21 Screenshots
About This File
By far my most ambitious project to date, Brave New World began as a joint effort between myself and a coder by the name of Synchysi to completely overhaul perhaps one of the most beloved entries in the long-running Final Fantasy series. It's since grown into a massive community project that's exceeded every expectation I could have possibly dreamed of. The end result is the product of hundreds upon thousands of man-hours from dedicated fans and something I am extremely proud to have been a part of.
Brave New World features...
- Individualized spell lists and multiple stat growth options for each character
- Re-coded formulas that promote diversity and allow stats to function as they should
- Completely re-balanced equipment, items, spells, and skills - and brand-new enemies to use them on
- Fixes for all major (and most minor) bugs along with a vast multitude of quality-of-life enhancements
- ...much more!
But even though much has changed, I think one player put it best when he wrote, "...the goal seems to be to celebrate what makes FFVI the game it is, rather than undoing it and making an entirely new game out of it." Beyond all else, Brave New World is everything I feel that Final Fantasy VI could have been had Squaresoft had all of the time and resources available to them that we have today. And now, thanks to the efforts of the amazing community that has grown around this mod, it finally has the chance to be exactly that.
What's New in Version 1.8.5 See changelog
• Added several minor menu hacks to show the names of blitzes in the menu screen, correct a display bug for max HP/MP in the party creation screen, and allow easy switching between the equip and relic
menus by pressing the "Y" button
• Made the Colosseum function more like a trading post by nerfing the only two opponents of any real difficulty (Siegfried and WEAPON) and changed many trades to improve end-game equipment
availability; also improved the readability of the "prize" menu by marking all invalid trades with dashes
• Overhauled enemy status resistances (again) and removed the "immunity to fractional damage" flag from all randomly-occurring enemies previously flagged as minibosses (i.e. Dante/Virgil);
also rewrote the scripts for two bosses (Phunbaba and the Battle on the Bridge) impacted by this overhaul
• Corrected an oversight in Final Kefka's script that allowed him to potentially use two devastating party-wide attacks in quick succession; also lowered the inappropriately-high damage dealt by
one portion of the first tier of the final tower of bosses
• Lowered the defense/m.def of several end-game bosses to shorten the length of the fights, as well as to reduce the dearth of high-defense enemies in the late game which was causing an
over-emphasis on defense-ignoring attacks (and thus weakening character builds that don't rely on them)
• Edited the battle scripts of several early-game enemies to give players more/better opportunities to learn how counter-attacks work in the mod (this lesson was previously confined mostly to Mt. Koltz)
• Addressed the tendency of players to overlevel while cash-grinding in the early game by lowering exp. gains from certain enemies and increasing the availability of GP (both from enemies and from chests)
• Swapped Cyan's and Sabin's base magic power (NOTE: this change requires a restart or save editing)
• Swapped the summons on Odin and Crusader (thus making Odin a stamina-based attack)
• The Siren summon now sets Bserk on all enemies (instead of dealing MP damage)
• The Mute spell now targets all enemies (instead of only one)
• Halved the power of the Osmose spell
• Raised the power of the Bio and Storm spells
• Raised the power of the Dispatch bushido
• The Fire Dance blitz no longer ignores defense
• The Aurabolt blitz now sets blind
• Desperation attacks now set Slow in addition to Sap
• Changed Discord back to being a lore (replacing Grav Bomb)
• Swapped the 7/16 (Moonlight) and 5/16 (Specter) steps on the Love Sonata dance
• The Specter dance step now sets Muddle and Mute as advertised (it was only setting Muddle before)
• Changed the attacks on several rages, most notably the ones with healing moves:
Adamiantite 2/3 attack swapped with 1/3 (Cyclonic)
Allosaurus 2/3 attack swapped with 1/3 (Attack 3x)
Chickenlip 2/3 attack changed to Net
Gargoyle 2/3 attack changed to Holy Wind (was 1/3); 1/3 attack changed to Quake
Griffin 2/3 attack changed to Razor Leaf; 1/3 attack changed to Harvester (was 2/3)
Kudzu 1/3 attack changed to Bio
Mesosaur 2/3 attack swapped with 1/3 (Sun Bath)
Peeper 2/3 attack swapped with 1/3 (Rock)
Rhinotaur 2/3 attack swapped with 1/3 (Cure 2); raised 1/3 attack bonus to 3x damage
Spike 2/3 attack changed to Lode Stone; raised 1/3 attack bonus to 3x damage
Tumbleweed 2/3 attack swapped with 1/3 (Harvester)
• Overhauled the stat boosts on end-game swords to focus on the store-bought ones, Apocalypse/Illumina, and Zantetsuken for this purpose while excluding the Excalibur and Atma/Omega Weapon
• Raised the power of all spears except for Gungnir, which is now the second-strongest spear (Longinus is now the strongest) but now has a +50% HP bonus (and is the "only" item in the mod to offer it)
• Reworked Shadow's knives to be more desirable for fighting by adding the "X-Fight" property to the Kagenui and more desirable as stat sticks by adding stamina boosts to them
• Lowered the price of Shadow's weakest buyable knife (now renamed to Kunai) to promote it as an ideal single-target damage alternative to Shuriken (which are also cheaper now)
• Changed Stormfang's random cast to Bolt so that the "vigor" claws now all cast direct damage spells
• The random cast on the Quartrstaff will now multi-target (only) on MP-fueled critical hits, while the Doomstick will cast X-Zone instead of Doom (again, only on attacks that use MP for a critical hit)
• Removed the evasion/magic evasion boosts from WoB rods and all brushes and added physical evasion to the Punisher (it now offers both).
• The Dragoon Seal and Radiant Gown now increase the random spellcast rate of swords and paintbrushes, respectively; the Radiant Gown in turn no longer boosts MP or blocks fire damage
• Raised the evasion/magic evasion of the Royal Jacket and Radiant Gown (respectively)
• Lowered the stat boosts on the Moogle Hide and the elemental shields
• Lowered the speed penalties on the Snow Muffler and Kusarigama
• Fixed a bug with Setzer's (not fixed) Dice where three would be thrown if they were held in the left hand with another weapon or nothing in the right hand
• Fixed a bug where the Ragnarok equip bonus was not working properly
• Equipping Seraph now blocks Zombie as every other form of instant death protection does
• The Tentacles (Figaro basement boss) are now listed in the correct order in the battle screen
• It should no longer be possible to be blinded during the "Save Terra from the Guards!" sequence
• Made several dialogue changes/additions, primarily in the form of advice to the player
• Several other minor/insignificant changes
With version 1.8.5:
- Download
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