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Found 10 results

  1. Hi everybody ! So last day I thought again about the growth formula, given on bonus = [current_RX / (C + Lv)] I knew that the lower C is, since it's on the denominator, the best it is for the bonus growth. But, something was bugging me and I had still not found the explanation of this : " just so happens that the amount of raw stats you gain on a level up will be a constant." I made my tests, and indeed the bonus was constant. But how did they think about that ? And why is it constant ? First I wrote the formula in sequence : with u0 for starting_RX and un/(C+n) for bonus un+1 = un + bonus => un+1 = un + un/(C + n) Then I started simulating numbers with sheets, and I noticed that everytime the current_RX had doubled from its previous values, it was when the char had gained exactly C levels ! So, When n = C, uC+1 = 2*u0 So, I thought maybe they designed the formula with having that in goal ! To verify it, I started from the definition of an arithmetic sequence : un = u0 + nR (1) And I applied the constraint : When n = C, un = 2u0 2u0=u0 + CR =>u0 = CR =>R = u0/C in (1) : un = u0 + n.u0/C un+1 = u0 + (n+1).u0/C => un+1 = u0 + n.u0/C + u0/C => un+1 = un + u0/C (2) un = u0(1+n/C) => u0 = un/(1+n/C) => u0 = (un.C)/(C+n) (3) Using (2) and (3) un+1 = un + (un.C)/(C+n)/C => un+1 = un + un / (C+n) Here we go ! Conclusion : The growth constant C for a stat is the number of levels needed to double the raw value of that stat : for example in 1.3, knights have 35 PAC, that means for every 35 levels spent in knight, you double your PA. With HPC = 8, every 8 levels, you double your base HP. I think it’s a nice way to see it when planning characters.
  2. Hi. While I was updating Valeria 1.5.3, I also worked on some 1.3 mods too. That's why it took so long to update lol. It took me a while to decide whether I should work on Beta 5 which is the last update from Dr. Bretto or which is considered last stable update. After playing and comparing both versions for a while, I decided to work on which has some interesting developments for higher HP fight with traps. I'll start with only ability re-balance related to damage factor and hit rate so it won't affect the game mechanics significantly. I may need to revise some abilities like Chant to 100% revive rendering Phoenix Down useless to 140 faith based so zodiac compatibility will play bigger role here. I must say 1.3 isn't really my cup of tea with my experience from both PSX/PSP releases. I dislike how archer has so many abilities to manipulate status effects making mages kinda useless. They can also hit hard and can cancel charging skill from distance too. It's very annoying but I'll maintain 1.3 elements as is for the first release. You can read changelog below for changes from Beta 5. Download: (Clean EUR ISO only) Please let me know what you guys think about it. Since there's no successor who'll maintain 1.3 mods for WOTL anymore, I'll try to improvise and improve based on received suggestions and testing for better gameplay.
  3. I used to try modding FFT 1.3 before and I admit I was too young to realize its mechanics and design philosophy back on those days. Those changes and ideas I pushed back then seem to be silly and stupid now when I know more about game mechanics after modding for a while. After modding Valeria project for years and made quite a stable improvements as true to vanilla re-balance, I hope I could contribute to improve FFT 1.3 WOTL project. Last update was beta 5 since 2013 and no update since and there were some inconsistencies that can be improved. I won't touch original mechanics DrBretto set and won't change the vision more than re-balance of certain abilities to be more manageable. My goal is to make the game being more tolerable to RNG and allow more possible strategies. I've uploaded my first video demonstrating some changes I applied to tutorial battle below. My intention right now is to make no changes to job stats which may affect strategies and difficulty, no changes to status infliction flag, range, MP cost, and speed of abilities. I intend to adjust parameters to scale better through the game and make RNG and some abilities less broken with some nerfs and buffs a little. The reason why 1.3 is hard and can be too punishing is some abilities being too effective making some battles too punishing. Re-balancing 1.3 can make the game less punishing and open more possibilities to try more strategies. Since I won't change core mechanics and job stats or even item, its soul of 1.3 shouldn't be tampered significantly.
  4. One Vision AI Arena

    Ever wanted to see specific teams fight each other? Ever want to see certain classes tested against others? Let me know what You'd like to see!
