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Everything posted by Nesouk

  1. Review of v1.9

    As far as I'm concern a place where you can't control your character at all has no strategy involves yes you can gear your character depending on ennemies that comes problem is since you don't control them they can end up doing stupid shit (like trying to set statut effect on ennemies immune to it or using fucking Teleport ) and so at the end of the day no matter how you put it Coliseum is nothing but Gamble this and the fact that you can't see what you trade so unless you have a guide you are most likely to end up with a trade you don't want and so reset combine with the fact that almost 70-80% of the items where putting you against a Chupon that automatically end the fight right away and also the fact that the rules never makes any fucking sense for me like you loose the ennemy keep his bet and take yours but you win you get the ennemy items but you still lose yours, this has always been complete bullshit for me, and here's all the reasons why I hated the coliseum in Vanilla and just skip it entirely and even if I used it on BNW I still think this place sucks and should be rework entirely, I would like it to host some optionnal fight or Gauntlet (where you could actually control your characters and actually doing strat) for extra challenge and reward rather than the stupid trading/betting system in disguise it is now.
  2. Review of v1.9

    First time I beat Atma I didn't realise that when he was glowing that meant he has put buff on him so as a result I accidentally beat him while he was buffed and without Reraise (cause I don't like using it), it's definitly possible my team back then was Sabin (Golem Build), Celes (Magic build), Cyan (Stamina Build) and of course Shadow, tough back then it was possible to get Ribbon in WoB which protect very well against Mind Blast but for only one of your character outside of that no change as far as I can recall.
  3. In mexico's french mod what he did is to make sure that no magic could be gotten before the point of the story he wanted or only in limited amount (aka if you stay LLG you will not be able to get strong magic until the endgame which is balance by the fact that late game bosses were strong even at Low Level) unless leveling up (and so make ennemy stronger) and Card Mod was only available in Disc 4 and only if you get all the cards in the game before Disc 4 (and he removes the possibility to collect cards in Disc 4 so rare card can only be transform one time (and the item they give was nerf no more 100 Megalixir with one card for instance)) which in my opinion was a great idea making Card Mod effectivly a nice reward for completionnist and makes it an ability that upgrade your characters without being to overpowered since Ultimecia's Castle bosses, Omega Weapon and Ultimecia herself were made good enough so that having Card Mod doesn't cheese them.
  4. Review of v1.9

