
Hey there, I'm Jively!

3 posts in this topic

Hello NGPlus!

I'm Jively. I just found Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 here and I've been having so much fun playing it!

So I looked through the site and found so many similar difficulty/rebalance mods of other awesome games like Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger and can't wait to dig into them after Tactics 1.3.

I'm interested in getting involved in the community here so I thought I would come to the greetings section and say hello like this.

I'm currently playing Tactics 1.3 on my Twitch stream and uploading cuts to YouTube regularly, and I fully plan to continue on to other great mods of great games found on this site. If you're interested, the channels all go by the same name: JivelyGames. :)

I would also love to hear from the modders directly to thank them for their amazing work and invite them to watch my content if they're interested in seeing their work played, so hit me up!


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I recognize you from popping into my stream a few days ago. :)  Do you have Discord?  If so, click the "chat" at the top of the screen here.  Most of us hang out in the Discord more than talking on the forums.

Definitely when you're done with 1.3, check out Monster Tactics for something totally different. 


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