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Everything posted by Hart-Hunt

  1. Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Mega Man X: NEW Hard Type Mega Man X: New Hard Type is a WIP retake of the Mega Man X: Hard Type mod. It greatly expands the scope of the project with the addition of new modding tools that allow more radical redesign of the levels. List of changes for the final version: Level changes: Every single level will be redesigned from scratch. More enemies, completely new, reimagined areas. Upgrades locations completely relocated and others. Note that while this is called "Hard Type", it's simply a reimagine of the old stages with a more competent difficulty curve, and should not be mistagged with names like "Kaizo". Such concepts are out of this project's scope. Gameplay rebalances: Upgrades get a few more uses for further rebalance between them. X starts the game with dash enabled. Leg Upgrade allows for higher jump height, and decreased wall slide speed. When combined with the Arm Upgrade, it also allows for faster ladder climbing. Head Upgrade recovers half of a SubTank's capacity each die X dies. Body Upgrade now only reduces 25% of incoming damage. Arm Upgrade functions the same as the original: Enables third level charge of the buster and allows for special weapons charging. Hadouken is not longer a 1-shot and it's easier to fire / land. Details to come. Zero gives an upgrade to X after the Vile battle. No spoilers. Other gameplay rebalances. X gets a SubTank for every 2 SubTank Pieces. By grabbing all 4 SubTank Pieces, you get 2 SubTanks total. SubTank Piece Counter added in the pause screen. Infinite Lives. Death Counter up to 999 added in the pause screen. Weapon speeds get rebalanced. Weapon damage gets rebalanced. Weapon usage cost gets rebalanced. Duration of Sting Chameleon's charged attack gets rebalanced (Yes, I typed that separatedly). Invincible frames after hit are slightly reduced (emphasis on the word slightly). Health drop rates are unchanged. "Spec Mode" (Little button in the bottom left in the Select Stage screen) now includes difficulty labels for all stages, so the player can pick a stage with the difficulty they want most. They also include the upgrades in the stage as well. Stages can be exited at any given time, with no need to beat them first. Only notable exception is Highway Stage (since it's the Intro Stage). Enemies get their fair rebalance, as well. Enemies get faster and more reactive. Enemies deal more damage. Enemies are more grouped and better synergized. Enemies drink your tears. Want to donate? Click here! Download: Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Credits: Xeeynamo, for creating the MMXE 0.7.1 Beta editor. This project wouldn't have even started without this wonderful tool; huge thanks to you. Xeeynamo's website: http://digitalwork.altervista.org/ justin3009 of the Megaman X9 Forums, for his great help in ASM hacking. Red Guy, for improving the MegaED X editor to levels I didn't even believe were possible. Thanks to you, the MMX community will hopefully be encouraged to release more of these projects. Just... Thank you. BTB, Advent and Stann for their help on improving the dialogue. You guys rock. \m/ Every Beta Tester or player who has given feedback for this project so far. (Names in the forum thread) Everyone in Insane Difficulty, giving me support, constructive opinions, suggestions. http://ww.insanedifficulty.com The crew in New Game +. http://www.ngplus.net
  2. Version 0.1.6


    Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X2 (U), UNHEADERED ROM . Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Mega Man X2: Hard Type Mega Man X2: New Hard Type is a WIP project - rebalance and stage redesign project for Megaman X2 for the SNES. Within its objective is to enhance the difficulty to provide a fresh new experience to veterans of the platform genre. List of changes for the final version: Level changes: Every single level will be redesigned from scratch. More enemies, completely new, reimagined areas. Upgrades locations completely relocated and others. Note that while this is called "Hard Type", it's simply a reimagine of the old stages with a more competent difficulty curve, and should not be mistagged with names like "Kaizo". Such concepts are out of this project's scope. Note that this is an Alpha release. Further development of X2 will be done after its sister project, Mega Man X: New Hard Type gets to its final version. Want to donate? Click here! Credits: Xeeynamo, for creating the MMXE 0.7.1 Beta editor. This project wouldn't have even started without this wonderful tool; huge thanks to you. Xeeynamo's website: http://digitalwork.altervista.org/ justin3009 of the Megaman X9 Forums, for his great help in ASM hacking. Red Guy, for improving the MegaED X editor to levels I didn't even believe were possible. Thanks to you, the MMX community will hopefully be encouraged to release more of these projects. Just... Thank you. BTB, Advent and Stann for their help on improving the dialogue. You guys rock. \m/ Every Beta Tester or player who has given feedback for this project so far. (Names in the forum thread) Everyone in Insane Difficulty, giving me support, constructive opinions, suggestions. http://ww.insanedifficulty.com The crew in New Game +. http://www.ngplus.net
  3. Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X2 (U), UNHEADERED ROM . Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Mega Man X2: Hard Type Mega Man X2: New Hard Type is a WIP project - rebalance and stage redesign project for Megaman X2 for the SNES. Within its objective is to enhance the difficulty to provide a fresh new experience to veterans of the platform genre. List of changes for the final version: Level changes: Every single level will be redesigned from scratch. More enemies, completely new, reimagined areas. Upgrades locations completely relocated and others. Note that while this is called "Hard Type", it's simply a reimagine of the old stages with a more competent difficulty curve, and should not be mistagged with names like "Kaizo". Such concepts are out of this project's scope. Note that this is an Alpha release. Further development of X2 will be done after its sister project, Mega Man X: New Hard Type gets to its final version. Want to donate? Click here! Download: Credits: Xeeynamo, for creating the MMXE 0.7.1 Beta editor. This project wouldn't have even started without this wonderful tool; huge thanks to you. Xeeynamo's website: http://digitalwork.altervista.org/ justin3009 of the Megaman X9 Forums, for his great help in ASM hacking. Red Guy, for improving the MegaED X editor to levels I didn't even believe were possible. Thanks to you, the MMX community will hopefully be encouraged to release more of these projects. Just... Thank you. BTB, Advent and Stann for their help on improving the dialogue. You guys rock. \m/ Every Beta Tester or player who has given feedback for this project so far. (Names in the forum thread) Everyone in Insane Difficulty, giving me support, constructive opinions, suggestions. http://ww.insanedifficulty.com The crew in New Game +. http://www.ngplus.net
  4. Nice. Question, what have you done with the ENTD? Are battles changed in any way? Any rebalances in other regards than adding FF characters?
  5. I most definitely need to try this, and soon. You can already tell this is some mature work that needs more players to help with the testing and feedback. Hope to see more players giving this a good chance

    Would you want a page in the Downloads section?
  7. FFT 1.3 hello

    1.3 doesn't have any support from its creator, so no. 1.3 will never be updated again.
  8. FFT 1.3 hello

    Yep. PSP was like an experimental release of 1.3, and had different creators. The only one who got released at the end was the first one, Dr. Bretto's. It wasn't as balanced as the original one. I'd pick 1.3 as a base, or even replicate 1.3's changed in a vanilla ISO.
  9. FFT 1.3 hello

    Most of chapter 4 really isn't unfair, save for Altima and a few optional (skippable) Deep Dungeon fights. It's just that in Ch4, the game decides to completely steer away towards a different kind of combat dynamics and design. Where a variety of jobs and abilities was the name of the game in the first 3 chapters, in the fourth one Speed, CT manipulation, and DPS are kings. If you can master the technique of making your turns count in reliable ways, then Chapter 4 will seem easier and easier, and more a matter of planning how to break the uber-stats wall of enemies in each battle, and then executing said plan. If you ever get stuck, I completed the main story (except for Altima) with the challenge of having 1 unit less in each battle, generics only, and no random battles (meaning natural growths, natural levels, and having to plan ahead which abilities I'll be learning). I find the playthrough very instructive, because it uses normal jobs and tactics, and mostly shines in CT counting and execution (my glory days ). https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWTk_7CuZPxLi3dgCM0IwagOrgDowjkiE
  10. FFT 1.3 hello

    I'm speaking purely by memory and some things might be off, but... Faith Rod was moved to a latter battle. Someone held it in the battle prior to Adramelk (Dicebarg's elder brother battle). It's a unique item, and pretty broken. Onion Knight was nerfed in the last update. I think Whale Whiskers weren't Two-Handable anymore as a change in the last update (very lame), which was a huge nerf for them as well. There's still a ton of setups where the OK rocks with pure damage. The most common one is an end-game one using the Exca-2. I wouldn't care much about growths, unless you are doing some kind of challenge.
  11. What happened to FFT+?