    I think many issue that people will have is different depending of the player and what they were expecting, me personnaly I don't like FFVI vanilla gameplay wise I thought it was an extremely boring game so for the few point. Didn't bother me in fact I think this is good if MP items were easy to get then what's the point of an MP system, not to mention there is already plenty of way to get MP back for many character : -Celes has Runic -Relm and Strago have Osmose and even Raid for Strago -Terra, Locke, Edgar and Celes can equip the Soul Saber -Cyan has Empowerer -Sabin has Chakra -Edgar has Mana Battery Not to mention character that can end up with a MP pools (Bank Setzer and Phenix Locke) so high that unless you do nothing but spamming high cost spell you will never run out of MP, so for me MP is already not an issue at all in fact that's an issue with BNW as a all the fact that I almost never run into a situation where I had to put a lot of thought into MP management. While I do agree that Atma Weapon's Mind Blast make the fight a bit random, I don't agree with Atma being to hard for me it was Hard but not over exagerate, sure it require a lot more thinking than previous boss from WoB (up to Atma WoB was really easy for me) but that's make him a good call back to the fact that the mod can be hard but outside of the 2-3 first time I never lost against it. On that I completly disagree Bosses especially this late in the game MUST require some thought and preparation to be taken down, if you could just randomely run into them and beat them with whatever set up that would be a failure of the mod for me, and for the bosses Dragon's element are pretty obvious to tell even before fighting them, and some of them are pretty close to a save point so you can experiment until you find the good way, as for Doom Gaze he can be fought whenever you want so losing against him isn't a great lost of progression. This is something that will depend while agree that no Shared experience can be annoying, in the end at least it has allow me to experiment with every characters (something I absolutly never did in Vanilla and I don't do in many JRPG) and so for the Final Dungeon that require you to use almost the entire roster knowing which character can do what is extremely important and while not sharing EXP is a quite radicale solution for me it has work this way, the key was to always balance your parties and try to cover everything that you might needed (aka Physical Damage, Magical Damage, Healing, Buffs, Debuffs and Tanking), many character can fill the same roles except not the same way, and so for me bad team are only possible if you use characters that have the very same role. However I do agree on some bosses being to long (Hidon being the absolute worst exemple of what should be an interesting boss fight). On that however I totally agree and I say that as someone who absolutly love the battles in BNW but they are time where I just wanted to progress and I found Random battle to be annoying, on the plus side however it allows the player to never be underlevel if he keep doing the fight but they are definitly moment where I was tire of them and regret not having the option to disable Random encounter or at least reduce their number.
  5. Well for Cyan there is Stamina Build with Cover/Counter which i think will be where Kazekiri/Mutsunokami will shine Yeah it's no guaranteed to Proc but on a C/C set up any counter could result in a Proc giving you a free AoE attack, and Stam Cyan is very hard to kill and will C/C pretty often so there's potential (al least when the ennemy isn't immune to Wind), this look really good for Cyan I'm concern however that Shadow might make Mutsunokami/Kazekiri more usefull than Cyan, I'm still worried that a Phantom Shadow with Mutsunokami + Kagenui + Rogue Cloak might be to powerfull (especially with a C/C set up that unlike Cyan Shadow can pull off with Mutsunokami and only Hero Ring as a relic thanks to Ninja Mask) but will have to test when new version cames out.
  6. OH man swapping weapon is gonna be so good for Rod and Elemental Swords's user, maybe not for Sabin tough as I suppose that just like for Yang in FFIV 3D remake changing both of his claws will take 2 turns correct ?
  7. So as mention on discord apparently the turned off EXP gain prevent you from gaining anything but GP.
  8. You can be certain that when it come up I will most certainly replay this mod ^^
  9. If I remember correctly I don't think Interceptor can show up if he is covering an ally, only if Shadow is the direct target.
  10. I didn't say it was to powerfull cause not everybody will take the risk of using Shadow that way and it definitly require some thought into it, my original argument was toward the Mutsonokami's Aero becoming Stamina base combine with him, fear this might be to powerfull as Shadow as a Vig+Stam option in his EL (so he can get quite high stam), Kagenui that can be equip with Mutsonokami to attack (so potential for 2 Aeros), the C/C set up being a thing (so potential for 2 Aeros through counter) and if the proc fails he still has a high vig to deal high damage (not to mention if you put a Power Glove or a Rogue Cloak in the mix).
  11. Which is why he evade instead of tanking plus with Safe and the +25% HP Bonus from Hero Ring he will not die in one hit from most physical attack which let you time for healing him (if he doesn't end the fight by countering ^^), for a C/C set up with Orochi at best he can get 94 Evasion (before that you can the Countering Katana and up his Evasion to 104) which if we count the halved penality that be 47 still enough to make him dodge quite often, combine that with his natural speed so he acts quite a lot you get the Damage of his turns + the damage of his Counter (or you could let him deal damage through counter alone and use his actual turn to heal with item or support with Haste and Rerise) at the end of the day it deals quite a lot, I really see nothing wrong with using Shadow as a C/C.
  12. Everyone keep saying this but in my playthrough I was using him as C/C user and as a result once I get the Orochi he was the best physical damage dealer of my playthrough and was still evading a lot despite the malus ^^
  13. Well I actually think now that I speak of Shadow in the other topic, but OK Mutsonokami's Aero being Stamina base is fine for Cyan but for Shadow wouldn't that make a pure Phantom's set up combine with the Kagenui a little to strong (not to mention C/C set up) ?
  14. I too agree on Magimaster being disappointing, he was so easy especially when you got a good RNG on what element he choose (on my playthrough he kept being vulnerable to Ice which was the best element I could exploit). Kagenui makes Shadow a beast especially when you combine it with weapon that can proc (Magic Katanas/Sakura) or the Orochi end game, and I will keep saying it Shadow with Kagenui + Orochi with Cover/Counter set up combine with a very high physical Evasion is just awesome.
  15. All of this looks really nice I don't have much to say, there is just one thing that bugs me a little : Why reverting Eclipse to Magic ? Considering Cyan's poor synergy with Magic, with no EL option to increase his Magic or MP (note : I don't ask for a Magic build option for Cyan tough) and the fact that you're going to lowered his Magic wouldn't that make Eclipse useless ? Considering that in current version it's already not an extremely good move in my opinion.
  16. I must confess that outside of Slow and Sap (and some special case like Mute of Phunbaba) I actually almost never use statut effect ^^", there is actually a lot of stuff I didn't use at all (like Reraise which I didn't use a single time during my playthrough cause I kept forgetting about it ^^).
  17. Mog: Mascot With Attitude, Kupo

    Sadly berserk still prevent him to Cover
  18. Mog: Mascot With Attitude, Kupo

    Put Umaro into Berserk it doubles his strength and for some reason he can still use all of his ability which will get the boost from berserk ^^
  19. It doesn't magic while still strong with Magic-Focused character is no longer God Mode, the mod is balance and magic doesn't overshadow physical attacks or character's unique abilities thanks to various change that were made.
  20. Shop Gear Stats Preview

    That's good in a mod where equipment are no straightforward update and what you will put depend of build this is a really good quality of life improvment.
  21. Locke and Midgame Balance

