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Posts posted by praetarius5018

  1. 3 hours ago, Nesouk said:

    -Lugar : Did it without Anti Magic Fireblaze doesn't seem to work here

    it might be that his physical resistance would cause the difference between before and after reduction to be rounded down to the same effective value for the damage calculation - the minimum effect of fireblaze is -1 def (well until you hit 0 def), so it never works not at all

    3 hours ago, Nesouk said:

    -Gildervine : This team destroy him, Flame Saber on Salamando's Day and the Fireblaze accessory make short work of him, Spike Armor allow to deal with the mob, and Dragon Shield on Duran makes him immune to Sleep and constantly grow his agggro, thank to the Fireblaze I was hitting for 150 per hits with both Hawk and Duran, Magic Circle doing over 600 damage so he didn't last for long.

    it is no secret that I dislike this boss in all aspects, so maybe by "accident" he became weak to physial and fire - no surprises here :D

  2. 46 minutes ago, Nesouk said:

    -Grind for ??? Seed on Papa Poto on the first area of Subzero Field, got a terrible luck with ??? Seed items, got the one for Lord and Ninja Master fairly fast but goddamn the Bottle of Salt just wasn't showing up after like 50 attempts I just give up, the good thing is that gave me a lot of money (over 30k), decide to do the Sub Zero Field first this isn't to hard just the Mage type of ennemy can be trolly.

    And that's why the 2nd desert town sells the items; like 5-6 seeds should be enough. out of the possible 6 items you need 3 so the first planting has a 1/2 chance to give you the right one, getting the second item is then 1/3 and the last 1/6. So you should be quite likely to get 2 with 5-6 seeds then sell the 3-4 wrong items and buy the missing from that money.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Nesouk said:

    -Any physical damage the target does to you it will receive the same damage, additionnally probably due to a glitch the Shuriken, Jutsus and all of Rogue's spells are complete reflected (your character won't even take the damage or debuff while the opponent will take all damage).

    To be 100% accurate, if the attacker is cursed it treats his victim as if they have physical reflect attribute.
    For regular attacks that results in both the attacker and the target receiving the damage, for "spells" this changes the target back to the caster.

  4. He is an exception for exactly 3 things

    • his special type of max HP damage
    • absorbed damage is increased to 999 (because of the max HP thing he needs a low damage multiplier which would would make natural absorbed spells give him like 100-200 HP, pointless at that stage in the game)
    • fire absorb gets reset when he takes an action (otherwise his gimmick would kill him after anti-magic)

    That might actually even be the highest number of special hacks a boss specifically for themselves got, not sure.
    Final bosses don't count since they recycle most of the stuff.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Nesouk said:

    there is even an area where the ennemies are stuck at LV2 (even after the other areas of the forest have been upscale to LV18), so you can easily farm them at that spot for easy Matango Oils).

    Just as a warning/reminder, if you are significantly higher levelled than the monster the chance for rare items is cut drastically (1/8 of base chance).
    So that might get frustrating as a farm.

  6. 1 hour ago, rpschamp said:

    So there are no other factors that affect Sleep Flower's duration? I noticed in the past that some enemies, e.g. werewolf types, tend to wake up earlier, but I did not extensively test.

    Also, can you confirm whether casting Sleep Flower on your team equipped with reflect armor will then reflect sleep status onto enemy attackers? It should depend on whether the reflected damage hits before or after the sleep effect. (I should have kept my old teams around so I could test this myself....)

    In vanilla it was (25-target's luck) times some amount of frames, the same value is used for half vanish for some reason which obviously makes that buff really useless at high levels.
    Since I couldn't really separate those two instances at the time I just changed it to a constant value.
    The caster isn't known anymore at the point where the effect starts so that was no option either.

    The reflect physical routine only cares about the last spell used on you, it doesn't matter how long ago, it just needs to have been the last one.

  7. There was no real way to boost spell damage;
    it was fixed damage with chance to deal +50% damage based on WIS and maybe a terrain bonus before elemental resistance and percentage magic defense.

    Spell damage starts now much lower but scales with WIS and the +50% chance is based on the LUCK stat instead of WIS.

    I've currently no idea what to do with township.
    The 3 base styles are heavily leaning towards one being strictly better - exactly as you said, for cooking - 80%+ of the tenants are also useless,
    like really... +4 def for ONE battle.
    That'll be a lot of work to fix...