    FFhacktics doesn't seem to be down. What did they tell you over there?
  12. FFT 1.3 hello

    False. FFT's scaling depends on the highest team member on your party roster, including those outside the battle. So in 1.3, when you recruit a new character like say Marche or Agrias, they also join at a higher level, resulting in an inmediate increase of difficulty via enemy scaling. Lame in my opinion. I enjoyed 1.3 a lot, but its design in certain aspects is severely outdated. Sigh, I wish someone redid 1.3 in a proper manner, without doing something completely different.
  13. Added a link to SMW Central's thread which has an alternate list of utilities for modders.
  14. This FFXII mod sounds fucking awesome. I've been wanting a IZJS mod for years, so you got a new player here. And I coincidentally bought FFXII not so long ago. Cheers. Also, btw. Which link should I download, the one in your last post, or the one in the original post? I'd recommend always keeping an updated link in the original post.
  15. Howdy again (AWOL time over)

    Reposting a fragment of what I posted in Discord chat today: -- Howdy there gents. I've been AWOL for the past several months, because I had a huge burn out of it all. I know some of you have tried to reach me (including Kaffe today), and I really appreciate you being so kind to me. My life's been the same, except that I got a new job about the same time I went AWOL, which I love doing and it was a huge step forward for me. That, and college which is the most demanding yet, took a big toll in me, and my self-taken pressure to develop MMX and also be updated with the forums reached a boiling point and I handled it poorly, simply leaving NG+ to the rest without giving any explanations. I truly apologize because I've always loved this community, as the elders here know, and you'll always be at a special place in my heart. -- Seriously, I love you guys and I've missed you a lot. What I can offer as a learning experience, is that you have to learn to lose that fear of returning to where you belong, if you truly care for that place. Anyways. Have a good week yall. See you around.
  16. Let's take the intro stage in New Hard Type. As it is an introductory stage of the hack, I wanted to include a handful of elements (or you could call them tropes) that would be present in the stages, while retaining the original theme of the stage. The tropes to include were: Horizontal linear platforming, Multiple pathing, Expanded, detailed world, Claustrophobic sections (with enemies enhancing the idea), Vertical climbing sections. So I took the original concept of the highway and expanded onto it. I made a highway, in which you end up falling to the underground area of the city, traveling around the area to get back to the surface to get to your original destination. It conveys into a theme and results in both an open stage with a more claustrophobic interlude, with even a vertical section. In this case, what did I design first? Did I slap together platforms and enemies and call it a stage? Or did I design entire sections and mesh them together? Or did I instead design the tropes that would be included and explores? Or did I design the entire theme of the stage and then explore and expand onto it? Basically, an unexperienced designer will do from the former to the latter, while the more experienced designer will try to go from the latter to the former: From the theme to the details, from the design tropes to be explored to the individual jump lengths and enemy positions to be adjusted. So, what I propose in this topic is to discuss what could be explored in each stage! We have the following map to work with (zoom in the image): If you don't remember where each stage occurs within the map, load your old MMX game and check it. What I want to discuss here, is different ideas to brainstorm. An example of something I could work with would be something like: "Intro stage: Highway like the original. Horizontal stage, possibly exploring multiple paths after falling from an individual jump (should probably include visual cues to let the player know you can fall safely there). After finding the bee miniboss, the floor falls and suddenly you're in an entirely new area, an underground where you need to find your way back up. Then you reach the end of the stage". That's a bit convoluted. How about something more friendly, more fun to imagine: "Storm Eagle: You start at the airport, then you jump from ship to ship. Maybe the background moving suggesting that the ships are in movement? In each ship you infiltrate from the rear to the front while fighting the defenses, until you infiltrate the main ship of the maverick army, where Storm Eagle is hiding." "Flame Mammoth: Slowly descending into a volcano. Etc." Use your imagination and help me start the designing process!
  17. BP shows up once in a while in chat. Can't make any promises, but if he ever stops by I'll ask him to share a link.
  18. Version 2.2.2


    Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Mega Man X: Hard Type Mega Man X: Hard Type is a rebalance and stage redesign project for Megaman X for the SNES. Within its objective is to enhance the difficulty to provide a fresh new experience to veterans of the platform genre. Mega Man X: Soft Type Mega Man X: Soft Type is a patch included in the download, which features all of the changes listed below, except for the level redesigns. It's a must for players who want to check out a rebalanced verison of the original, without having to play the redesign stages! Think of it as a middle ground between the original, and MMX: Hard Type! List of changes: Level changes: Every single level has been redesigned from scratch, including bosses arenas. AI changes: Regular enemies, bosses and minibosses have had their AI enhanced, making them more responsive and faster, among other things. Enemy stat rebalances: Enemies have had their HP rebalanced and they usually deal more damage. Player stat rebalances: Ammo has been reduced, and each of the weapon's costs have been rebalanced. Damage done by weapons have been rebalanced as well (The Hadouken isn't a 1-shot anymore), both against regular enemies and bosses. Some weapons had their speed rebalanced. The body upgrade has been nerfed to 25% damage reduction. Other misc changes: Infinite lives. Dialogue changes. Spec mode modified. Death counter in the pause screen. Each of the bosses can now be rebattled. Each of the Maverick stages can be exited without having beaten it first. Hadouken capsule only requires 1 visit. Doesn't require all stages beaten. Dash acquired after completing the Intro Stage. Custom Title. Other rebalances and small additions. Want to donate? Click here! Patch must be applied to a Mega Man X (U), UNHEADERED ROM . There's two patches included in the download, one for the v1.0 of the ROM, and one for the v1.1 of the ROM. Patching into the wrong version of the ROM will lead to glitches and bugs all over the place. Credits: Xeeynamo, for creating the MMXE 0.7.1 Beta editor. This project wouldn't have even started without this wonderful tool; huge thanks to you. Xeeynamo's website: http://digitalwork.altervista.org/ justin3009 of the Megaman X9 Forums, for his great help in ASM hacking. Red Guy, for improving the MegaED X editor to levels I didn't even believe were possible. Thanks to you, the MMX community will hopefully be encouraged to release more of these projects. Just... Thank you. BTB, Advent/Kyrios and Stann for their help on improving the dialogue. You guys rock. \m/ Every Beta Tester or player who has given feedback for this project so far. (Names in the forum thread) Everyone in Insane Difficulty, giving me support, constructive opinions, suggestions. http://ww.insanedifficulty.com The crew in New Game +. http://www.ngplus.net
  19. I will check it today and respond here. Thank you!
  20. Version 0.1.0 released! What's New in Version 0.1.0: Level changes: Chill Penguin's stage redesigned. Boss battle is the same as vanilla - will be modded in a latter version. General tweaks in already released stages. Enemy changes: Rebalanced speed values of enemies present in all stages. Engine changes: X's dying animation is a lot shorter. READY text animation when spawning is a lot shorter. Both changes allow for faster respawning and gameplay. Leg Capsule in Chill Penguin's stage now adds: Higher jump, slower sliding down of walls, and break breakable blocks by kicking. Dialogue changes: Dr. Light's dialogue with the Leg Capsule was redesigned to reflect the new changes. As always, a lot of background work with misc changes that is not worth mentioning.
  21. Congratulations on the release zombero! Sorry I wasn't able to catch the stream.
  22. NG+ Secret Santa 2017 Dispersal Thread!

    I want to publicly thank @GrayShadowsfor his gift. I haven't heard from artemi, but this guy right here made the most original gift right here, and he deserves a cheers from the rest of the community. It's not much, but I hope that we can return the good vibes in 2018. Everyone, thank you for participating, it was a blast as always. I wish you all a happy New Year. Here's a cheers to y'all.
  23. Super Mario ARM V.9

    What do you mean with this? As a general reminder, we only host mods in .ips or other patch-type of formats in this site. Also, about the PMs, that includes us Admins us well. We have been long trying to contact you, not only through this site, with no answer.