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Everything posted by Darkcelestrian

  1. 2 bothering things

    Use a poison mushroom then use peach's ultima. Don't attack it after using peach's ultima, instead heal so you don't get one shotted. Next turn use peach's ultima again and it'll most likely run away, if it doesn't then heal the party again and on the third turn use ultima and it'll most likely die, that is because peach's ultima deals damage beyond 9999 and combined with poison will whittle it's hp down. If you're getting one shotted anyway then get better armor before fighting it or pray it misses peach for the second turn. You still have a chance to get golden flowers if it runs away tho so you should probably go for that. The dragon claw is an item you get from May after catching all the pokemon she wants you to catch.
  2. Pokemon "Crits"

    Ah that's good to know. I mean red's pretty hard yeah but may and dawn not so much, it's only the 9999 chance that makes the fights somewhat difficult. I can plow through all of the fights with the exception of the final ones from each of the 2 and even then I can be reckless more often then I should. The fight against all 3 lake gaurdians is alright though, feels like fighting a mini omega weapon in which it should.
  3. Version 8 errors

    There's a forum on insane difficulty that talks about most of the things you can obtain in V8. Hyper M guards if I'm correct are made from gambler spirits and healing springs, the gamblers are obtained from defeating regular tonberries in the mole town mines in the room where you fought the bomb guy (punchinello)
  4. Question about version 8.

    Same but it wasn't really bothersome for me. What did bother me was the master's theme from paper mario not playing during his fight which was a bit disappointing but I know it was probably due to technical reasons too.
  5. Sup Guys

    Sup Dk, glad ya found the site.
  6. Currently playing through the old versions before I try a no found illusion and celebi run of v8 hard mode. Wanted to know if it would be wise to put stats into the characters magic for some added magic defense or just go all hp, work on doing all the encounters better, and just rely on the equipment for defensive stats?
  7. V8 Hardmode stat decisions

    Haha I know XD. Thanks for the tip.
  8. Version 9 Preview

  9. Version 9 beta download

    It is more strategic, and more rewarding when you're able to block attacks rather then having to defend or buff then defend then heal afterwards. In v7 if you perfectly blocked an attack it would do 0 damage otherwise you'd take half the damage, it was broken with items like found illusions that automatically did timed blocks an attacks for you but if found illusions, victory toast, red essence, and pretty much all the other items that gave that and/or temp invincibility were removed then having that kind of damage reduction for being able to perfect block attacks after hours, days, or even weeks practicing on bosses would in my opinion add more challenge and satisfaction then just picking whichever boss that doesn't one shot you with a bunch of unblockable attacks that you need to just buff/defend from. Not saying that those attacks should be removed, but imagine if you timed a button press on say mysterious girl's meteor on whatever time each hit hits you and either halve (or reduce damage by only 25% if you don't perfect block it) or completely negate the whole thing if you're really good at blocking. Sort of like if you was fighting xion or jinx but with most if not all the enemies in the game and being punished way more if you don't get that blocking down. Idk it just sounds good and cool in my head but then again I also think there is way too much reliance on consumable items to carry most ppl through fights and at the end of the day it's suppose to be more of a difficulty increase for the game right?
  10. Version 9 beta download

    Wouldn't it be kinda better to make most of the attacks in the game entirely timed block based, limit the usefulness or availability of items and adopt the damage reduction of timed blocks from v7?