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Found 2 results

  1. Affectionately called: Lol New World This edition of BNW - affectionately called Lol New World - is really a "continuation" mod by an old, old veteran of the Brave New World community. It's not an official continuation of any sort. It's just an old veteran, who loves designing things too much, taking his own spin on what he sees as future development of BNW's design and balance, while trying to keep the spirit of "the mod that improves FFVI's mechanics while preserving the spirit of FFVI". As I'm a bit of a mad scientist, some things about this mod will be experimental, push boundaries, and perhaps be just plain crazy, in ways that another designer perhaps wouldn't do. However, LNW is still very much is BNW. Edgar aside, I don't think you'll really notice the changes until at least after the Magitek Factory. (Not that I'm averse to early game changers, mind you. Just nothing has happened yet, that I'm able to do, that keeps within the spirit of "FFVI with improved gameplay / mechanics / balance"). The initial impetus for this mod was simply me deciding that BNW's stamina stat is becoming far too much of a 3rd attack stat, including holding special hatred towards a couple of stam-based attacks (Atma Weapon). Therefore, as of the alpha version of LNW, many of the changes revolve around trying to push stamina into a more clearly defined defensive role. Said role revolves mostly around statuses, whether that be through an improved status evasion, a new unique Cover Shield (Paladin Kite) in the game's second half, or modifying some characters' unique stam-based mechanics to be more defensive in nature (like Relm's Interceptor). However, it comes along with an aggressive removal of many stam-based attacks, including your odds of counter-attacking no longer being based on stamina. ... The alpha version, as of right now, is imperfect, and in my eyes, incomplete, through further development is stalled while awaiting player feedback. Course, I'm Mr. Scope Creep, so many of the changes in this alpha are also just throwing in things that seem like good ideas, such as Gau's Rage odds now being stam-based (alongside a re-design of some Rages to make room for stam Gau being VERY consistent with his Rages) a re-work of Mog's Dances (which ties into the stamina changes, actually), giving Strago a Merton-lite lore affectionately named "Antipode", critical hit chance based on one's speed stat (thanks to the coder, Sir Newton Fig, for that idea), limiting the total number of any given item you may have, Drain moves not being capped by missing HP, raising the maximum Esper Level from 25 and 30 and making esper exp come faster (more fun with builds), a freaking new esper in Leviathan, and a whole lot more. The Patch Lol New World mod for BNW, forked off of the 2.1 version. Applies over a vanilla FFVI rom. The x2 speed patch (faster enemies) is included as an optional extra patch, for those who want the extra difficulty.
  2. Join the discord to download and patch directly onto your BNW 2.1 ROM. The password for it is the same as the BNW unlockme password After TENS OF MINUTES of work I'm ready to release my modification to Brave New World. This is deliberately designed to be harder in a "FF3usME stat hack" style. @seibaby helped a bunch. Changelog below: V1: ATB formula changed so that enemy ATB fills twice as quickly. Esper Levels that grant HP now grant half the HP Warp and Warp Whistle made 33.33x more expensive. V2: Lowered ATB multipliers for slow/normal/haste by 5 each due to an overflow error causing hasted enemies to have very few turns Made the timer for status ticks constant, so that they are no longer affected by other status effects like Slow, Haste, Sleep, and Stop V3: Removed the Warp and Warp Whistle price hike V4: Added Warp Whistles to many item shops Added Back Guard to (pre-IMTRF) Narshe relic shop Reduced Back Guard price to 5000 (was 7500) V5: Fixed a text error reported by @thzfunnymzn way back in February where HP EL gains were still displaying old values V6: At the request of @BTB I have edited the config screen to reflect that you are playing Nowea Hard Type. I did this all by myself and there's absolutely no way I screwed something up in the mean time. V7: Standardized HP and MP ELs, now all HP and MP ELs give +20 (if with another stat) or +40 (if just giving HP or MP) Added 4 new items. 3 are rare steals and 1 is a Colosseum trade. Steals were only edited on current humanoid random enemies that had steals previously. Note: This version uses item indexes 16, 60, 66, and 247. In 1.9 and 1.10 these indexes are not used, but other versions are not guaranteed. In addition, for maximum compatibility, these new items don't have descriptions V8: Changed 1 hidden item. 2.0: Added more easter egg weapons, some as rare drops and some as rare steals from humanoids. Note that these weapons still do not have descriptions. These added weapons use item slots that BNW 1.9 uses, but 2.0 doesn't. This effectively means that NHT 2.0 is for the BNW 2.0 line only. Altered and added formations, expect to see some new enemy combos and enemies where you don't expect. Sometimes this even works in your favor Added a password requirement to access the patch, the password is the same as the BNW unlockme. I don't want people playing NHT as their first BNW experience in general. Now every item and relic shop has Warp Whistles or Back Guards (respectively). 2.1: Updated for 2.1 release, config menu still shows 2.0 Multiguards now halve each element, but no longer give a stat penalty Updated descriptions