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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    OMG I totally forgot about him! I haven't gotten to Relm in WoR in so long I thought the mansion was Dancho's 😅 OH MY GOD. "Enemies disabled by status effects can no longer counter-attack on death" "Green Cherries will now cancel any action that the target has queued (-Bropedio)" -Sounds like a low level way to fight bosses lol "Status-setting attacks now provide more feedback if that status attempt fails (-Bropedio) --> If the target resists the status with stamina, a "FAIL" message is displayed --> If the target is immune to the status, a "NULL" message is displayed" -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! "Shops can now display the "full" stats of of equipment prior to purchase (-dn) • The equip menu now displays full item descriptions as the inventory screen does (-GrayShadows) • The rage menu now displays the attacks on each rage (-dn)" Enemy names "Doggo" and "Rhydon" 😂 "Version 2.0 (August 31, 2019)" 💀 Let's just say you'll be entering... a brave new world.
  2. 1 point
    Might I suggest the Readme: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/160253567012306945/606189399725572096/2.0_files.rar
  3. 1 point
    @dawnbomb, have you beaten Rosalina on v9 normal without using save states? If so, have you done it without having haste equipped? Just throwing out some plenty difficult challenges while waiting for v9 hard...
  4. -1 points
  5. -1 points
    it acts as a bump to show interest. also, if you don't get the appeal of a hard mode, no need to flame it.