Posted August 5, 2018 · Report post Oracle learns skills in order: !Recover, !Predict, Turbo MP, !Fate, Enigma Enigma - innate, grants chance to dodge spells like aegis shield, though at 20% instead of 33% and does not stack, shield takes priority !Predict - 8 spells; each can be only used once per battle, execution requires a cast time of about 2 turns (double of !Jump), all 8 are unlocked by default Deluge: deals water/ice ground-type damage to all enemies Hurricane: deals wind damage to all enemies, extra strong against heavy enemies Plague: deals level-based poison damage to all enemies, can inflict poison and blind Dark Fog: can inflict poison, blind, mute, paralyze, stop to all enemies Starfall: deals high random-type ice/earth damage to all enemies Calamity: deals high fire/earth damage to all enemies, sets terrain elements to earth/fire Blessing: heal entire party, cures poison and blind Judgment: deals high holy/bolt damage to all enemies, heal party based on damage dealt !Fate - single target offensive spell but the effect changes based on the caster's name; potential effects include: magic damage (regular, def piercing or own HP based) HP drain to self or party one or more of various status effects: blind, poison, mini, toad, petrify, mute, berserk, charm, paralyze, sleep, old, slow, stop What does this Oracle variant have in common with the vanilla Oracle? {NULL} Spoiler The original was - at least for me - not usable. Spells seemed to be choosen at random but weren't, they are decided by the caster's MP single digit, with a couple of the spells killing your party. Damage was also not dependant on your own stats, only the single digit HP of the target mattered; that +1 is a direct damage multiplier - and guess what: most monster start with xxx0 HP. No thanks, regular magic damage but with higher power and a delay with no action to kill my party seems much more appropriate to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 20, 2018 (edited) · Report post Noticed something odd. Steal adds an element to the field. I think it's either the item stolen or the... bottle-element? if it fails. Seems pretty fun so far. In the ship graveyard running with a Knight, Tinker, Thief, and Black Mage so far. Only died once, because I had run straight to the wind temple without going to town and fought the boss with Bartz wearing a ruby. Not the best idea. Edited August 20, 2018 by TauzentBlitz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 20, 2018 · Report post Steal should have the poison element - though that doesn't affect the action itself; the upgraded form uses your weapon's element because there it is part of the attack. I hope you read the beginner's house, it should explain the most important new things. I'm half sad that a visit to the town is almost required - and half not because that way the chance is higher that people get some info from the info dump beginner's house. This way Raptor is the most likely candidate to win the "hardest boss in the game" award Btw. which scan HP display is preferable? just the total HP, not hinting at things like HP break points or a proper split into effective HP and number of remaining segments (LP) there was quite a bit of confusion over the HP values so far... like the boss has 3k left, was hit for 2x 2k (x-magic) and then another x-fight - and he was only down to 1k HP. Turns out the first point of reference was about 500 HP from the next threshold, so 3.5k damage wasted from the x-magic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 20, 2018 · Report post The thing is, if I managed to steal a potion it then adds ice on top. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 20, 2018 · Report post Oh, right - well that's a quirk of how I added the element icon addition; I just read what is displayed in the top dialog. So when it says "[ice]Potion stolen" it sees the [ice] and adds that to the list. I was at one point thinking about having Gilgamesh break the 4th wall and just shout his preferred elements in his banter to change the field to his needs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2018 · Report post 16 hours ago, praetarius5018 said: Btw. which scan HP display is preferable? I'd say the second one with the split values looks much better, as you can process the information quicker by checking how many "lives" the boss has left Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2018 (edited) · Report post Well, technically you're not supposed to bother with the boss live mechanic. That's mostly for me so I can give more max HP and reduce the abuse power of certain skills and status effects. In other news, next job'll be Crusader, gained at the first crystal the starter set of jobs to 8: learns skills in order: Endure, !Esemte, !Slash, Heal Amp, Pierce !Esemte - again a set of 8 skills, this time the gimmick is that they are cast from HP (in %, not absolute numbers; the most expensive one costs 14%) Cruzfire: physical attack