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Found 10 results

  1. @BTB, you asked for it, and here it is. It's been a while since I mucked around with it but I believe it's finished. @Synchysi may wish to hand edit the pointers for small battle captions (message boxes).
  2. Here's a new beta patch. All I've verified right now is that it doesn't crash immediately, so heads up. The goal of this patch is to shuffle around how resistances are calculated with attacks with multiple elements. Basically what it does is look at each element and do a rolling sum: 1) If it's absorbed, the attack is absorbed and the rest skipped. 2) If it's nulled, add 3 to the resist count. 3) If it's resisted, add 2 to the resist count. 4) If it's one they're weak against, subtract 2 from the resist count. Then, if 2 or more elements were used in the attack, the resist count is cut in half, rounded down. Then: 1) If the count is negative, take double damage. 2) If the count is 3 or greater, take no damage. 3) If the count is 1 or 2, take half damage. For some concrete examples: Fire+wind attack (Merton): Null fire, neutral wind : resist Null fire, weak wind : resist Absorb fire: absorb Resist fire resist wind: resist Resist fire neutral wind: resist Null fire resist wind: resist Code:
  3. Hello everyone. Since there's a new major release planned (1.9) and quite a few patches going into it I figured I'd make this thread to collate them all to make life easier for the devs. Here are my contributions: Seibaby's Lifehack and Blow Fish Mod Battle for Narshe Lineup Menu MP Restore Stamina Counter Stamina Cover EDIT: new link to code is below @Think0028, @darknil, I invite you to post your patches here so everything is in one place.
  4. Not Easy Being Green tells the story of Verdigris after the events of VVVVVV. A new dimension has several people trapped because they have never learned or are too afraid to flip! Will Verdigris be able to save them all? This is not complete (about 1/4 - 1/3 done) but the part that is done is fully playable.
  5. I guess I've technically had this discussion in the past, but I want to bring it up again because it is relevant. I was thinking of beginning work on my project(A FFVI mod) again. My biggest barrier here however is asking myself "Is what I have made so far going in the right direction?" I have a lot of core concepts in place, but I'm the only one that has tested anything. The majority of what needs to be finished are the enemies and encounters(I have a lot of the WoB enemies laid out AI wise, but the numbers need tweaked or it won't be playable) which is why I have been playing through everything myself first. The main problem with asking people to test is that people want a finished product before they play. This is understandable but I'm going to ask everyone anyway if they would be interested in doing some beta testing. If you aren't interested, what would make you interested? I'm confident that I can have the game fully playable up to the end of the 3 scenarios by next weekend. This isn't a lot of the game to test but it is enough to start to paint the picture of what i'm trying to do. I'm really just looking for feedback either way, so please let me know what you think
  6. For everyone's convenience, here's a single patch containing all the bug fixes and other changes slated for inclusion in the upcoming 1.8.6 release. Apply over a fresh Brave New World 1.8.5. ROM (not included). Archive contains both headered and non-headered patches. Brave New World 1.8.6 pre-beta (updated to version 2) Contributors: dn, Seibaby, Think0028, Nowea The following bug fixes are included: Fix for the Quartrstaff/Doomstick crash issue. Fix for the Y-Equip Relics patch incompatibility issue. Fix for the Dice/Fixed Dice glitch/crash issue. Correct stats for the Kagenui. Fix for the issue with X-Fight and Dual Wield damage penalties not stacking (no standalone release yet). The following balance tweaks are included for beta testing: Speed Tweak (character-only version) Initial ATB tweak Master Thief Quicksteal
  7. Hey, looks like it's patch day errday, err... today. Nowea suggested. BTB approved. I coded. Here you go: Master Thief! What this does is allow a character's Speed to raise the chance of gaining the rare Steal from a successful attempt. Formula is (Chance rare item slot will be checked) = Speed / 256. Code:
  8. Hello folks, here's a new patch that's in consideration for the upcoming version 1.8.6, that's in need of beta testing. Nakar recently brought up the issue that, at battle start, the initial ATB gauges of characters and monsters are really inconsistent. This patch changes the initialization of ATB gauges for characters and monsters to be more in line with their Speed and reduces the randomness. In effect, faster characters will more often start off their ATB gauges at full or near full, while slower characters will more consistently have a longer wait for their first turn. You may consider this the complement to Nowea's Speed Rebalance patch; while that patch buffs slower characters and nerfs faster ones, this patch does the opposite. For an example of the patch in action, have a look at this stream by Nakar. Here's the patch: Headered Unheadered And here are the details: New formula: Initital ATB fill% = ([(Speed * 2)..(Speed * 3 + 29)] + [(0..9) * 4] + G) * 256 / 65535 Where G = (10 - Number of entities in battle) Original formula for comparison: Initital ATB fill% = ([Speed..(Speed * 2 - 1)] + [(0..9) * 8] + [G * 16]) * 256 / 65535 And the code:
  9. Version 2.060


    Major features: Equipment offers various bonuses instead of a simple attack and defense progression Rebalanced classes, stats and spells, almost everything is usable now Modified formulas that keep even high level techs useful Expanded inbattle options with running, regular strong attacks and counter techs Passive MP regeneration with high cost spells: be smart with your magic Extensive boss AI changes Accelerated level curve: from class changing at the earliest mana stone to facing the final boss at the level cap Transformed the shield slot into a second accessoire slot for everyone, shields count as regular accessoires Increased inventory capacity to 20 per item type instead of 9 Tons of bugfixes ranging from agility stats not working to Kevin's wolfform stacking attack bonuses 5 difficulties to choose from, covering the spectrum from "easier than vanilla" to "Atlus would be proud"
  10. Obligatory plug of a reflect graphic patch that needs testing For an updated patch and code, click here! So after much discussion, algebra, spreadsheet work, and help/advice from many others we've made a patch that changes the ATB formulas. These are very tiny patches that simply tweak the formula used to fill ATB gauges. Current BNW formula: (1.5 * (75 * (SPD + 20)) / 16) New Formula: (1 * (75 * (SPD + 51)) / 16) (Slow changes the 75 to 60 and Haste changes the 75 to 90, those numbers are unchanged) This results in ATB gauge fill times, for both enemies and party members, being "pushed" toward a base value of 42. Characters with a speed of 42 would remain unchanged. Characters with speed below 42 should play faster than before (without actually being faster than a 42 speed character) and characters with speed above 42 should play slower than before, with higher speeds being heavily affected. This does not do any of the following: Change status timers Change the effect of haste or slow Put a cap on speed in any way Change enemy scripts or stats at all Seibaby's patch below remedies this. This last point is very important point. Enemies that use global timers risk having scripts that don't work properly anymore, as the global timers are not adjusted to account for the enemy's new attack rate. In addition, there are potential balance issues for enemies with more extreme speeds being notably stronger (in the case of low-speed enemies) or weaker (in the case of high-speed enemies). These notes (enemy balance and enemy scripts breaking) are a major reason why these patches would need to be tested before being fully implemented. While status timers are unchanged, it's worth looking and seeing if Sap, Regen, Poison, or any other status that is based on a timer is made too significantly stronger or weaker thanks to the relative changes in speed. Credit to Seibaby for actually making the patch (My contribution was algebra and testing to find a formula that doesn't make speed TOO weak) For a quick idea of how this would look. Each character was timed for how many turns they'd get compared to 31 speed Strago's 4 turns. VANILLA BNW --- Strago (31 speed) == 4 turns Terra (48 speed) == 5.33 turns Celes (71 speed) == 7 turns Shadow (126 speed) == 10.66 turns REBALANCED PATCH --- Strago (31 speed) == 4 turns Terra (48 speed) == 5 turns Celes (71 speed) == 6 turns Shadow (126 speed) == 8.4 turns