  5. For once in my life I want to see something finished by me (well except college, that's a different story). And I hope you guys can help me along the way. Here's the rough draft of what I'll be making with the game, hopefully more ideas will come my way: Re-balance jobs (maybe some stat improvements or downgrades) and job tree Re-balance enemies (stats, equipment and abilities) -- this is to avoid playing it only in hyper-offensive teams rather than a mix or defensive teams. Re-balance some of the equipment. Spells will generally be faster as to avoid being not used for the majority of the game. Make status spells GREAT AGAIN. (Aiming for 60-80% chances, need some insight on this) Get rid of/balance broken shit. Make all encounters go on average level with your party. (I think I'll have bosses start with +5 levels or something, thoughts?) Make NPC's controllable. Implement a Exp/JP ASM hack if needed. Credits to Emmy of course. EDIT: for now this project is on hiatus, all my focus is currently on an RPG I am making
  6. FFT: WOTL - Valeria 1.5 "Ivalice Reborn" It's been a while since last release of Final Fantasy Tactics Valeria Mod. I realized there was tons of bugs and inbalance to be resolved so I spent a long time fixing bugs and made massive adjustments through months of testing. After coming back to Final Fantasy Tactics again, I tested playing the game from ground up time and time again to make sure every story fights will proceed without inconsistencies. I thought I'd mod this game for the sake of no grind run at first. But I ended up doing a complete vanilla re-balance patch with adjustments based on Tactics Ogre and Tactics series released thereafter. The goal of this mod is to breath new life to Vanilla gameplay with new mechanics and gameplay design. This Valeria mod will make the game more enjoyable without imposing difficulty. I recommend to enjoy Valeria mod without excessive grinding. You can reliably beat boss battles with lower level though it maybe more challenging without cheesy tactics due to removal of some broken abilities. >=== Reworked mechanics ===< In this Valeria mod, I adjusted some battle machanics based on experience with Tactics Ogre and re-balance some items and equipment to be more useful and interesting. If you're familiar with Tactics Ogre gameplay, you'll find this battle mechanics working in similar manner with some new fresh ideas while staying faithful to vanilla design. [Re-balance healing mechanics] Cure's healing formula should be 10/20/30/40 but they increased healing factor on Cure to 14 due to unreliability of faith based healing. However, it's far from optimal and need high MA and faith to make it effective. Since all other HP restoration abilities are percentage based, I decided to change healing formula into faith-based percentage based at 30/40/60/100% with chance to add Regen status bonus. Aside from percentage healing and regen status added, Cure spell will heal a single target and Curaja will heal with wider effect range similar to black magic's spells too. In other words, you'll get more reliable Cure spells without MA in consideration with shorten charge time from 4/5/7/10 to 2/3/5/7 to make it more usable comparing to other healing methods. Potions will also be adjusted for more balanced gameplay in consideration. Potion will cost a bit more at 80, Hi-Potion will heal 60 HP, and X-Potion will restore 120 HP with price decreased down to 500. Other healing abilities are also nerfed a bit such as Chakra and Murasame but Summon will receive 20% boost on healing. [Introduce proper status infliction mechanics] In original gameplay of Final Fantasy Tactics, you'll hardly see enemies using status infliction because they need JP to learn and they barely use good ones. Most of the time attacking does better job since chance to inflict status is on smaller side. We saw how some mods tried to make status infliction becoming more active and it was painful to play. Status infliction changed from contributing factor into core winning factor and many modders avoided such approach to make the game more enjoyable. In Valeria, status infliction will be used more often. Some basic abilities has status infliction and they're useful without breaking game balance or most of them aren't at annoying level. We have Mystic and Orator as magical status infliction but we don't have any job doing physical status infliction at all. In Valeria mod, some physical jobs will also have abilities about status infliction with one that won't annoy player too much. I also considered Blind and Silence status for Archer too but they are permanent status with weapon range which will make the game too painful to play without status recovery setup. We all know that pain from difficulty mod. Aside from adding status infliction on physical jobs, I also added status infliction on some magical abilities as below. Some abilities are least desirable to use due to low success rate and require zodiac compatibility and faith to make so I also raised success rate of these abilities a bit more. With success rate increased, I hope you'll consider giving those abilities more chance to try in your gameplay. [Re-balance speed multiplier] Default mage jobs are way too fast, as fast as Squire and Knight and White mage is even faster. Black mage sometimes kills enemies before they even act. By reducing speed multiplier to 90-95, they will act after other jobs making game more balanced. Only White Mage, Orator and Bard will have the same speed as malee jobs. I won't decrease stats on some enemy's jobs so it won't decrease difficulty in gameplay. I also decreased Speed Growth on Thief and Ninja so it won't have broken speed in late game fights. Thief and Ninja will have swapped speed multiplifer for re-balance purposes. They're still faster units but not way too fast. [Re-balance PA/MA Growth for generic jobs] Most physical jobs has high PA Growth from 40-48 for basic jobs but generic jobs don't have MA Growth except Mime. So I increased MA Growth for Magic oriented jobs based on half of PA Growth decreased from base 50. Since maximum MA bonus stats are decreased and some spells are nerfed, higher MA Growth should compensate well. I also increased PA Growth on Black Mage/Time Mage/Summoner by 5 for re-balance purposes. For physical jobs with PA growth, they'll have MA Growth decreased by half of PA Growth gained from base 50 except some hybrid jobs that won't suffer MA/PA Growth penalty. [Remove Brave/Faith manipulation] Some abilities can be too powerful or useless with brave/faith manipulation. So I changed most brave/faith manipulation abilities to PA/MA