that hits all enemies Recover: Cure but a bit weaker Execute: single target physical attack Shout: hits all enemies for some ice VIT-based damage and lowers their magic power Size Up: very weak physical attack that reduces defenses and evasion Growth: maxHP x2 (same as one mix outcome, not stackable) Shield Bash: single target physical attack, only strong with shield equipped; then it gains damage bonus based on defense Cover: toggle Cover on or off on self new skills are unlocked based on current HP; get hit too much and you may forget how to heal (if you still can't guess what this references, blame Atlus for the inspiration) Edited August 21, 2018 by praetarius5018 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 22, 2018 · Report post v0.710 added abilities for Crusader job can now speed up spell animations by holding any of the 4 face buttons changed HP display in !Scan, now displays HP per segment instead of total value scan now shows if the target is undead reverted save anywhere changed the way defense is used in damage calculation from (atk - def) * m to (atk - defA) * m * (250 - defB) / 256 for player defA=defB = regular def for monster defB is globally 100 if neutral and defA = (VIT * defB) / 256; VIT for monster is their unmodified level, capped at 70 reduced weakness damage from x2 to x1.5 increased attack power of weapons by about 80% adjusted defense modifying effects defense piercing moves now ignore 50% defense and have -25% attack (works out to a break even on neutral defense) defense halving spells now decrease defense by an amount that would result in the target taking 20% more damage compared to before for each cast, capped at 0 defense axes treat defense as if one extra cast of guard off was used changed spellblade/tempr from 25% defense ignoring to flat -20 changed spellblade/flare from 100% defense ignoring to only 50% elemental absorb keeps def = 0 but also gets atk/2 moved shop items around, including adding a wind type shield to the first shop added several previously unobtainable items to shops, including slayer knife, legend jewel, hero shield, ... adjusted several item prices shields no longer add defense or magic defense; all standard elemental shields have fixed 15% evade HP leak now provides damage numbers HP leak is now blocked if the damage part of the original attack was absorbed status effect duration for stop, stun and doom is now affected by the weakness to said element; e.g. if weak to water doom gives 15 "seconds" instead of 30 fixed certain status durations getting cut in half single target physical skills can now use the regular weapon attack animation instead of a pseudo spell animation changed Potion heal from 50-1250 to 60-1200, heal at 3x (starting value) is up from 64 to 75; old value = new value was at 68x changed Hi-Potion heal from 120-2500 to 250-3000 increased attack power for unarmed attacks with brawl ability increased cooldown for Hi-Potions from 5 to 7 replaced potion in beginner house with hi-potion increased time for the karnak castle escape from 10:00 to 15:03 minutes fixed a bug that made goblin punch apply the temper bonus twice fixed a bug that turned damage randomly to 4 digits fixed a bug that caused softlock on killing stopped enemies fixed a bug that made physical skills target magic defense fixed a bug in the end of turn calculation that could cause a variety of bugs, like soft potions not working or crashing the game fixed a bug that granted shards on escape from random encounters after beating a boss fixed startup time of !Jump flagged Gilgamesh's jump attack properly as earth elemental finesse/weaken now also lowers magic evade heavy type enemies now add 2 field icons per action enemies affected with mini/toad now keep their names fixed an issue with displaying 4 enemy type names; ignored 4th+ name (only space for 3 names anyway) altered monster speed curve by level, difficulty, species modifier increased gold drop from monster in main game, reduced for ng+ increased monster exp gain at low levels, decreased for high levels monster attack power modifier no longer varies by difficulty increased influence of level on monster damage from 5 to 8 and reduced early game damage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 26, 2018 · Report post I just wanted to say that I'm playing the game and having a great time and wanted to thank you for making this. It's a wonderful hack. Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 29, 2018 · Report post Thank you for your making! By the way , I want to save anywhere. Please tell me which value of address in Binary Editor I should change. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 29, 2018 · Report post 2B291 10 F1 -> EA EA 2CFFF D0 09 -> 80 09 however, you're on your own then. I've managed to permanently lose job crystals with this by saving and loading in the 2nd crystal room, the shards disappear and the script continues as if you have collected them, but the jobs do not appear in the job menu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 30, 2018 · Report post It's awesome! Thank you so much. and I understood the problem.Thank you for your instruction. It really helped!