    I say Owzer's Mansion is easier than Veldt Cave in my opinion so I would reverse this 2 but outside of that I agree.
  22. Locke and Midgame Balance

    Regarding the LV it's simple, LV in BNW increase nothing but HP and MP so the issue doesn't come from LV as the other stat are gain through equipment, EL and Esper equip, not LV. I agree that Shadow's damage aren't great (in my video you can see that on physical attack Sabin is doing a lot more than Shadow) dealing at best (with 2 Sakuras) between 800 to 2600 (depending if the Sakuras proc or not), around 900 with Shuriken and can exeed 2000 with Ninja Star (but you will not have more than 1 or 2 of these for Atma) but since he is forced might as well makes him add to the fight even if it's a little ^^. Well I wasn't using C/C on my Atma fight with him (I should have actually cause despite not having his HP Espers his HP aren't that bad) but Mog performs extremely well against Atma the Ice Rod proc (Atma being weak against Ice) was dealing around 3500 damage so with the Rod it's close to 4000 so Yeah pretty savage at this point, on WoR some character can do better than him but he is still pretty good as a Tank that gives good damage on counter. The issue for Cyan is true outside of C/C he only has his Bushido so I guess giving nothing but Vigor in his EL would make him deal a lot of Damage but thing is even without giving any EL to Vig he can still reach a quite high Vig through equipment (because guess what many equipment increase both Stamina and Vigor at the same time) which will make him perform good damage with strong Bushido like Tempest, so base on that I see absolutly no reason to sacrifice the insane survivability he can get with pure Kirin investment (on top of having Regen for Stamina heal and Life) for just some extra damage. Locke actually has this issue only in WoB where yeah outside of C/C he can't do much, on WoR however he get Phenix's EL, Cure 3, Life, Life 2, Rogue Cloak and Sage Stone with that he can be one of the best support in the game, so he can do other thing than C/C but only in WoR. But this is something I agree both of them don't lose anything crucial for C/C, for other C/C character Mog lose Dance, Shadow takes risk of dying if he doesn't Evade (fortunatly his Evasion is insane in WoR), Edgar lose Jump (as why make a character that will Jump C/C), Terra take risk if she Morphed as she will take more damage but Morph is require to maximize her damage. I actually plan of using Stam Terra in my next playthrough so I will be able to give a shot to Terra, Morph with C/C seems risky but very strong (especaillay with Sword that can Procs), I think Celes could perform admirably to since she has a Vig/Stam option as well as an HP options in WoR with good equipment (I actually think Celes might be as good as Cyan or Locke in that position as from what I have saw with the Character Planer you can make all her stat reach a decent LV do on top of C/C she might be able to do other job perfectly fine).
  23. Locke and Midgame Balance

    I think sometime it is playstyle for Shadow I actually goes against what people were telling me : -Use it for support on FC well.... I didn't use him for support at all quite the opposite actually and I was doing perfectly fine ^^ (though on this playthrough I willingly didn't take Cyan and Locke because I wanted to play around with different character) and this was only my second playthrough of the mod, so yeah I argue that you can use Shadow to add damage perfectly fine (honnestly I don't see why people seems to have so much trouble keeping him alive). And WoR people were telling me "his Throwable are his best damage", yes right I say max out his Evasion (the Dark Gear can be buy), get the Orochi and Kagenui put Ninja Mask, Hero Ring and Power Glove and you get the best physical damage dealer of the game. Mog as a tank become better in WoR when he get access to Terrato that can greatly increase his HP, and for C/C Mog in my opinion the stat to look for for damage is not Vigor but Magic (for Vigor and Spears best option would to Jump in my opinion especially since the Moogle Charm gives him near instant-jump), because of Rods, thanks to Terrato Mog is the only Rod user that can become tanky which makes him good at C/C Rod spell proc can be very powerfull with high Magic if you target the correct weakness, so having a character that will hit multiple time due to extra hit with counter and get the Proc is rather interesting, the downside to this strat however is that to maintain the Critical Hit with MP of the Rods (which affect the spells) you need to have way maintain Mog's MP in long fight (in Mob fight he can simply use one of his dance that has an ability that absorb HP and MP), for me Dance as damage is better for Mob fight for bosses he deals better damage with Rods.
  24. Looks really great sadly I can't get the PC version of FFXII (first have to invest into a better PC) right now but I will keep in mind the existence of this mod for when I will get the opportunity to play it.
  25. You know that something that actually piss me off a bit not only for BNW but for other things so I will put it this way : It's NOT because you love a game/mod that you have to act like a blind fanboy and say that everything is OK. Of course BNW isn't perfect (nothing is really) it has some problem but it's still the best FFVI (if not the best FF mod) mod to date in my opinion.