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Found 5 results

  1. This episode is mostly combat. The sewers and train graveyard are pretty laid-back, as the monsters there don't really hit me that hard. I take the time to Morph/Steal some goodies while I can. The Graviballs aren't fantastic Morph prizes (unless they work on a boss I fight before I get a Gravity Materia), but the Ethers I got are pretty nice. Those propeller guys are pretty brutal in comparison. I suppose it's warranted since the area they appear in is short. Tifa fared surprisingly well despite being in the front, which I don't entirely understand. Either Defense is more important than I gave it credit for on my last playthrough or the row mechanics have changed. I didn't see a mention of the latter in the documentation. Reno went down like a wet noodle because I had a Cross-Slash saved up and I chucked my Deadly Wastes that I got from the Air Busters. Arguably, I should have saved one for Rufus, but it would be proportionately less useful, and I may find a real Bio Materia by then for all I know. If Reno was given a gimmick, I have no clue what it is.
  2. In this video, I complete Wall Market and jump down into the sewers. This is a case where my commentary style doesn't work particularly well; I'm sure some people would have a lot of funny things to say in Wall Market, but I am not one of them. To that end, I set up some skip icons in the video to allow you to skip some of the parts that you might find boring (you'll have to do it manually since YouTube doesn't allow us to use annotations anymore). The video is your burrito! Those Houses are really powerful at this point. I guess it's a metaphor for vandalism being a poor decision. Scotch and his lackeys are weak and easy, so I can use my newly acquired Morph Materia to get some great loot from them. Aps' new gimmick is that Tifa doesn't join the fight. This is more of a blessing than a curse. The idea of keeping a frail front row fighter alive through MT physical attacks every single turn doesn't sound super appealing. I suppose that I could always have done a 180 and avoided using magical attacks, as he only uses the tsunami when attacked magically (or at least that's how it worked in vanilla). However, with Cloud and Aeris I decided to take the devil I knew over the devil I didn't. If Aeris defends before every tsunami that hits her from behind, she'll be healed by the Geo-Stance, so you don't even really need to spend any resources healing her if you do everything right.
  3. Let's Play FFVII NT - 3 - Air Busters

    In this video, I complete the Sector 5 Reactor raid and defeat two Air Buster enemies for the price of one. I never particularly figured out why their attacks hit for 2x damage sometimes. Something to do with weird Pincer Attack mechanics, I guess? IDK, I was throwing around a ton of wild theories throughout the video. Regardless, figuring that out is less important than using the menu to manipulate the turn order so that they never attack together. Then I just need to heal Cloud/Tifa when they go below ~220 HP. My first attempt at Air Buster was more of a scouting run than a serious attempt. I tend to do that a lot with bosses unless they're far from a Save Point. Knowing the fight you are going into opens up a lot more possibilities.
  4. A Final Fantasy VII New Threat LP

    Finally, after several years of school and other stuff, I'm starting to make videos for YouTube again. I explain a bit of the context behind the LP in the first few minutes, so I won't write it all down here. I think I said most of what I wanted to say in the video, so I'll keep the description fairly brief. I should have used Defend instead of Row during the Guard Scorpion fight so that he'd put me in the back (where I want to be) every other time he used Magnetic Scope. There's enough margin for error that I was in pretty good shape regardless. Hopefully the sound is loud enough. I can't be too loud if I record during the week.
  5. And starting yet another playthrough, this time of a mod that I waiting for it to get to its latest version! FFVII: New Threat is a fantastic mod and you shoudl all check it out! The playthrough has 2 videos already uploaded, and it will all have a YouTube playlist as usual, as well as all videos being uploaded to the Videos section of the site! Any comments, be sure ot leave them below and in the video itself!