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted September 25, 2018 · Report post This looks awesome. Going to hold off playing until future updates, but I'll definitely be checking this out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 · Report post v0.766 added abilities for Arcanist job failure to inflict a status effect now instead generates "status damage" equivalent to status chance / 4 status damage is reset to 0 the next time a status effect succeeds existing status damage is added to the raw chance to suffer a status effect status damage is shared across all status effects and unique for each unit greatly increased effect of status resistance (from equip or monster species) on chance to suffer from a status effect monster no longer have any native specific status resistance when a monster receives a non-self inflicted status effect it gains the status resistance to that ailment after losing a live, monster lose status resistance to some types; if remaining lives are odd, those of fire, ice, bolt and wind type, else the rest changed monster skill circle from non-elemental "remove from battle" effect to a regular ice-type death effect x-zone, doom and HP-to-1 share the resistance with regular death effect reflect ring now only grants wall status for one reflect wall status duration gets reduced by half each time a spell is reflected simplified rule for spell reflection; now only white/black and time spells are reflectable except those that create physical phenomenon (quake, comet,..), HP/MP steal and dispel against spell damage monster now use p.evade or m.evade whichever is lower instead of always m.evade; m.evade is intended as generic status resistance increased accuracy of Finesse/Weaken from 127 to 255 increased accuracy of Esemte/Size Up from 100 to 127 fixed stomps defense pierce property fixed twincuts damage property (75% damage instead of 50% attack x 200% damage = no change) reduced X-Magic power from 13/16 to 3/4 mute now also reduces magic base damage by 25% and magic heal power by 50% white/heal and white/dispel are now affected by masscast; animations had to be changed added a delay to the first monster turn; 30 atb ticks for fixed encounters (bosses) and [10..70] for random formations (each monster gets its own penalty) berserk status no longer alters monster ai berserk status now makes the target give and take 50% more damage new icons for earth and belt - blame BlackLiquidSorrow increased rate at which BraveBlade loses attack from 1 per escape to 20 on the first escape and 15 on subsequent escapes to a minimum of 1 attack power reduced Merugene's HP and removed her (scannable) weakness, now only neutral to those elements changed HP calculation from baseHP*(VIT+32)/32 to baseHP*(VIT+40)/64 increased baseHP by level from (Lv1..30..99) 120..1534..2066 to 200..2000..3000 reduced monster STR/MAG stat growth (Lv60 base is down from 57 to 43) reduced monster AGL growth (Lv60 base is down from 36 to 31) reduced monster EXP growth (Lv60 base is down from 883 to 501) white/pure now cures HP leak and status damage white/blink and !image now only give 1 image instead of 2 reduced cost of white/blink from 17 to 12 changed GilToss damage to 130 power VIT based physical earth spell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 (edited) · Report post Next up is the Arcanist, gained at the 4th crystal. learns skills in order: !Psych, !Arcane, Y-Magic, !Mystic, MindUp !Arcane - a set of 8 spells, this time the gimmick is that they only perform well under certain conditions ChainBolt: attack power increases with number of targets GrimWail: damage increases if target has status ailment L4 Arctic: affects enemies with level dividable by 4, ice elemental flare Slay: x4 damage against human enemies Ancient: level based damage, chance to inflict old Sludge: level based damage, chance to inflict poison OddFlare: affects enemies with odd remaining health, casts flare XXXX: instantly kill target if at or below 3000 HP !Mystic - same deal, for technical reasons I can only use exactly 8 spells per spell set, so... yeah... SineShot: power fluctuates along a sine curve based on passed ATB ticks in current battle Synchro: try to inflict most status ailments that plague your team on the target (only blind, poison, mini, toad, petrify, mute, berserk, charm, paralyze, sleep, old, slow, stop) L3 Toxic: affects enemies with level dividable by 3, poison elemental flare Crusher: deals damage equal to target's max HP - current HP (same as the blue spell of this name) VoidElem: party gains one-time shield (1/4 damage) against any element the caster was at least resistant to; does not apply against attacks with pierce passive or those absorbed Twilight: punches someone in the face when they