manipulation instead. Mystic and Orator's abilities are adjusted to PA/MA manipulation for different uses. This also applies to enemies' abilities. Beowulf's Chicken will temporary inflict Chicken status without lowering Brave so it will work until enemy's turn. I also removed Brave manipulation from Ramza and Reis' abilities too leaving only stats boosting. Bravery Boost and Faith Boost reaction abilities are also removed from Bard/Dancer. [Remove abilities that break the game balance] Despite having Brave/Faith manipulation removed from the game, some abilities are still too powerful to use. Here's the list removed abilities for re-balance purposes. Most of them are reaction and movement abilities that I can't adjust to make it more balanced. Offensive support abilities are also removed so the game won't tilt toward offensive side too much with decreased over all HP. It's a hard decision to remove so many abilities I often use but it also made me realized how much more viable other abilities can shine after removing obvious ones out. [Unlock useful jobs for special characters] Most special characters join with basic jobs unlocked making them subpar most generic you own before they join. So I changed unlocked jobs to be more appropriate to story progression better. Mustadio: Geomancer(3) - So he can advance to dual wielding gun sooner Agrias: Dragoon(3) - Making Iaido Agrias easier to grind and can get Dragonheart too Luso: Summoner(6) - Making use of Summon will help a lot like Golem Rapha: Black Mage(8) - Help Marach become a Dark Knight easier Marach: Knight(8) - Become a Dark Knight faster Beowulf: Mystic(8) - Mystic Arts is already good but can have higher level Balthier: Monk(8) - Martial Arts is already good but can have higher level Reis: Samurai(1) - For Equip Katana and Iaido becoming more viable without grinding Orlandeau: Arcanist(1) - He holds Zodiac stone so let's give him some Lucavi spells bonus Cloud: Time Mage(8) - Swiftness will help his meme-tier limit becoming more viable Meliadoul: Ninja(1) - Dual Wield/Reflexes and higher speed growth job is welcomed to have I've been thinking about changing this for a long before starting version 1.4 development but I wasn't sure that it will match will with story progression and character development. Now I'm certain this will work out for the best after trying generic run. [Re-balance stats of weapon equipment] After playing for a while with re-balance mod, I made numerous adjustments to weapons so it'll scale better with gameplay. Some items are better and some are nerfed a bit for re-balance purposes. Knife equipment will be more useful with extra 10% evasion added and it can work better with Parry skill. I also added 5% to Staff/Rod/Crossbow/Ninja Blade too. This will make Parry much more useful to have. Crossbow and Bow will have weapon power scaling over time better according to chapter progression to compensate Aim making Archer becoming more powerful. Bow's range is increased from 5 to 6 too. Axe has randomized damage with unreliable attack power so I added chance to inflict slow status on all axe equipment to improve its usefulness. Using Weapon Strike won't trigger slow status so it's a good trade off. Gun doesn't seem to scale pretty well in WOTL release with Balthier's gun doing 144 damage and Stoneshooter doing 256 damage. So I adjusted gun to be more balanced with Dual Wield in consideration. Polearm has standard weapon power similar to sword but it has 2 range with 1.5x damage boost on Jump attack so I decreased weapon power down by 1 except Obelisk and Holy Lance. Flail provides terrible damage so I changed Flail damage formula to WP^2 so it can provide better damage. Ninja blade is meant to be next tier of knife upgrade for Ninja. Due to the nature of dual wield, its output is too high comparing to sword so I decreased weapon power by 1 for some ninja blades. Knight's Sword is the most powerful weapon in single player game so dual wield will make break the balance. I removed Dual Wield support for Knight's Sword and add Holy element attribute. [Re-balance HP/Evasion Rate of equipment] Weapon Guard has low block rate but shields and cloaks has crazy high block rate during chapter 3-4. Aegis Shield giving 50% magic evasion rate is too powerful with 30% cloak and Reflexes. Physical evasion can goes up to 40% stacking with 10-30% evasion from class meaning equipping shield will hit really hard and Concentration will be needed to make sure you'll land a hit. However, most seasoned players will ended up using non-evadable attacks with attack bonus instead and the idea of adding Concentration to render evasion useless benefits player more than AI. As a result, this re-balance will decrease evasion rate cap down to more reasonable level as below. Weapon: 60 -> 35 (40 for Defender and Dancer's Cloth) Shield: 40 -> 30 (40 for non-buyable shields) Cloak: 40 -> 25 (30 for Invisibility Cloak) Magic evasion: 50 -> 25 You probably won't notice significant changes during chapter 1 you won't get to see less than 70% success rate very often as much as before. Enemies will have Parry more frequently too. Helmet and Heavy Armor may give more bonus HP in early chapters but bonus HP advantage later fall behind in late game with about the same amount of HP bonus rendering heavy armor useless. In this re-balance, I'll setup HP bonus cap on buyable equipment as below. Hat: 100 -> 50 Clothing: 100 -> 70 (80 for Rubber Suit) Robe: 75 -> 60 (70/50 for Lordly Robe) Sounds like a massive cap but fear not. Most items scale a lot around chapter 3 so you won't lose a lot of HP bonus until very late. Let's compare stats boosting items here for details. Headband + Power Garb Vanilla: 56 + 70 = 126 Re-Balance: 36 + 55 = 81 Loss: 45 Close Helmet + Golden Armor = 70 + 70 = 140 Celebrant's Miter + Wizard's Robe Vanilla: 64 + 30 = 94 Re-Balance: 40 + 30 = 70 Loss: 24 This way mage units won't suffer much from HP bonus reduction and this will give more reason for Equip Heavy Armor to shine because it's going to give you 220 HP bonus over 80-120 HP from Hat and Clothing. Since bonus HP is decreased a lot, I also removed offensive support abilities out from the game so player can't taking advantage of offensive tactics against enemies with lowered HP. [Toughened bosses in important fights] Some bosses can be exploited with status ailments to make battle easier. That's fine but Lucavi bosses shouldn't be affected by negative status like Slow/Immobilize/Disable. Many fights are easier thanks to Slow ability so you have more time to prepare before getting nuked by bosses. In Valeria mod, those bosses are immune to those