentuating what worked best and tweaking what didn't. If you want to know more, consult the documentation (see below) or simply download the hack and dive right in. Readme (text file) Printme (.pdf file) Download
  5. It was a 2.1 change. I made the Hidonite who casts Shield untargetable until he does.
  6. If you use Discord, I'd suggest hopping onto our server and asking there. It's a collaborative project at this point so there's a few people you'd want to ask.
  7. Download Brave New World Here (New to Brave New World? Check out this thread for a brief explanation of what it does or dive straight into the Readme.) A little over two years, we released Brave New World 2.0: what we were sure would be the last major release for a good long while, possibly even forever. I slowly began collecting reports of bugs that had slipped through 2.0's extensive beta process and held off for as long as I could for the inevitable minor bugfix update... which eventually evolved into the major one you now see before you. While certainly not the massive jump that 2.0 was from 1.9, there's still a lot of new goodies to unpack here. Of particular note is a new "multitap" patch allowing support for up to 4 players, which resulted in quite possibly the most fun a lot of us have had in an online stream in recent memory. That said, the vast majority of the changes here are bugfixes or quality of life enhancements, such as wagers no longer being lost at the Colosseum if you lose and Celes remaining in her "defend" stance to indicate that Runic is still active. Those of you who have been following me for awhile know of my fondness for New Years releases, so a release date of February 23rd might seem a little out of character. When it became apparent that we were going to need just a little more time to get things right as January 1st approached, it was eventually decided to instead release Brave New World 2.1 alongside Square's own official re-(re-re-re-re-re-re-)release of Final Fantasy VI. Call it a bit of "friendly" rivalry perhaps... or consider it a consolation prize for anyone who rushes out to buy it today and doesn't quite get what they were hoping for. As for the future, the most immediate goal is to finish up the issues we were having with the Spanish translation (not included with the current upload, but hopefully ready in a week or two) and maybe even wrangle a French version out of a few of our players who speak it. Beyond that, I have long since given up on the idea that I'll ever be truly "done" with Brave New World, but I have moved on to other projects for the time being. Case in point, if you or anyone you know is a fan of Heroes of Might & Magic III, perhaps I can interest you in what I've been working on for the last several years. And that's about all for now. Thank you all so much for playing and hanging around for these last ten years (where DOES the time go?) and being a part of this amazing community.
  8. It's been awhile, but here's the official changelog for 2.1, slated for release alongside the Pixel Remaster: • The ATB bar now decrements to show the delay between command input and execution (-Bropedio) • Esper summon effects are now shown in the EL/spell acquisition submenu (-SirNewtonFig) • Wagers are no longer lost at the Colosseum if you lose the battle (-Bropedio) • Defending now doubles a character's chances to cover healthy allies (-Seibaby) • Celes now remains in her "Defend" stance as long as Runic is active (-Bropedio) • The "Blind" status now affects your chance to successfully steal (-Bropedio) • Increased the damage reduction for "friendly fire" from 50% to 75% (-Bropedio) • Enemies can no longer counter-attack counter-attacks (-Bropedio) • Enemies who counter X-Magic now do so after the first spell rather than the second (-Bropedio) • Elemental attacks which are nulled or absorbed no longer attempt to set statuses (-Bropedio) • Golem no longer blocks non-damaging attacks or inherits resistances from its protectee (-Bropedio) • Abilities which cure HP and remove statuses now work properly on petrified characters (-Bropedio) • Fixed the exploit where status-prevention relics would cure negative statuses (-Seibaby) • Fixed a rare bug where MP would fail to update correctly in the battle spell menu (-SirNewtonFig) • Subsequent EL resets are now properly denied if the player lacks sufficient funds (-Synchysi) • Cyan's starting vigor is now correctly set to 42 (instead of 43) • The Scan spell now displays HP and MP values for non-boss enemies (-Bropedio) • Changed the palette of the Storm spell to better indicate that it's both wind and water elemental • Fractional damage attacks will now do minor damage to bosses rather than missing (-Bropedio) • Swapped the immunity to Blind on Siren with the immunity to Bserk on Stray • The "Stop" effect on Suplex and the "Muddle" effect on Flurry now check enemy stamina for evasion • The "7-7-7" Slots spin now heals just as much HP as a losing spin instead of slightly less • Bad Breath no longer incorrectly sets Sap • Plasma is now just water damage (was water/bolt) • Toxic Frog is now water/dark elemental (was just dark) • The Water Rondo dance is no longer permanently missable (-SirNewtonFig) • Raised the attack of the Rune Blade to 150 (from 140) • Attack is no longer capped at 255 (-Bropedio); this mostly affects the Excalibur (now 225 attack) • The Kunai and Ninjato now correctly