mention a book level based damage, chance to inflict sleep EvenNuke: affects enemies with even remaining health, casts wind elemental counterpart to flare Cleanse: remove status damage and HP leak (same effect as white/pure has now) new skills are unlocked just by gaining total job levels, the job is imo hard enough to master, doesn't need a more involved unlock process Edited October 25, 2018 by praetarius5018 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 · Report post well how much new jobs remain to be done in the game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 · Report post 5 are missing. And I've concepts for them already. Just not 100% I can make all those mechanics or if I have enough usable ability ids... Lord Spoiler Basically Kaiser from Bravely Second. Sets powerful (de)buffs that affect everyone, player and mosnter alike. Might also get MMBN like element traps in the form of "laws". Dark Knight Spoiler Physical attacks that get stronger the less HP he has. !Stomp from knight to draw attention. Maybe a taunt that enrages enemies. Vampire Spoiler Undead healer. That idea was so dumb I just have to try it. Gets also some elements from FF5A necro but in usable. You know, the part where you have to hunt certain enemy types to learn new (non-summon) spells melded with their !Oath to summon 1 of 4 random enemies to immitate a spell. So with this version you beat certain enemies and you gain them as summon spells. Story for that: I was at one point contemplating that there are not many good healer options besides white and maybe red mage. So I wanted to add another one. I thought what kind of "gimmick" this one would get - white mage is the default/boring choice, red mage burns extra mp with his x-magic, chemist can't multitarget and has crippling cooldowns, blue mage needs white wind which comes very late and is hard to get and also requires the caster to be at good HP, any !animal user is just pure RNG for healing, summoner requires you to be able to deal damage with sylph (poison!), time mage has heal over time but no burst heal... so "undead" immediatly shot into my head. And since undead take damage from normal healing that was an angle I simply had to try. Magus Spoiler Caster that taps into the power of the void... to be a total pacifist? all spells cost regular MP & MAX MP -Hex, remove status resistances; 50% chance for each status -Shred, lowers element resistances from absorb to immune to resistance to neutral -Drain Sphere, gives *everyone* auto-HP leak; stacks with regular HP leak -Enervate, lowers maxHP by 100 (not below 5k) and all stats by 2-3 (not below half initial value) -GigaNova, terrain set and LOCKED to void, nobody gets damaged - why would the planet exploding hurt anyone? -LifeMark, target is marked; if killed while that LifeMark is active, player party gets healed by 1/8 of victim's maxHP -BombMark, target is marked; if killed while that BombMark is active, remaining monsters get damaged by 1/3 of victim's maxHP (but not below 1) -Amp Mark, target is marked; attacking the target over and over leads to increasing damage (alternating +1 Stat and +1 Level in M formula?) ---only one mark can be active at the same time ---you can mark your own party members; the effect still hits the sides mentioned above Sage Spoiler Basically a red mage that gets DnD meta magic instead of X-Magic. Like spellblade but for spells. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 · Report post the old ones will be in the game ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 · Report post or all new jobs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 21, 2018 (edited) · Report post yes no is the edit button broken? Edited October 21, 2018 by praetarius5018 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 25, 2018 · Report post I have a suggestion: Instead of bundling the old Dejap translation with this, use this one: The GBA script results in a much better translation that's more inline with current Final Fantasies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 25, 2018 · Report post Changing the translation is not an option since... 750 updates? Also its not the original Dejap translation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted November 22, 2018 · Report post It seems that the ABP is assigned constantly instead of increase. If you change the character’s position should rise ABP. The problem is the fourth position, no the character. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted November 24, 2018 · Report post Can you tell me steps to reproduce that issue? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted November 24, 2018 · Report post At first, I thought it was random, but I found out that I passed only when I flee from the battle. If you want, i upload an image so you can see it. By the way, the fourth character always has the ABP from the battle instead of increase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites