If you wanna farm Hyper M Guards for free? Fight the General Guy and you can earn a Hyper M Guard that way. But it’s up to you if you wanna do that. I’m just throwing ideas out for you.
I was fighting “The Mystery Girl” in the rawest forest and she gives you a “Crystal Ring” and “30 Galaxy Coins”
i got the Crystal Ring.. But..I didn’t receive 30 Galaxy Coins. I got none 0 Galaxy coins
I agree with you on that MuteCitizenMaster. I’m excited for the newest version and it is sad that it is coming to the end of the Adventure of Darkkefka’s Greatest rom hack that he has ever created! I’m ready for this~
To Darkkefka: Thank you so very much for this rom hack of Super Mario RPG Armageddon! I can’t thank you enough for this game that you have created. I’ve been so happy with this game that you have made. Super Mario RPG was a great game that I grew up with and I loved playing that as a kid. You have changed my life so much when you made this game into a rom hack. Thank you for changing my life for the game that I grew up with. It’s been amazing! I wish I could give you something for what your magical hands have created. Again thank you so much!