status now. I also buffed up some bosses to be harder to defeat but there's also extra merits as well. Gaffgarion: Added Safeguard so you can't steal/break his weapon now but you'll get Blood Sword as War Trophy after defeating him Argath: Added Arcane Defense and wield Chaos Blade now but you can also get Chaos Blade from treasure hunt Elmdore: Changed Brawler to Concentration but you can get Masamune as War Trophy after defeating him Dycedarg: Added Safeguard so you can't steal/break his weapon now but you'll get Defender as War Trophy after defeating his Lucavi form Aliste: Added Arcane Strength so his Iaido will hit harder but you can also steal his equipment and get Genji Glove as War Trophy instead of Genji Armor Bremont: Added Defense Boost to his Dark Dragon form but you can also get Lordly Robe as War Trophy after defeating him As this isn't a difficulty mod, I'll buff Argath and Elmdore's defense for story battles and buff Aliste and Bremont's offense for optional battles. You can control units you already recruited as a guest too. >=== Reworked jobs ===< I find many jobs being unbalanced for better or worse especially for Archer with uselessly long Aim and Arithmetician being too over powered with math abuse. Magicians are as fast as malee units and White Mage is even faster. It was very hard for beginners to land magic spells on enemies without making mistakes because you need to plan and predict everyone's move ahead. So I decided to revamp some parts of jobs that need some works with some changes and enhancenents while staying vanilla but more fun to play with proper mechanics. [Specialize jobs with innate abilities] Back then when I was playing Wild Arms XF, I found each class being so useful with its unique abilities and you can learn that skill to use on other classes. Chemist with Throw Items is awesome and I wish more jobs can be like that too. But this game can't add many skills freely so you're stuck with only one each making some abilities seem less useful than others and often ignored. Some jobs are utilized for getting abilities and move on. The hard part is choosing the right abilities that makes job more interesting to play without breaking the balance between your units and enemies. Enemies will gain benefits too making gameplay even more interesting. Some abilities can be learned without JP cost which will allow enemies taking advantage of those abilities more frequently rather than player using those abilities alone. Reaction: Parry/Regenerate Movement: Treasure Hunter These will also increase enemy's evasion rate and surviability after taking damage. If they walk on treasure tile, they have high chance to steal your loot too. [Re-balance Squire jobs] Original Squire abilities are a bit too useless to be used with other jobs in after the first chapter. I decided to re-balance a few abilities in Squire job as below. I also removed PA Growth restriction and decreased MA Multiplifer a little. Squire job will become more useful through later chapters in this way. [Re-balance UberSquire jobs] Ramza's Squire job is uber strong and always like that since the beginning of the game. So I locked PA and MA to be the same value as generic Squire in chapter 1. This applied to Delita and Argath too. After chapter 1, Ramza's Squire job will gradually become stronger over the time based on Delita's scale as a reference. These changes will also apply on Delita and Argath as guest units too. Ramza's job name will be changed over time as "Squire -> Mercenary -> Heretic". In his final upgrade, he'll have some stats increased comparing to original as below. I believe this will balance out the game play experience better and also give more realistic challenges using starting Squire job without damage boost and get stronger over time. [Revamp Chemist Items abilities] Chemist in Valeria mod will have innate Treasure Hunter and Equip Gun support ability so you don't have to go all the way to Orator just to get Equip Gun for other jobs. Gold Needle and Maiden's Kiss are least like be used items in FFT and superceded by Remedy. So I changed them to Protective Charm and Maiden's Blessing for providing Protect and Shell improving Chemist usefulness. Now your Chemist can provide buffs to a single unit immediately which makes Items being more handy to have. I also removed PA Growth restriction and buff MA Multiplier a little so you can keep using Chemist without Growth penalty. [Revamp Archer Aim abilities] People often complain how bad archer is as they can't utilize higher than 3 so most will get some decent abilities and move on. Now archer is back, stronger than before and be more useful enough not break the game. Aim will be changed to Precision having the following new abilities with status infliction based on later Tactics series. Original Aim is moved into Machinist's skill set with Aim re-scaling up to +7 with 10 CT. Some new spells are shared with monster abilities and Machinist/Sky Pirate job. Machinist will take hybrid Knight/Archer setup with Rend stats as a bonus. I won't add Rend equipment as it'll work too well against Thief Cap. I also improve Crossbow and bow's weapon damage scaling according to chapter progression so archer will hit harder with stronger weapons now. You can also use Equip Crossbow with other jobs to do more damage too. [Re-balance White/Black Mage abilities] As I explained before about changes in healing mechanics on White Mage, I also made some other adjustments to make these jobs performing better in this re-balance too. Since Regen will be applied on Cure and Regenerate, ability Regen will not be useful anymore so I changed it to Meditate similar to Tactics Ogre restoring MA*4 with CT 5. I also nerfed Holy spell since some people use it to OHKO some battles. Now it has damage factor decreased (50 -> 34), CT decreased (6 -> 5), and MP cost decreased (56 -> 30). Holy will hit a bit weaker than Unholy Darkness but have less CT and MP cost to be more efficient. Celebrant's Miter and Luminous Robe will also strengthen Holy too. Fire/Blizzard/Thunder spells are also upgraded with better scaling for different uses. First tier spell will hit single target and effect area keeps expanding after upgrading to higher tier. Fire will have damage scaling changed from 14/18/24/32 to 14/17/23/32 which will have -ra/-ga tier little weaker. However, they can be casted faster with CT decreased from 4/5/7/10 to 3/4/6/8 so you can land more powerful spell more frequently. Blizzard will deal more damage slightly with damage scaling at 15/19/26/36 and Thunder will have CT decreased by 1 having the same CT scaling as Cure spells at 2/3/5/7. Since