possess the "anti-air" property • The Tarot is now properly flagged as Holy elemental • The Punisher now correctly grants the critical damage bonus to the Dark spell • The Cursed Shield now correctly sets Sap instead of Condemned • The Multiguard now blocks rather than absorbs Fire/Ice/Bolt • The White Cape now blocks Stop instead of Bserk (and in addition to Imp/Mute) • Renamed the Storm Belt (now Psycho Belt) to something more indicative of its true function • The Megalixir now removes all negative statuses in addition to restoring all HP/MP • Undead enemies are no longer inherently immune to Stop • Rewrote the "ATB tutorial" gimmick back into Whelk's script • Crawlers no longer use Magnitude on low-level parties • The South Figaro basement is no longer accessible prior to Locke's scenario • Adjusted the timer in Phantom's script (should prevent "cheap" RNG deaths) • Death by sap/poison/counter-attack no longer prevents the dying attack of "Giant" enemies (-Bropedio) • Fixed a error in Dadaluma's script when attempting to target invisible characters • Slightly rewrote 024's script to further reinforce the battle's intended mechanic • Changed the behavior of the Cyborg/Robot/Android enemy group when hit with bolt damage • The "Tek Armor" enemy group should no longer be able to set barrier on other enemies • Lowered the magic defense of the Wight/Wraith/Revenant enemy group • Kudzu and Locusts can now be encountered in the WoR so that their rages are no longer missable • The "Ninja" enemy group can no longer re-vanish as a counter to having the status cleared • Behemoths and Diablos are now correctly immune to Sleep and are slightly less spammy with Meteo • Slightly adjusted Atma's script to further reinforce the battle's intended mechanic • Fixed a bug in the Tentacle battle where characters seized at full ATB would freeze when discarded • Tentacles C and D now have the correct defense and magic defense, respectively • Fixed a bug where Chesticle's shell was using incorrect or no attacks • Removed inherent regen (which damages the undead) from Belladonna and Nightshade • Parasoul is no longer incorrectly immune to Stop • The Hoodwink and Windrunner enemies no longer always open with Blight • Curly now heals Larry and Moe more frequently • The merchant in Cyan's Nightmare now has better merchandise • Wrexsoul now correctly drops Force Armor instead of Genji Armor • Removed the new Ebot's Rock save point as it was no longer needed • The Hidonites are now properly flagged as undead • Fixed a targeting error in Hidon's script and made it less likely to miss learning Shield • Changed the Sketch results for Hidon and Guardian to something more (potentially) useful • Changed the overworld sprites of the elemental dragons to more correctly match their color • The White and Green Dragons now lose the sap status when healing themselves instead of gaining regen • A certain boss is no longer mandatory once triggered (-Synchysi) and now better telegraphs its moves • Fixed an oversight in Asura's script which allowed her to potentially use N.Cross twice in a row • Reduced the overall damage output of the "Face" component in the first phase of the final battle • Fixed an error in Kefka's script that was causing Meteor to be cast more frequently than intended • Fixed several other minor bugs --> Fixed two minor visual bugs relating to cover (-Bropedio) --> The save point in the Ancient Castle is now the correct color --> The Lich and Kudzu rages are now listed in correct (alphabetical) order --> The Mute status no longer prevents Gau/Gogo from using Aqualung with the Chimera rage --> The 5x Chickenlip and 5x Anemone formations are now leapable and will appear on the Veldt --> Fixed minor visual glitches with two enemy formations (Tyrano/Troll and L1/L2 Mage) --> Set the correct enemy to be fought for betting a Life Bell at the Colosseum --> Set the correct battle entrance animation for Zone Eater and Land Worms --> Spellcasting animations should no longer persist through death --> Corrected the menu description for Raze to include the wind element --> Corrected the description for a certain key item to include its second effect --> Corrected the value of a certain hidden rare item (0 -> 2) --> Corrected the description of Lifeshaver in the (Unlockme) Printme • Clarified several pieces of advice (including the post-Zozo cutscene) and some weapon descriptions • Improved several minor bits of dialogue (special thanks to Field) • Renamed a certain minor character (special thanks to Bauglir) • Added an optional multitap patch to support up to 4 players (-SirNewtonFig) • Added a textless (removes all dialogue) patch to the Unlockme (-SirNewtonFig) • Fixed some minor errors in the BNWCP • Added a deleted scene to the Unlockme.txt file
  9. And we now have version 0.1.a 0.1.b 0.1.c posted in response to an update of HD mod, which AH3M is built on top of. Just a reminder that any time HD Mod is updated, you will need to reinstall AH3M, but only rarely will an HD mod update necessitate that I actually update AH3M from my end. In this case, the installer will show the following error: These updates have also addressed a handful of other minor errors, as well as slightly recoding the new Logistics formula (in 0.1.c) to better behave as it is now intended, which is to encourage heroes to include slow units in their armies by removing the penalty for doing so.
  10. Another Heroes 3 Mod (AH3M)

    Version 1.6.4a


    Another Heroes 3 Mod, named in loving tribute to AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake), is my personal take on one of the greatest strategy games of all time. When I first started working on this little project several years ago, I couldn't have possibly dreamed how far it would eventually come. I've since managed to accomplish every goal that I set forth on a core design level and then some. Future development will focus mostly on the addition of more content (i.e. maps)... or at least that's the plan. Another Heroes 3 Mod features... Completely re-balanced heroes, skills, units, spells, artifacts, buildings, and map locations New mechanics and abilities which expand directly on existing ones Custom-built maps made with these new design concepts in mind Improved user interface and several quality of life features ...much more! Many of you have never heard of or played Heroes of Might & Magic 3, but have played Brave New World and are taking me at my word that it's a game worth playing. Others are familiar with H3's pedigree and are interested in seeing what I have done to improve it. The very short answer for anyone familiar with my previous work is that I gave it the "Brave New World" treatment in that I aimed simply to make the game a better version of what it already was by accentuating what worked best and tweaking what didn't. If you want to know more, consult the documentation included with the download or just dive right in.
  11. Today I'd like to take a moment to congratulate a member of our community - Inuksuk - for his initial public release of a hack that's been long in the making. Enhansa Edition is a mod of Chrono Trigger that aims to improve the battle system by giving the player more choices about how to grow and gear your character. The inspiration for the mod was, "What if Hypno Wave was actually useful?" and from there it spiraled out of control to rewriting enemy AI, redesigning items and equipment, redesigning Techs, and more. There is a much greater emphasis on status effects in battle, with full functionality restored to unused statuses and many new ways to apply them. Download it here:
  12. This is a gameplay balance hack of one of the greatest strategy games of all time that's been in the making for several years and is nearly ready for an official release. It will release as version 0.1 due to the fact that the campaigns are not yet done and there are only six playable maps at present. More will come, but I don't want to further delay the release of what is currently a completely playable hack. Many of you have never heard of or played Heroes of Might & Magic 3, but have played Brave New World and are taking me at my word that it's a game worth playing. Others are familiar with H3's pedigree and are interested in seeing what I have done to improve it. The very short answer for anyone familiar with my previous work is that I gave it the "Brave New World" treatment in that I aimed simply to make the game a better version of what it already was by accentuating what worked best and tweaking what didn't. If you want to know more, consult the documentation (see below) or simply download the hack and dive right in. Readme (text file) Printme (.pdf file) Download
  13. It's a long-standing known issue. Glad you enjoyed it.
  14. I have absolutely zero interest, but I don't care if anyone else tries. Unfortunately, "tries" is going to be the operative word here. Anyone with any real interest in the game's mechanics works with the SNES version; the modding scenes for the various ports are largely concerned with the graphics and last I checked have made very little actual headway into the mechanical side of things. You'd basically be rebuilding BNW from the ground up rather than porting it.