  8. demo v2

    • added timed hits; this has no visual effect besides making damage numbers yellow or red (perfect timing) instead of white
    • turn order is modified by the action used, e.g. item goes a bit sooner, spells vary depending on the exact spell used
    • added 25 new skills/spells, made rest usable in battle as a small heal
    • changed which spells are learned on level up, some are variable by equipped weapon type similar to how stat growth changes
    • changed a few weapon shops


    finally a half-decent reason for the one by one handling of attacks against your party..

  9. 21 minutes ago, rpschamp said:

    1) Does Antimagic cancel Mispolm's self-status reflection spells like Stone Cloud?

    Yes but that is not a specific effect of anti-magic; that reflection works with the last spell that was cast on the boss - technically that is a vanilla bug I abused here, regular attacks are not supposed to be reflected but I enabled that, reflected "damage" is handled based on the last spell used on the original target; for spells that works fine since the reflected spell is obviously the last used spell, for regular attacks this is naturally not the case since there is not spell involved.
    That whole process also works for you if you e.g. use thorn armor or the curse effect.

    If you dare you can combine thorn armor, a petrify immunity ring and a stone cloud cast on your party to have most enemies commit suicide by "reflected" petrification.

    21 minutes ago, rpschamp said:

    2) Can sabers be cast on any boss for a saber/resist strategy, in particular the Jagan team, Bigieu, DSK, or the Black Rabite?

    You can - though if you should is another matter; sabers still boost the damage of spells of their element so it may be more of a detriment depending on the boss.

  10. these are not codes but the addresses in the rom.

    9 hours ago, hmsong said:

    Wait, how do you "assign" spells to a class of a character?  For example, if I wanted to give Duran (Paladin) a multi heal, how do I do that?

    11BF60 - Duran, Paladin skills
    so you could just put 03 00 00 21 as an entry there, 03 for target one/all and 21 for heal light.

  11. as long as you are aware that that changes nearly nothing until you address the bigger problems like Kevin...



    11BCC0 - Duran, base class
    11BCD8 - Kevin, base class

    11BD50 - Duran, Knight
    11BD7C - Duran, Gladiator

    11BF60 - Duran, Paladin skills
    11BF90 - Duran, Lord skills

    order is as you'd expect:
    char wise Duran, Kevin, Hawk, Angela, Charlie, Lise (same as char select screen)
    class wise: L/L, L/D, D/L, D/D

    base classes have 6 entries each
    first classes 11
    final classes 12
    4 bytes per entry
    1st - targetting:
            00 mimic last used spell's targetting
            01 one
            02 always all
            03 one/all
            04 always self
    2nd - required stat + value
        first  4 bit determine attribute; 4 = AGL, 8 = INT, A = PIE
        second 4 bit determine amount (0-15)
    3rd - unused in vanilla
    4th - which skill is learned



  12. names may not match 100% to the translation

    L? Holy - Tricker, Elm Gigas, Ixecrator, Bardandels, LevelCheck, Xdeath (bonus phase)

    Snowstorm - Page 32, Whirl Demon, Blizzard, CrysDragon
    (there's an enemy special that has the same name so I might have confused an instance or two of it)

    Crusher - MithrilDragon (alone), Rock Brain, ShieldDragon, BoneDragon, BlandLamia, Tote Avis, Great Dragon (counter), Mind Mage (counter), Gargoyle, Xdeath (bonus phase)

  13. 5 hours ago, Thirdtwin said:

    So wait, if you're replacing AP with LP then are Ryu's dragon spells going to cost 3 LP. then?

    That is the current scenario, yes.
    Though they'll also deal a lot less damage now.
    I'll probably increase the cost a bit later.

    I currently have them at:
    mob fight damage: POWER x (37+curLP/2) / 37
    boss fights damage: POWER x (30+curLP/2) / 30
    and then plug the result into the regular spell damage routine so that e.g. the adult dragons now actually have their elements work.

    The adult dragons are power 40-42, kaiser has 50.
    So at 0 LP you deal 50 damage with kaiser before randomness, element and whatnot else affects spell damage.

    5 hours ago, Thirdtwin said:

    Also LP stuff reminds me of the SaGa games.

    I never played those.
    And in the GB titles there was no LP afaik.

    5 hours ago, Thirdtwin said:

    Do you play any pen-and-paper RPGs btw?

    nope. At most I played pnp derived cRPGs like Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights 2 but never the original stuff.