only Fire has Oil effect to double damage, I hope adding bonus to Ice/Thunder spells will balane things out a bit. These changes will also be applied to Summons too so please check in job's details. [Re-balance Monk's Martial Art abilities] Some Monk's abilities are overpower and much more preferable than spells due to instant cast time and its effectiveness. So I added CT and adjust some abilities as below. This way Monk's abilities will still be useful but won't conveniently render white magic spells useless. I also adjusted Doom Fist to be more situational to use in different ways too. [Rebuild Arithmetician as Arcanist] The original Arithmetician is too OP and abusive with other jobs. Looking into its original state, it has terrible stats so most this job can't function by itself. I decided to rebuild this job anew with lost magic from Lucavi demons and they can learn from story battles as blue mage. However, they still lack some interesting innate to add for their puny stats. So I decided to rebuild this job based on Arcanist job in Tactics A2 version with poweful monster abilities. In this case, I use Lucavi spells which can be learned on hit with 100% or learn through 1200 JP. I replaced broken abilities with lost magic from from Lucavi demons. Meltdown/Tornado/Quake can also be learned with 1,200 JP cost or learn on hit. Arcanist comes with both Defense Boost Arcane Defense as innate abilities but have MA Multiplier slightly lower than Black Mage. [Re-balance Bard/Dancer] Default Bard/Dancer has a lot of disappointments like very low HP/MP and crappy evasion. It's like they're trying to tell you to not use these jobs more than support units. So, in order to make these jobs actually useful as fighters, I compared stats to other jobs and try to find optimal niche it can fill in like having strongest physical attack in mage jobs and magical attack on malee jobs. I boosted HP to only around Ninja and Summoner level with small Evasion boost so they won't break the game balance of other jobs. MP is adjusted with little higher than Mystic for Bard and Samurai for Dancer. But that's not all, I changed success rate of some songs and dance too. I boost effective songs and dance a bit to 60-70% and keep broken abilites down to 35-40% so it should be fine and more useful. They also have additional equippable weapon such as Gun for Bard and Ninja Blade for Dancer. Both jobs can also equip Robe too which I think it should be within balanced area. [Re-balance Mime job] Original Mime has a bit too abyssal growth to for growing very strong after a few level ups. I reduced growth rate from monster level down to human level with increased multiplier to compensate as below. Mime's growth rate is still exceptional comparing to other jobs with big PA/MA Multiplier to compensate for lowered growth rate and no equipment. [Re-balance Sword skills] Holy Knights are known to have over powered physical move. They're non-evadable, hard hitting with status infliction and no CT at all. The worst part is Orlandeau has them all. In this Valeria mod, I adjusted Sword skills to be usable for both player and enemies without breaking game balance as below. This way player can't freely spam Hallowed Bolt, Divine Ruination, and Crush abilities freely. I also decrease attack power a little. Judgement Blade is ranged and multi-hit so no damage bonus. [Re-balance Dark Knight job] Original Dark Knight job is ridiculously strong with 140 PA Multiplier. Since it takes massive grinding on high PA Growth jobs, its physical damage output ended up being ridiculously high. So, I removed level 8 jobs requirements making Dark Knight job becoming much easier to unlock. This way it won't have high massive PA Growth to booth and I also adjust stats as below with Vehemence innate ability. Do not let 100 PA Multiplifer fool you. With Vehemence boosting 1.5x damage for both PA and MA, it's even higher than original 140. You can also stack with other support abilities to improve defense side too. [Re-balance Onion Knight job] Onion Knight is designed to be meme tier job since you need to master all other jobs for Onion Knight to have decent stats but still be subpar comparing to other jobs due to abilities restriction and can only level up is eating bacon from Pig. So, I decided to rework on Onion Knight with same growth rate for both before and after mastering all other jobs and set all stats Multiplier to 100 and boost to 120 after mastered. 100 Multiplier may sound a bit too powerful with all equipment support but he can't level up normally and has no access to abilities so it's a good trade off from my testing run. Speaking about abilities, it's a shame that he can't use anything but attack so I decided to give him some special abilities that can be learned without JP cost and use as below. Since he can't gain EXP/JP or assign any ability, I also added remaining slots with abilities from monster which can be useful but not too broken in story battle too. Oh. Onion can equip everything right but he can't make use of any weapon properly so I decided to change his innate abilities from buffing to abilities related to equipment as below. May sound a bit too powerful to have Dual Wield or Doublehand innately but it won't hit unexpectedly hard with 100 Multiplier. Maybe this job can be great to use after mastered. >=== Job leveling re-balance ===< In this Valeria mod, level requirements for basic jobs are decreased by 1 similar to PSX version. This will allow player advancing to new jobs faster building up JP points for important abilities on time. I also changed job progression path to be more friendly to no grind run and re-arrange job unlocking system to be more proper in my own understanding. [Re-arrange job progression] Why does Dragoon job requiring Thief job to be unlocked. Is it just me that Dragoon job is like Knight-varient? Why does Mystic unlock Orator not Time Mage when the job itself resembles Taoist who reads the star? And Time Mage job unlocks Summoner that talks with espers instead of Orator that can talk with Beast and specialize in Speechcraft, not to mention both jobs are superior to Orator in terms of magic. Time Mage needs massive JP to master so it should be on the same level as Summoner and makes more sense for Mystic job to advance to Time Mage that can call forth Meteor from stars. Dragoon: Knight(2) -> Monk(3) Geomancer: Archer(2) -> Thief(3) Time Mage: White Magic(2) -> Mystic(3) Summoner: Black Magic(2) -> Orator(3) Since Monk can unlock Dragoon job directly, you can also proceed to Samurai and Ninja with linear job progression path as below. Samurai: Knight(3) -> Monk(4) -> Dragoon(3) - No more Archer(3) -> Thief(4) requirements just to unlock Dragoon Ninja: Archer(3) -> Thief(4) -> Geomancer(3) - No more Knight(3) -> Monk(4) requirements just to unlock Geomancer This way, you can unlock Samurai and Ninja job naturally without putting extra effort as it should be. You can gain access to jobs around the time you get their items without excessive grinding required. I also changed Dark Knight job's requirements to killing 20 enemies with Knight and Black Mage mastered only. Reaching level 8 jobs for Dragoon, Geomancer, Samurai, and Ninja is not possible without massive grinding. The reason why Dark Knight is so powerful is due to massive grinding on high PA Growth jobs up to level 8 combined with 140 PA Multiplier. He's ridicolously strong thanks to high base PA. I also re-balanced Dark Knight too. [Jobs' requirements summary] >=== Items re-balance ===< I found some items working differently from Tactics Ogre or some being way too unbalanced crippling main jobs too much so I made some changes to make items being more useful to some jobs. Items re-balance Weapon's stats re-balance Job equipment re-balance Weapon stats re-balance Shield evasion re-balance Hat's bonus re-balance Hair Adornment's bonus re-balance Clothing's bonus re-balance Robe's bonus re-balance Accessory's bonus re-balance >=== Jobs and abilities re-balance ===< I find switching to new jobs and have unusable main abilities unacceptable so having some skills that can learn immediately will help a lot. So I'll make basic abilities for each job usable and decrease JP cost for some abilities. I won't change stats more than necessary like other mods as it might break the original game balance. Some jobs may have significant adjustments but won't go beyond original role to keep vanilla feel. My changes won't affect game mechanics too much. It's still faithful to original design, just to make sure that it doesn't go overboard. I also add JP Boost with no JP cost required so everyone can learn and equip JP Boost to level their jobs even faster. Since changes and improvements are too long to be listed in this main thread now, please download full valeria update from this link below for more details about Valeria Job System. >=== Changelog ===< 1.5.1 1.5 >=== Download ===< My patch comes in PPF format and available for both USA and EUR clean ISO. I also applied slowdown fix thanks to helpful members in FFHacktics. FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5 (PSP USA) FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5 (PSP EUR) I hope you'll enjoy this Valeria mod as much as I do and thanks FFTPatcher team so much for this awesome utility that can help us enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics again.
  7. Hi guys. I finished playing Tactics Ogre LUCT on another day without grinding and it was a blast. I enjoyed it very much with job leveling system that new units can shine without grinding required. However, I find it has a nasty bug with one craft recipe for Fist making me feel like I can hold onto this until I can find a patch to fix this mess so I went back to FFT a bit after so long. After coming back to Final Fantasy Tactics again, I found this game is a pain without grinding. There's a lot of things that I don't like about job leveling such as: -I have to stay at Knight until level 3 wasting 400JP on abilities I won't use and pick just Parry when I want to use those points on thief abilities first. -Chemist's good abilities take so much JP early making it hard to utilize efficiently early. -It takes so long to get Thief job and I can't grab good stuff without enough JP on time. -Dragoon looks like a job with strong knighthood but you need to unlock from thief job. -Samurai and Ninja needs tedious cross grinding from both Knight / Archer branch. -I often miss chance to make use of good spells while enemies are using them on me. -Spell caster jobs needs to be fragile potion bots for a few battles until they can actually do something. -JP spillover may help but it takes so long to unlock new jobs that can spill to. -Dancer and Bard are too tedious to get, let alone Dark Knight and Mime for grind freaks. And so on that I'm losing from Tactics Ogre remake for no grind run that doesn't need to be too tedious. I checked a few mods people made in forums but they're not very friendly for no grind run. So, I'm going to re-balance this game for the sake of no grind run. At first I intend to add few important abilities and reduce JP cost for some but I think I'll do more than I thought I would. Right now I'm working on FFTPatcher for a while and I think I'll add some more innate abilities to make each job being more useful like how I find Wild Arms XF was so good when this class rocks with its unique abilities and you can learn that skill to use on other classes. Chemist with Throw Items is awesome and I wish other jobs can be like that too. But Wild Arms XF can freely add a few skills unlike this game where you're stuck with only one each making some abilities seem less useful than others but it can actually be good as innate skill. Final Fantasy Tactics should be able to do the same without moving abilities around breaking the original game mechanics. I also plan to rebuild a few jobs like Arithmetician that I never use its abilities due to being too broken. Bard and Dancer being very anti-climatic for unlocked all malee/mage jobs just for fragile support unit. OK this may break some original mechanics but they aren't common jobs to be freely used to begin with so it should be OK if I tweak them a bit without affecting gameplay significantly. I think I'll add Crossbow back to Dragoon like Tactics Ogre. It seems to work fine without making Dragoon too powerful. I find only Archer can use crossbow and yeah there's equip Crossbow but only one class to use both Bow/Crossbow is kinda bad when Chemist and Orator can use Gun. I may add some other items for some jobs too I checked stats and found some very shocking truths too. Like White mage having so high physical attack. It's even higher than Squire. I imagine giving Equip Gun to White Mage performing healing and shooting like War Cleric may not sound bad but it's too OP for mage job. I guess I'll check on stats more in details to see what should I make it more right later. At first I plan to mod this for personal use but I think it might be fun for everyone to play it this way too so I'm asking for ideas to see what I might be able to do better. I'm trying to make this game easier to play and more enjoyable why not make difficulty easier as enemies should also get the same benefits too.
  8. So, a year ago I quietly began brainstorming a FFT rebalance and reimagine project. I nearly completed all skillsets, and designed an original job tree, with growths and multipliers balanced between the jobs. now I'm sharing these notes with you guys for discussion, or for your own amusement. As I've said in the past, the very first step in a FFT serious project should be figuring out the job tree, and then rebalance the multipliers and growths, then make the skillsets, and then only then move on to everything else. The first 2 steps is eactly what I did, all in paper (or rather excel sheets). I balanced the jobs and multipliers by assigning a pointing system, distributing "100 points" to each class, making them excel in some form or another, and trying to add the most diversity and combinations between melee, magic, speed, so on adn so forth. You'll be able to see some things that I think are essential but haven't seen much in other FFT projects, like extremely low multipliers in MP and speed (but not static growths), a "circular" job tree, that combines melee and magic requirements, and classes differentiating themselves in unique ways, like the lowest tier of magician, Apprentice, actually having the most MP out of all classes, and many other little things that were neat ideas in concept. For easier visualitation I also had included which stats each job would have at level 1, at level 100 if leveled in their base Job, and at level 100 if leveled in the Druid Job, which had the most balanced (read as "average") growths, to see how multipliers worked alongside growths. If I ever decide to step forward and take back this challenge, well let this be a cool precedence, and a good thread for you guys to say how bad I am at rebalancing FFT. Also, please disregard any and all non-completed skillsets. That part was harder to figure out, and hey, if you guys want to tell me I should change this for that, or even design skillsets yourselves, I don't know. I'm open for ideas. Also, last note, in range you'll see different letters. I don't remember each. W was weapon, S was self (range around the caster), SS iirc was self, and only for the caster. Use your imagination and context and everything will make sense. Have a good week y'all. Job tree (notepad file) Skillsets, Growths and multipliers (Excel file)
  9. (I know, we're on, like, 2.6 now, right?) ALRIGHT, first, let me say, this post is intended with *massive respect* to all parties, and any snark anyone picks up from me in this or in future posts is intended to be benevolent and upbeat. I feel like I just got out of a freaking time travel loop guys. You may remember me (somewhere in the farrrr back of your minds) as Hezekiah from this post originally on ID: [Link to ID post] Well I got locked out of that account, and in the midst of all the ID admin problems, THERE WAS NO ONE TO LET ME BACK IN. Like, for years, guys. Years. I was thinking about trying to bother someone on their youtube account to get in touch with someone FOR me so I could get back on. Maybe there was a better way to get in touch? Some forum somewhere that would've told me? IDK guys, I don't have time to read everything or hunt; life is busy. Too busy to be playing video games honestly... but here I am anyway. It's been forever and a day, but I'm still down to upload my save state, along with the version of FFT it correlates to (title says 1.3030). I know this is an old version with way different parameters than some may be used to currently. As you may gather, I'm also NOT a major tech guy. Coding, patching, even the best way to upload files... ionno mang. I just play the games, I don't work on them. But I'm not the noob sauce ya'll seem to think I am. I swear this fight ain't easy. All that being said, Advent, I'm calling you to reassemble the Super Friends from the first thread and get this thing going. I want to pick this up where it left off. I want to deliver on a years-old promise that probably everyone's forgotten. Maybe I'll get schooled hardcore. Maybe I'll get a sprinkle of respect. Who knows. I want to find out. I want you all to know though, whoever does get pulled back into this, that my reason for posting in the first place, was because obviously we all love this game. Maybe a little too much. It wasn't to try to measure dicks with anyone, to noob-rant, to complain that the game is too hard or sucks or whatever. I swear some stuff was glitched-out or broken in places in this version and I played through it anyway. I have mad respect for how much more LEGIT and AMAZING this game was made vs the ridiculous brokenness of vanilla. So as long as you guys can appreciate that my perspective and posting this is out of a place of like, "dang, this pizza is crazy, you gotta try a bite cuz I know how much you love pizza," and not "GUYS, I'm the shizniiiiit," then I think we can all appreciate this together. OR someone is just gonna WRECK me and then fine, it's been settled. I appreciate Archael pointing out that I had special parameters for this fight. I'm not just trying to beat it. The way I played this playthrough was EVERY fight, EVERY piece of rare gear had to be lifted, and ideally, every opponent crystalized and absorbed. So, here's the criteria I'm looking for: 1) You must steal all six of their bows, and the Rubber Costume. 