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Posts posted by BTB


    The recent re-release (or something to that effect) of Civilization III on Steam or some shit has prompted me to blow the dust off of one of my earliest modding projects and clean it up for an official release. If you've ever played Brave New World, you know what to expect with what I've done to the game. I would ask anyone who plays to please read through all of the in-game help files, not just because that's how you find out what all is different in the mod, but because A) I need feedback on how helpful it is, and B) there's probably a mistake in there I missed, and even more probably a lot more than that. Please check all of the links in particular and make sure that they resolve to valid pages (I did mention that I re-wrote the entire in-game help system from scratch, right?).

    Thanks to everyone who checks this out.



    • Upvote 1

  2. So, for the next RC...

    • The game will no longer crash when Relm is recruited
    • The Zephyr Cape will now case Haste on low HP (instead of whatever it does now)
    • Dog Block will be disabled while covering
    • The Soul Sabre's BatPower will no longer be hidden in the extended equipment info screen and it and the Blood Sword will no longer be ignored by the optimize routine

    This *may* get put out tonight, otherwise it may be a little bit.

  3. I'm gonna put up a new ROM that switches the indexes of the Omega Wepaon and Soul Sabre, since the Soul Sabre's index is currently hard-coded to be treated like how the Omega Weapon should be (shows up as ??? BatPwr, is ignored by optimize, etc.)  This will just simplify everything so that the only change necessary on YOUR end is to switch the suit of armor in the Figaro Castle Basement from item #22 to item #23.

    Looks like Seibaby is just going to send you a fix.

  4. Well, why don't you come over and have some video game metal and some nachos? And then some beer.

    As many of you may know, I am the proud caretaker of the internet's largest and best collection of video game metal, which I make a point to share about once every other year or so. Said collection has grown steadily over the last 15 years and has just hit a major milestone of TWO THOUSAND tracks of metal goodness. So bust out your favorite torrent client, strap on your dancin' shoes, and get ready to rock.

    (DISCLAIMER: for those of you concerned with the legality of this since you see "torrent" and automatically think "pirate", this collection is... wait a minute, this isn't GameFAQs. Fuck the man, let's sail the seven seas and have some rum.)

    • Upvote 2

  5. On 10/17/2017 at 11:17 AM, Valenhil said:

    I...don't really see it?

    To be honest the only problems I have with the script right now are Sabin and Relm, which get lines referencing a characterization they didn't really earn, and replacing memetic lines with fourth wall jokes.

    The connection between Sabin and Rei is the aloofness factor. Rei doesn't really fit in anywhere he goes because he's an outsider, but rather than feeling self-aware, he just kinda shrugs it off. Sabin, although royalty, has spent the last decade of his life living in isolation and thus behaves in the same manner. The fact that he *is* of royal blood is (at least partially) what gives him confidence to behave in this manner since nobody can question the fact that he *does* belong.