2) Ideally, all enemies must be crystalized and absorbed. 3) You have to work with what's on hand. I am 100% confident I could fulfill these requirements if I had a decent stock of elixirs-- maybe a dozen? But you get what you have on hand: 3. 4) Goes without saying, but you can't lose any characters or gear. It''s been years since I've even touched this save state. I will surrender that I have grown in my knowledge of deeper game mechanics, concepts and strategies far alternative and apart from my normal "style" of play, etc. Maybe someone will just take me to school here. I recognize that possibility. But, after so much ado, I feel it's necessary to finally get this up. Finally, I did NOT name my characters Tara, Tiara, and Dick, so don't give me hell for that. They showed up like that in the first fight. I was like "Seriously guys, seriously???" But that's the 1.3 experience in a nutshell. **********As a bonus, I'll put up the hardest fight that I DID successfully complete, the Monks+Sacred Delta fight, with the ridiculous Eternal-Gollum thing that I still never really knew whether was deliberate or a bug. As stated to Advent below, the first person who completes either of these in 15 minutes with the given parameters, I will paypal $25 for lunch on me. Now, is the easiest way to do this just to hit "attach files" to this forum? In response to the original posts, since I can't respond on ID: QuadPolar: Parameters clarified above. (As for the grinding to 99, I just took it in one shot. I had no way to know 40 was as far as you had to go. Fun fact, when I was playing this? I was trapped in the desert outskirts of El Paso/Juarez Mexico, with no internet or tv or cell reception. Magical days. No access to any information, just playing blind.) Ludovician: Definitely an old version. Again, trapped in the desert. I didn't even know what patch the thing was on, I just had it on a drive. I was of the mindset not to update the patch but beat it as it was. I figured updating the patch may make things different or easier, and I just wanted to headbutt my way through it. Advent: Rude. Haha. I'll say this: if anyone can beat this with the parameters below in 15 minutes as you say? I will paypal you $25 for lunch on me. Straight up. Gonna need a video though. Bishop: gosh I wish I knew what that image was. Philsov: Thanks for being super helpful. Nefarious: If that works as well as it sounds I'm gonna owe someone lunch. Appreciate the response. Emmy: Agreed and understood. When I was playing this, and posting at this time, I didn't understand there were ongoing revisions and rebalances based on feedback. I just thought, you could hang, or you couldn't, and I wasn't going to complain about anything. I just thought that maybe it was meant to be like, "You're dumb for attacking from the front, so now we will punish your dumbness with this miserable battle from hell." Archael, if you ever happen to see this: You caught what I was saying about stealing their gear. Maybe this just somehow reaaaaally played to my weaknesses, but I beat South Wall on the first try, and came out of it with a nice Rubber Costume and a Faith Rod, which was wildly important through the rest of the game for me. -- Also, if you ARE reading this, massive appreciation and respect for this crazy machine. Remaking this is, like, way out of my pay grade. Thanks for everything, here and on ID, etc. ZaFire: I leveled everyone as a total scatter as I just went for JP and expanded job classes. I'm sure in the land of 1.3 this was a major mistake and hurt my stats.
  10. Good Day/Evening/Night everyone. The name's Ronlyn and I invite you across this lovely game called............................. Made by Emmy, this mod can claim to be called "original and fresh" in all the extend of those words: New monsters, classes, skills and items will make your experience across this twisted Ivalice a rather fun diversion. But before that, some notes: - THIS IS NOT MY FIRST TIME ON MONSTER TACTICS BY ANY STRETCH. I beat it waaaaaaaaaaay back at version 2.29 and I'm very aware of how it works (Of course, Emmy made sure that 2.49 had A LOT of shining new stuff to keep me on my toes) - I will mostly put my thoughts and analysis of each battle: Augustein it's doing wonders when it comes to LP this game, so I will focus on details like monsters performance on each chapter, enemy composition and difficulty ranking of each battle from my point of view - I hope I can do at the very least three update per week, so I apologize in advance if I can't keep this at a reasonable pace With all that said: Born at January 13th (because my birthday kinda sucks in Ivalice) Entry 1 - Orbonne Intro Rankings: 1/10 (first time playing FFT) 0.5/10 (You have played FFT, FFT 1.3 or some FFT mod) 0.1/10 (2nd Playthough) The Prelude to the strange yet possible world of Monster Tactics. We starts off with our typical party of Oersted, Agrias, Gafgarion and..................three chocobos.............against another three chocobos, a bomb and finally their boss, a baatezu. Sounds about right in my book Nothing too worrysome, just play with the new mechanics and you should be fine. The difficulty come when you actively avoid tooltip something and end up prolonging this battle (not more than ten minutes thanks god).